Plugin category: Fun Suggested name: InfiniteUtility What I want: I want a plugin that enables me to create infinite utilities (anvils, cakes, cauldrons, jukeboxes, and furnaces). the effect of this would be that an infinite anvil would never wear out, an infinite cake once eaten would re-appear as a full cake, infinite cauldrons once emptied would refill, infinite jukeboxes would never stop playing, and infinite furnaces would never stop burning. In order to create an infinite utility a player would look at the already placed block and type the command /iu toggle. And to make an infinite utility finite again simply look at the block and type /iu toggle. Ideas for commands: /iu toggle (activates/deactivates the block you are looking at) Ideas for permissions: infiniteutility.toggle When I'd like it by: Whenever (the sooner the better)
Hi Vortextez, I'm currently creating a new plugin. My plugin it's mainly for my minecraft servers, but I prefere let him Open Source. If you want, you can suggest your request to the github of my plugin : Your request interesting me, if you create an issue to my github, I will create this command into my plugin. You can also read all wiki of my plugin to see all new adds : Friendly beaucoralk
Realy thanks Vortextez, you are the only person who is not rude to me, about my replay that I made for your request... Its awaiting approvoal but I did it EDIT - I put in anvils, cauldrons, furnaces and cakes (I couldn't figure out how to do music :/) just type /inftoggle to toggle whether a block is infinite and /infview to see whether it is infinite
Thank you so much Ryxuma! I'll let you know if there's any bugs. Are there any permissions? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.