Inactive [INFO] MCDocs v14.3 ~ Documentation Plugin || MOTD, Local or Online Files, Your Commands [1.3.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Tazzernator, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Offline



    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    NEWS (open)

    Version 11.2 released (22nd October 2011)

    Version 11.2
    • Added permissions wildcard support (mcdocs.*) works for all commands.
      • Note: this only allows all commands. mcdocs.reload does not fall under this wildcard. This needs to be set separately.
    • Added some try catch around the motd: configs.
    • Fixed motd-enabled
    Version 11.1
    • Removed the spacing that occurs when you only have 1 page.
    • New variable: %time (Shows what time it is in the player's world in 12 hour format.
      • Sun rises @ 5am, Sets @ 7pm
    Version 11
    • Updated to work with PermissionsBukkit (Tested, nodes work)
    • Updated to work with Register for %balance, you will need to download the Register plugin for this to work with iConomy and various other economy plugins.
    • Optimised much of the code.
    • Updated the commands config structure, much simpler now than before. :)
    • You can now use %name, %size, %world, %group, %ip, %world, %prefix, %suffix in your file paths in the config.yml
    • Redefined the MOTD process.
      • Is now all defined within configuration
      • You can now use online files
    • Changed how logging occurs, you can toggle if you want to be informed about errors or not in the config now.
    • Group support now uses an in house permission system, where you define the groups players are in manually.
    • New permissions-enabled variable, Do you have any permissions system installed? Yes: true | No: false
    DoomLord, Camberme, efstajas and 18 others like this.
  2. Offline


    so are you saying that PEX will eventually work with MCDocs? I have a friend who recently upgraded and he is getting
    [SEVERE] Coud not pass event PLAYER_COMMAND_PREPROCESS to MCDoc
    I am not real happy with the way they have implemented the bukkit permissions. Either they should have made it in the very beginning as a foundation for other perms plugins or they should stick with what the norm is now (prefix/sufix and the * node) I am really holding off till they have a better solution and PEX looked like it may be it but this plugin is a core plugin that is used heavily so if its not compatible I guess I'll just keep using GroupManager till a more elegant solution is offered.
  3. Offline


    Well.. What I am saying is not that it will EVENTUALLY work.. I'm now confirming that it does work... TODAY. PEX is so much further ahead of what I expected it to be.. and stable and fast too.

    I'm wondering if he doesn't have it configured properly... Mine doesn't get that error.. maybe the groups aren't configured right?? So far I can't find ANY flaw or compatibility issue.. very weird, but I'll take it.

    In fact, it seems as though you can enter permissions in however you are used to doing it, and the PEX determines which permissions system is appropriate for each of my plugins WITHOUT even knowing which permissions system was implemented, or without adding extra prefix nodes to denote the need of a superperms bridge.

    I only recently converted into PermissionsBukkit for my SuperPerms solution, and was a bit let down, the last thing I wanted to do was convert my permissions AGAIN.. but I am happy I did, I can now confirm that PEX co-exists perfectly with MCDocs, as well as all of my other existing plugins.

    My initial impressions of this particular permissions app is that it lives up to is claim of being "HARD CORE" implementing the best of the best permissions implementations of both the past and present. It is correctly passing the correct group membership info and chat prefixes, was able to easily parse and interpret my YML for the legacy permissions system, and furthermore was able to fully integrate into my DBMS... apparently it has an open ended back end which can configure itself for whatever you heart desires to store your permissions data, YAML, sqllite, MySQL.... it seems to be able to interpret various existing permissions files, and YAML formats, and also

    It took an hour or so to massage some of the duplicate entries out of my permissions data to make the import go smoothly into MySQL... All of the permission management commands can be used not only in the client, but also directly on the console. No limits there.

    It's a well thought out permissions system that surpasses the best permissions plugins I have used... To say I was impressed would be an understatement.

    I really enjoy using plugins written by people who clearly know what they are doing, and write something so flexible and properly coded as PEX appears to be... If this doesn't become the defacto choice for the the big servers, I would be really surprised.

