Inactive [INFO] MCDocs v14.3 ~ Documentation Plugin || MOTD, Local or Online Files, Your Commands [1.3.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Tazzernator, Jan 17, 2011.

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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    NEWS (open)

    Version 11.2 released (22nd October 2011)

    Version 11.2
    • Added permissions wildcard support (mcdocs.*) works for all commands.
      • Note: this only allows all commands. mcdocs.reload does not fall under this wildcard. This needs to be set separately.
    • Added some try catch around the motd: configs.
    • Fixed motd-enabled
    Version 11.1
    • Removed the spacing that occurs when you only have 1 page.
    • New variable: %time (Shows what time it is in the player's world in 12 hour format.
      • Sun rises @ 5am, Sets @ 7pm
    Version 11
    • Updated to work with PermissionsBukkit (Tested, nodes work)
    • Updated to work with Register for %balance, you will need to download the Register plugin for this to work with iConomy and various other economy plugins.
    • Optimised much of the code.
    • Updated the commands config structure, much simpler now than before. :)
    • You can now use %name, %size, %world, %group, %ip, %world, %prefix, %suffix in your file paths in the config.yml
    • Redefined the MOTD process.
      • Is now all defined within configuration
      • You can now use online files
    • Changed how logging occurs, you can toggle if you want to be informed about errors or not in the config now.
    • Group support now uses an in house permission system, where you define the groups players are in manually.
    • New permissions-enabled variable, Do you have any permissions system installed? Yes: true | No: false
    DoomLord, Camberme, efstajas and 18 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Do you mind quickly trying it under a world condition, and seeing if it works?
    Schlumpfpirat likes this.
  3. Offline


    Alright. Works now. :)
    But it's kind of odd, that this somehow only exists for the Defaultgroup..
  4. Offline


    I don't know~ GlobalPermissions seems to not sit well with a few plugins.

    I think i'll tinker with it a bit in a few days and see if there were any API changes.
  5. Offline


    Alright. I found the problem now. It has nothing to do w/ worldpermissions and stuff. It's just when people join the server, they are default, alright? But they are not in the globalUsers.yml.. they are in the world but yeah w/ no group.
    YOu actually need to ADD them to a group before they can access it.
    Uh I'll try to describe.
    I join a server that uses global permissions. I am in the world users.yml file, but like this:
    But I am not in the globalUsers.yml, so there is no node of me, only in the users.yml of the world.
    actually before MCDocs can read out what group you are you need to have a group defined. So it has to look like this for the world.
    - Default
    this is not the case using globalPermissions, because umm if you have no group defined it tries to read out of the globalUsers, where you are not mentioned.
    Basicly why it worked when I did this like 3 hours ago was because I set in the groups.yml the default group to default:true, so everybody who joined the world was default.. - which but made me unable to promote users globally.

    I hope I explained it well, hope you will fix this, since this only exists for MCDocs.

  6. Offline


    For some reason my motd is having a space in between each line.

    &bWelcome to United's server, %prefix%name! (%ip)

    &eOnline (%size): &4%online

    Your Group: %group

    Admins Online: %online_admin

    Recent News: %news

    &cNews: &e/news

    &cRules: &e/rules

    &cRegistration: &e/register

    Thats how its layed out in game but the txt file is normal. like:
    &bWelcome to my server, %prefix%name! (%ip)
    &eOnline (%size): &4%online
    Your Group: %group
    Admins Online: %online_admin
    Recent News: %news
    &cNews: &e/news
    &cRules: &e/rules
    &cRegistration: &e/register
  7. Offline


    using notepad++?
  8. Offline


    Im on a hosted server and it has a built in editor. But it still looks like the text file in the editor. Its just in the game it puts a gap in between each line.
  9. Offline


    My first guess is that your editor is causing the issue.

    Try another editor.
  10. Offline


    Don't you have FTP?
  11. Offline


    Alright. Yeah i do, but some files were stuffing up using filezilla.
  12. Offline


    Never heard of that? How could file stuff up when they're just getting uploaded.
    How ever in the options you can set the defaulteditor to Notepad++. In addition I'd recommence NEVER using a inbrowser editor. First of all only people w/ no clue use it + it breaks formats really often.
  13. Offline


    Its all good. It was the editor. Thanks guys.

    Yeah i originally used filezilla for my uploading. But the owner said use the in browser editor. But i might keep using filezilla.
    Cheers again.
    Tazzernator likes this.
  14. Offline





    Make your edits, save, go back to filezilla

  15. Offline


    I wondered how i made filezilla do that. Thanks again.

    Could you please give me a copy of the file type associations?
    Tazzernator likes this.
  16. Offline


    Errrrrgh, it's now 8am, and i'm without sleep. Such is a coder's dream :p

    I present MCDocs pre10beta. This is not a full release, but a trial until I have some more time to fully test and also draw some feedback from you guys...

    • Fixed the log if command error when multiple files where shown for the same command.
    • Fixed a potential error with %include
    • Added http:// file support
    • Added a way to cache said web files, and a variable on how long you'd like to cache them.

    %include_ should work, not tested

    To give it a go, you can download the pre10beta from my MCDocs directory...

    Please leave all feedback!!


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    • Added online file support. You can now link to files online (
    • Added a cache for online files. The length of time files are cached can be modified in the config.
    • You can now also %include_
    • Fixed the command logging displaying multiple times by accident in some scenarios.
    • Fixed a potential error with %include
    • Fixed another potential error with %include

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  17. Offline


    Whats the /register for?
  18. Offline


    it's an example. It's nothing. Do what you please with it.
  19. Offline


    Am I doing something wrong here? [​IMG]
  20. Offline


    Uhhh yeah an Update, nice. Runs very well with #953!

    Whats about my announcement request? ;-)
    And healthbar support for the online-players-format (iChat and Herochat) would be awsome.
    My GM prefix: prefix: '&f[{healthbar}&f]&e'

    %world doesn't work with online-players-format
    %online_group in a txt shows nothing, %group works perfect.
  21. Offline


    Your image isn't loading...

    There are multiple announcement plugins.

    healthbar is very low priority
  22. Offline


    But I don't like them and they are not high customizable and super easy to handle like mcd.

    Edit (bug?) in my post above.

    %world works in the txt files, but not with online-players-format.
  23. Offline


    %online_group is meant to be %online_Admin

    or %online_VIP

    You rename the "group" part to a group name.

    %world is not for use in online player format. player format has %prefix %name and %suffix.

    The wiki has very detailed information for configuration and use.
  24. Offline


    Thanks for the infos.
    %group works too in in online player format.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    Config.yml :
    Tazzernator likes this.
  29. Offline


    Replace with what is attached.

    I'm assuming it is your editor. Use notepad++ if you're on windows.

    Attached Files:

    WillMPage likes this.
  30. Offline


    Thank You! Im on a Mac so Notepad++ is not available to me.. Could you tell me what I was doing wrong and thank you very much for the great assistance.
  31. Offline


    the editor you're using is leaving a massive trail of meta information.

    what file editor were you using? just text edit?

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