Inactive [INFO/CHAT] AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23 - Send ads/announcements/messages [1.2.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by sharkale, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Dev Bukkit:

    Info below is outdated. Go to Bukkit DEV

    AutoAnnouncer - Global announcements every few minutes

    Latest Version: v1.6-03.03
    Tested with CB: 1.1-R4

    • /announcer help|? - Show help
    • /announcer on|off - Start/stop AutoAnnouncer
    • /announcer restart - Restart the AutoAnnouncer scheduler
    • /announcer interval <minutes> - Set interval time between announcements
    • /announcer random <on|off> - Set random or use consecutive announcements
    Default Settings.yml

    Supports Colors:

    Multiline feature:

    Permissions Node:
    If permission not found or not used only OP can use the commands.
    For all command:

    • Interval time adjustable.
    • Random/Consecutive setting.
    • Colors support.
    • On/Off AutoAnnouncer.
    • Commands in-game
    • Permissions support (Optional)
    • Permissions groups support.
    • Editable Tag.
    • YAML settings.
    Version: 1.3-06.25
    Goto bukkit dev for latest version

    Source Code:



    Version 1.3-06.25
    • Add editable Tag.
    • Add Permissions groups support.
    Version 1.2-05.01
    • Minor tweaks for MC 1.5.
    • Add multiline feature with &NEW_LINE;.
    Version 1.1-04.10
    • Finish reload, interval and random/consecutive commands.
    • Delete debug message.
    • Show message for commands in-game.
    • Minor bug fixes.
    Version 1.0-04.08
    • First release
    • Implement reload, interval and random command.
    • Ability to add, remove announcement ingame.
    • Ability to send announcement to specific grups.
    • Multiline in announcement.
    Do you have problems?:
  2. Offline


    HELP! in the yml file on notepad++ it keeps tryping red. how do i properly add a new line of text?
  3. Offline

    Cameron Auber

    I would like to suggest an idea...
    Would it be possible to ad a feature that counts the number of times a message is displayed and once those messages are displayed 'x' times they stop displaying? (So you could use the plugin as an ad system that works off pay per impression)

    Also maybe store the number of impressions in an external .txt file?

    Please let me know if this is possible.
  4. Offline


    Nice Plugin, if you do the yml right ;)
    Works great on 860!

    And for all baby-cry persons, look at your yml and search your fail.
    Mostly, the problem is between seat and computer. ;)

    Romba Romba, Peace out
    sharkale likes this.
  5. Offline


    @vinvin108 yaml not allow tabs. if you find tabs replace them with 4 spaces.

    @Cameron Auber is possible. but not for now.
  6. Offline

    Cameron Auber

    Alright :D
  7. Offline


    Thx for this plugin, work perfect on my server.
  8. Offline


    Is this working with ä,ü, and ö? :)
    Oh, and please update it. :(
  9. Offline


    yes support unicode charecter. see the last comment in previus page.
    no need to update for now.
  10. Offline


    perhaps have a command that you can type to pick a random one? that would make it easier to test what you're writing. right now i need to wait a minute after every change i make :)
  11. Offline


    Okay, nice. With update I meant changing the version tag to 860, should have said that more clearly. ;)
    sharkale likes this.
  12. Offline


    How can i add that only Default group see this ?
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    Okay no problem, make that we can add only to certain group and i will probably donate, because that plugin would be very useful.
  15. Settings:
    Interval: 3 Random: true
    Permission: true
    - "&DARK_RED;Inform me if you want any new plugins."
    - "&DARK_BLUE;Epic server for epic people!Never break the rules please."
    - "&GRAY;Server created by poyryan. Special thanks to DragonPalm."
    - "&WHITE;This server is under construction.&NEW_LINE;Please wait patiently for it to be done."
    - "&DARK_BLUE;Go to the info board for news
    When i enter the game and type/announcer on, i get scheduling failed! There are no announcement to do. The text above is my yml. Please help anybody.:(
  16. Offline


    @EdgarsErnsteins working on it. I worked in another plugin, this is because i dont make that.