    Tight tight tight!! You can even set "Timed Permissions" by entering nodes with a time limit.. want to trial some of your VIP features.. add a timed node to expire when then weekend is over AUTOMATICALLY.. so cool.

    Nuff Said?
    Tazzernator likes this.
  4. Offline


    Hey I'm Shalobee's friend, your correct it does work perfect. It was a separate issue dealing with actual file permissions.

    Completely agree with you that PEX is a superb Permissions plugin too. I changed over from the antiquated Essentials Group Manager. This plugin does everything and more for what I need to run my Multi-World server. From block permissions to multi world support, to ingame permission modifications. Its excellent.

    Very happy to have MCDocs btw, simple and perfect plugin!
    Tazzernator likes this.
  5. Offline


    I would whole heartedly recommend these plugins as your core config..

    MCDocs, PEX, CommandBook, CommandHelper, WorldEdit and WorldGuard.. That's a GOLDEN start.
  6. Offline


    he i'm having trouble with mcdocs
    i keep getting this error on all but 2 of my commands
    Show Spoiler


    my configs for them are as the ones that work

    here is my command list
    - /motd:motd.txt
    - /rules:rules.txt
    - /news:news.txt
    - /register:register.txt
    - /pc:pc.txt
    - /pc elevators:plugins/Elevators.txt
    - /pc magiccarpet:plugins/MagicCarpet.txt
    - /pc timeshift:plugins/TimeShift.txt
    - /pc voxelsniper:plugins/VoxelSniper.txt
    - /pc wirelessredstone:plugins/WirelessRedStone.txt
    - /pc worldedit:plugins/WorldEdit.txt
    - /pc worldguard:plugins/WorldGuard.txt
    and here is my command setup
    &4#1 - /WRr Channelname: Create a receiver sign
    &4#2 - /WRt Channelname: Create a transmitter sign
    &4#3 - /WRc channelname addowner username: Add's a owner to the given channel
    &4#4 - /WRc channelname removeowner username: Removes a owner from the given channel
    &4#5 - /WRhelp pagenumber: Shows help page with commands!
    &4#6 - /WRremove channelname: Delete whole channel
    &4#7 - /WRlist - Shows list with all channels
    nvm got it working.
    but i got a idea for you
    as in the
    Pagination Header

    you have a Variable %commandname
    the idea is that you allow it so we can use that in the text config we make for the docs so we can have a header for each page and not just the ones that have more then 9 lines

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  7. Offline


    Confirmed working on latest build and with PermissionsEx


    Example PermissionsEx permissions.yml:

            - Admin
            default: true
            prefix: '&f'
            suffix: '&f'
            - mcdocs.*
            default: false
            prefix: '&c'
            suffix: '&f'
            - '*'
  8. Offline

    Filip Weiss

  9. Offline


    Is there anyway to assign a command only for groups and leave other groups untouched?

    Cause I have a custom document with a message when players try /give but I want admins to be exempt to be able to use essentials give as they need.
  10. Offline


    whenever i join the game it says this:
    15:16:21 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_JOIN to MCDocs
            at com.tazzernator.bukkit.mcdocs.MCDocsListener.groupMotd(MCDocsListener
            at com.tazzernator.bukkit.mcdocs.MCDocsListener.onPlayerJoin(MCDocsListe
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(ServerConfiguration
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:91)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    and whenever i type in a command it gives me this:
    15:16:41 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_COMMAND_PREPROCESS to MCDocs
            at java.lang.String.replace(Unknown Source)
            at com.tazzernator.bukkit.mcdocs.MCDocsListener.variableSwap(MCDocsListe
            at com.tazzernator.bukkit.mcdocs.MCDocsListener.onPlayerCommandPreproces
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    i am using permission bukkit this is what my ppermissions setup looks like
    Show Spoiler
    mcdocs./motd: true
    mcdocs./rules: true
    mcdocs./news: true
    mcdocs./helpd: true
    mcdocs./commands: true
    mcdocs./helpb: false
    mcdocs./shophelp: false
    mcdocs./homehelp: false
    mcdocs./helpm: false
    mcdocs./wehelp: false
    mcdocs./helpa: false
    mcdocs./spellist: false
    mcdocs./landhelp: false
    mcdocs./motd: true
    mcdocs./rules: true
    mcdocs./news: true
    mcdocs./helpd: false
    mcdocs./commands: true
    mcdocs./helpb: true
    mcdocs./shophelp: true
    mcdocs./homehelp: true
    mcdocs./helpm: false
    mcdocs./wehelp: false
    mcdocs./helpa: false
    mcdocs./spellist: false
    mcdocs./landhelp: true
    mcdocs./motd: true
    mcdocs./rules: true
    mcdocs./news: true
    mcdocs./helpd: false
    mcdocs./commands: true
    mcdocs./helpb: false
    mcdocs./shophelp: true
    mcdocs./homehelp: true
    mcdocs./helpm: true
    mcdocs./wehelp: true
    mcdocs./helpa: false
    mcdocs./spellist: false
    mcdocs./landhelp: true
    mcdocs./motd: true
    mcdocs./rules: true
    mcdocs./news: true
    mcdocs./helpd: false
    mcdocs./commands: true
    mcdocs./helpb: false
    mcdocs./shophelp: true
    mcdocs./homehelp: true
    mcdocs./helpm: true
    mcdocs./wehelp: true
    mcdocs./helpa: true
    mcdocs./spellist: false
    mcdocs./landhelp: true
    mcdocs./wghelp: true
    mcdocs./motd: true
    mcdocs./rules: true
    mcdocs./news: true
    mcdocs./helpd: false
    mcdocs./commands: true
    mcdocs./helpb: false
    mcdocs./shophelp: true
    mcdocs./homehelp: true
    mcdocs./helpm: false
    mcdocs./wehelp: true
    mcdocs./helpa: false
    mcdocs./helpo: true
    mcdocs./spellist: true
    mcdocs./landhelp: true
    mcdocs./wghelp: true

    and here is my mcdocs config:
    Show Spoiler
    - /motd:motd.txt
    - /rules:rules.txt
    - /news:news.txt
    - /register:register.txt
    - /about:
    - /helpd:help-default.txt
    - /helpb:help-builder.txt
    - /helpm:help-mod.txt
    - /helpa:help-admin.txt
    - /helpo:help-owner.txt
    - /shophelp:shophelp.txt
    - /landhelp:landhelp.txt
    - /spellist:spells.txt
    - /homehelp:mhome.txt
    - /wehelp:we.txt
    - /wghelp:wg.txt
    - /commands:commandlist.txt
    #This changes the pagination header that is added to MCDocs automatically when there is > 10 lines of text.
    header-format: '&c%commandname - Page %current of %count &f| &7%command <page>'
    #Format to use when using %online or %online_group.
    online-players-format: '%prefix%name'
    #The file to displayed when using %news.
    news-file: news.txt
    #How many lines to show when using %news.
    news-lines: 1
    #How long, in minutes, do you want online files to be cached locally? 0 = disable
    cache-time: 5
    #Show a MOTD at login? Yes: true | No: false
    motd-enabled: true
    #Inform the console when a player uses a command from the commands-list.
    command-log-enabled: true