    @needhelponautoannouncer put the yaml in CODE tag. the announcer autostart when server start. you get any error?
  17. nice plugin that helped us a lot when suddenly bunches of users startet to flood the server. tnx!

    reload doesn't seem to work atm though.
    and I'm desperately waiting for the group feature :)
  18. Offline


    group feature released.
  19. @sharkale put the yaml in CODE tag. the announcer autostart when server start. you get any error?[/quote]
    What do you mean by put the yaml in CODE tag? I tried diffrent ways and still dosent work for me. Can you correct the errors on the text that I have posted and send it back to me? Does numbers works for this? Do you start with ' or " when you start a message?
  20. Offline


    @needhelponautoannouncer here put the yaml in [CO-DE] YAML HERE [/CODE] witout this i cant help you. and if you see the final of the thread there are a yaml parser to verify the syntax...
  21. Offline


    Running with build 928 and the tag feature colors the entire announcement, as well as the tag itself; of course. I tried leaving the tag empty ' ', and it still colors the entire announcement 'gold'. Solution please?

    Edit: I cannot change tag either.
  22. Same problem with the tag.

    And groups don't seem to work for me with Permission3 yet.

        # Scheduler Interval in minutes
        Interval: 1
        # true: random | false: consecutive
        Random: false
        # true: permissions security | false: only OP's
        Permission: true
        # Tag for Announcement. May be empty: ''
        Tag: ''
        # true: certain groups in permissions | false: to all
        ToGroups: true
        # Groups to send announcement. Only if ToGroups is true.
            - 'Guest'
        # Strings to announce
        - '&RED;++ Um Baurechte zu erlangen lest bitte Regeln und Tutorial auf der homepage
    EDIT: Sorry ---
    Groups ARE working. Permission's inheritance system tricked me. If you send the messages to a group "Guest" that will be inherited by "higher ranked" user groups (like "Builder", and then "VIP" or whatever) they will see the messages too.
    With the group inheritance sorted, this plugin does exactly what I needed so badly. The tag "fix" also works. Thank you very much.
    (ofc extended group support would be used by us if provided)
  23. Offline

    Boon Pek

    Tags unchangeable.
  24. Offline


    @Selryam @kaane @Boon Pek sorry hahaha i write wrong the settings. To fix put the Tag: '' property into Announcer node. Not into Settings node.
    Boon Pek likes this.
  25. Offline


    Thank you. Just for clear clarification for others you put
    [# Tag for Announcement. May be empty: ''
    Tag: ''] under "Announcer."
    # AutoAnnouncer Settings by Sharkiller #
    # To support unicode characters save the file in UTF-8 format #
        # Scheduler Interval in minutes
        Interval: 1
        # true: random | false: consecutive
        Random: false
        # true: permissions security | false: only OP's
        Permission: true
        # Tag for Announcement. May be empty: ''
        Tag: ''
        # true: certain groups in permissions | false: to all
        ToGroups: false
        # Groups to send announcement. Only if ToGroups is true.
            - 'Default'
        # Strings to announce
        # If you have problems check your syntax here:
    sharkale likes this.
  26. Offline


    for some reasons, the ';' doesn't work for me, so I can't have colors. Is there any way I can avoid using ';'?
  27. Offline


    Your plugin is now causing my server to lag badly.
    I installed it. Reloaded and after 5 Minutes a message apeared that
    I reloaded it. Whats going one here?
  28. Offline


    isnt my plugin, is a simple schedule.
  29. Offline


    Hey thanks, works very good with #935.

    Important for me:
    - Ability to send announcement to specific groups.
    - Interval per announcement
    - Ability to send the online-users-list instead an announcement.
  30. Offline


    Good i see it now... it was something else.
    How ever. When I do /announcer interval 1 and than reload/restart
    it takes the thing back to 10 mins.
    Is that a bug?
  31. Offline


    @deadc4t yes, i change my own api for the minecraft api to read/write properties and now need a load after write. fixed in next version.

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