    lastly here is some of my txts:
    Show Spoiler

    /money-how much money you have
    /money pay <playername> <amount>- pay a player money
    /warp warplist- go to a list of all the warps
    /warp <warpname>- teleport to the warp
    /list- list all players online
    /spawn- go to spawn
    /msg <playername> <message>- send a private message to a player
    /rules- displays the server rules
    /news- displays latest server news
    /tpa <playername>- request to tp to a player
    /tpahere <playername>- request that a player be tped to you
    /landhelp- commands for purchasing, managing, and protecting your land
    /shophelp- how to make a chest shop
    //- enable/disable superpick
    //set <item name>- change the selection to that item
    //cut- delete the selection
    //pos1- set the first position on the block ur standing on
    //pos2- set the secon position
    //wand- get the edit wand (right click=set pos2, leftclick=set pos1)
    /toggleeditwand- enable/disable wand
    /kit dtools- kit of diamond tools( can use once an hour)
    /kit tools- kit of iron tools( use once an hour)
    /kit starter- starter kit (use every 20 sec)
    /sethome- sets your home
    /home- tp to your home
    /tpaccept <playername>- accept a teleport request
    /wehelp- list of all worldedit commands
    /wghelp- list of worldguard commands
    &1BONUS(no commands)&f
    Can purchase items at shops.
    Can create a chest shop which you stock yourself. (/shophelp for more)
    Can purchase land and protect it. (/landhelp for commands)
    When you die your stuff will come back in your inventory and you don't need to go back there to your death point.
    Can fly by installing zombes flymod.
    hold a compass and click to jump to that space.
    For a list of commands if you are a:
    Guest: /helpd
    For a Builder: /helpb
    For a Moderator: /helpm
    For an Admin: /helpa
    For owner: /helpo

    plz help me i dont know what i did wrong
  11. Offline


    Best advice would be to read the past couple pages... since it was covered in depth.. Always a good idea in general before making a post..

    In short: Permissions Bukkit, and the bridge don't pass info to the MCDocs plugin, like group membership, prefixes, etc.. I just upgraded to Permissions Bukkit, and so did everyone else in the past couple pages.

    Bad News: You might need to upgrade AGAIN out of PermissionsBukkit. Good News: It seems to be worth it.
  12. Offline


    do u have a plugin that i can useto let my players on the server know what commands they can use?
  13. Offline


    So will this ever be updated to support PermissionsBukkit?
  14. Offline


    Not atm, but a good suggestion. I'll add it to the todo.

    Yes you can do this.

    in your MCDocs/config.yml, under commands-list...

    - /give:give.txt:Guest
    - /give:give.txt:Member
    This will show give.txt to guest and member only. All other groups will be shown nothing.

    Basically, permissions bukkit is unsupported. A major Permissions plugin that appears to work 100% correctly with MCDocs is PermissionsEx.

    It also seems to be one of the better permissions solutions. I'm currently running it on all 3 of my servers.

    I guess i really should, I'll attempt to support it today.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  15. Offline


    yes please do since most of us upgraded to permissions bukkit. i did it manually and it will take forever to convert it back
  16. Offline


    I do that but when I type the command I see nothing and essentials.give the real gove doesn't work as I seem not to access to essentials.give as nodes are inherited. - mcdocs./give

    I tried negating that but no luck.
  17. Offline


    then i'm unsure. Sorry.
  18. Offline


    Too soon on the reply :)

    I basically don't have access to the other give command and don't see anything once I use mcdocs and add it in as a node.

    But no worries.
  19. Offline


    let me give it a go on my own setup, see what happens.

    The functionality you're looking for doesn't sit well with MCDocs. Sorry.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  20. Offline


    Yea realised that, I can go without give and I'm the admin lol.

    I play normally its very rare I need give for any reason on my server.
  21. Offline


    whenever i log in I get this message:
    22:36:21 [INFO] [MCDocs] Warning, Group not found for CrispyDiamonds
    22:36:21 [INFO] [MCDocs] Warning, One of the following is not found: %group %pre
    fix %suffix for player CrispyDiamonds
    22:36:21 [INFO] [MCDocs] Warning, One of the following is not found: %group %pre
    fix %suffix for player CrispyDiamonds
    22:36:21 [INFO] [MCDocs] Warning, One of the following is not found: %group %pre
    fix %suffix for player CrispyDiamonds
    same as when i type in one of my commands.
    I am using permissions bukkit latest version of mcdocs.
    Here is mcdocs config:
    Show Spoiler

    #MCDocs 10 by Tazzernator / Andrew Tajsic
    #Configuration File.
    #For detailed assistance please visit: [URL=''][/URL][URL='']#Here[/URL]
     we determine which command will show which file. 
    - /motd:motd.txt
    - /rules:rules.txt
    - /news:news.txt
    - /register:register.txt
    - /about:
    - /helpd:help-default.txt
    - /helpb:help-builder.txt
    - /helpm:help-mod.txt
    - /helpa:help-admin.txt
    - /helpo:help-owner.txt
    - /shophelp:shophelp.txt
    - /landhelp:landhelp.txt
    - /spellist:spells.txt
    - /homehelp:mhome.txt
    - /wehelp:we.txt
    - /wghelp:wg.txt
    - /commands:commandlist.txt
    #This changes the pagination header that is added to MCDocs automatically when there is > 10 lines of text.
    header-format: '&4%commandname - Page %current of %count &f| &7%command <page>'
    #Format to use when using %online or %online_group.
    online-players-format: '%prefix%name'
    #The file to displayed when using %news.
    news-file: news.txt
    #How many lines to show when using %news.
    news-lines: 1
    #How long, in minutes, do you want online files to be cached locally? 0 = disable
    cache-time: 5
    #Show a MOTD at login? Yes: true | No: false
    motd-enabled: true
    #Inform the console when a player uses a command from the commands-list.
    command-log-enabled: true
  22. Offline


    Status on this? Sorry, but really looking forward to using this. :)
  23. Offline


    Fix %suffix for player Merc
    One of the following is not found: %group% %prefix%
    Is it because of PermissionsBukkit?
    Can I ignore this error?
  24. Offline


    correct. i'm still trying to find time to do this. >_>
    The PC Tech Guy likes this.
  25. Offline


    Update: SuperPerms oes not have the possibility of finding a player's group, thus i'd have to re write the entire plugin..

    If you're stubborn and wish to use SUperPermissions, i suggest using some of the alternatives written in the previous pages.

    Otherwise PermissionsEx appears to be the way to go in regards to using MCDocs.

    It saddens me that bukkit didn't put together a permissions setup quicker, as to not make this situation apparent now.

  26. Offline


    cant you just change it so it doesnt have to read the prefix suffix and group
  27. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    I'm using PEX and mchat and the username comes up with %prefixdredhorse

    Error in the log is [INFO] [MCDocs] ERROR! One of the following is not found: %group %prefix %suffix for player dredhorse

    So I wonder... is that fixed when I put a prefix into pex even if I don't use it for chat formatting?
  28. Offline


    Or "just" set it to use the prefix suffix from mchat or other chat plugins?
  29. Offline



    To support SuperPerms, the configuration would need to be completely redesigned and everyone will need to reconfigure their configurations.

    I'm happy to do it, but it's no quick fix, and it'll take some time.

    Furthermore, users are going to have to use LOTS of permission nodes for compatibility.

    such as

    - admin:adminmotd.txt
    - regular:regularmotd.txt

    then in your permissions you'd have to do

    mcdocs.admin for admins

    mcdocs.regular for regular

    using the same command for different txt files also needs to be redefined in another manner.

    all this, because for some reason, bukkit devs think that a getGroup is not needed. For whatever reason.

    sure, there is other ways to do it, but it's going to be a pain in the cunt for you guys to setup.

    tldr, don't expect this to be done this week.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  30. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    hmm... I think there are 2 options here:

    a) support one of the superperms managers for groups (or most of them, atm bpermissions, pex and bukkitperms)
    b) the setup you posted above

    negleting group support in superperms is "strange" but a group is just like a permission from their point of view. only problem is that you need to remove the mcdocs.regular permission if you don't want to let that file show up for admins too... mchat is using this for his prefixes..
  31. What about, at least, adding an option to disable this "[MCDocs] Warning, One of the following is not found: %group %prefix %suffix for player " spamming in console? It's the only thing that bugs me right now - every time someone joins or uses mcdocs command I've 8 lines of spam per connected player.

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