Inactive [INACTIVE][WGEN] SphereWorld v0.5 - Creates a World of Spheres [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Thomas Bucher, May 25, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    SphereWorld - Creates a World of Spheres:
    Version: v0.5

    You need another Challenge on your Server..
    SphereWorld makes it. You will start planting Trees, just to get the Material needed to reach the next Spheres ;-)

    NOTE: Ice spread around on the Floor still makes the Map nearly unplayable in 1.6..

    • Creates a unique World of Spheres
    • Can be run as default or any world of a Multiworldserver
    • Pot Worlds
    • Seeds for World and for Spheres
    • Random Type (Pot / Sphere)
    • GlowStoneRings
    • OtherWorld
    • Protection for the Glass. PotProtection < 65 / SphereProtection = all (Op can still destroy the Glass)
    • Added Protection to Floor
    • Change Initial Generation
    • Water / No-Water on Floor (icebug)
    • No Spawn on Floor
    • Added some Grass / Longgrass to Otherworld
    • ....
    pictures (open)






    NOTE!!! Make a Backup of your Stuff.. I am not Responsible if you "*** ** ****" it up.


    Download The Plugin 0.5 MC 1.7.2
    Thanks to oliverw92

    Download The Plugin v0.4f MC 1.6

    Download The Plugin v0.2 MC 1.5
    Source Code is in the jar file.
    or at GitHub

    Download the Jar into your plugins Directory,
    Adjust config if you want or just restart the Server

    Config (open)

    The Config-File:
    usefloor: true
    worldsize: 2000
    mindist: 80
    useglass: false
    maxradius: 40
    spherechance: 100
    minradius: 8
    killonfloor: true
    maxheight: 80
    world: sphere
    minheight: 40
    usehalfglass: false
    userandomglass: true
    worldseed: 123456
    sphereseed: 123456
    otherworld: false
    useglow: false
    glassblock: 20
    potprotect: true
    sphereprotect: true
    floorprotect: true
    nofloorspawn: true
    nowater: true
    autosavechunklist: true
    autosaveinterval: 30
    Explain of the Config:
    usefloor -> Creates a Floor of a Bedrock and a Watertile if set to true
    NOTE: usefloor: false will give you some Error: Floor is missing, with most Teleport plugins etc.
    NOTE: only set it to false, if you use this as the only World on your Server!!
    worldsize -> set the Size, the Spheres will Spawn on each Side of the 0,0 Point.
    NOTE: A worldsize of 2000 Gives you around 1500 Spheres.
    mindist -> Minimum distance between to Sphere-Centerpoints.
    NOTE: Make sure, they to not intercept each other mindist should by > maxradius * 2
    useglass -> Will the Spheres be surrounded by Glass?
    NOTE: True is a good joice here, else there will be lot of water and lava floating..
    maxradius -> Maximum Radius of a Sphere.
    NOTE: should be < minheight + 2 and < 128-maxheight
    minradius -> Minimum Radius of a Sphere.
    minheight -> Minimum Height of a Spherecenter
    NOTE: should be >= maxradius + 2
    maxheight -> Maximum height of Spherecenter
    NOTE: should be < 128-maxheight
    world -> The Name the Spherewold will have. (The plugin creates a World with that name)
    NOTE: Initial the World should not exist. It should not be entered.
    killonfloor -> Kill players that are on the waterlevel (out of Universe)
    usehalfglass -> Only use Glass up to see level. No Glass on Uppersides
    NOTE: set useglass to false, for this to work, if you want half glass Spheres.
    userandomglass ->Random use Full Spheres or Pots
    NOTE: set useglass and usehalfglass to false, for this to work, if you want random glass Spheres.
    worldseed -> seed of the world (only numbers)
    sphereseed -> seed of the spheres (only numbers)
    otherworld -> Generates another World.. Very Strange (Nothing todo with Spheres)
    NOTE: all the Glass and Distance Things have no influence on otherworld
    useglow -> If set to true, the Spheres get some GlowBlock Rings.
    glassblock -> set the Type of Glass you wanna use.
    NOTE: Makes only sence, if you use it with usehalfglass.
    potprotect -> Protects all Glass from Sphere below Block 65 (Seelevel)
    sphereprotect -> Protects all Glass from the Spheres. (Op can Destroy only)
    floorprotect -> Protect the Floor from being Build on..
    nowater -> Genereate no Water on the Bedrock (reduce Ice problem)
    nofloorspawn -> Dont Spawn monsters at Bedrock Level
    autosavechunklist -> Enable this to Autosave the chunklist
    NOTE: if the Server does not shut down correctly, unsaved chunks will be regenerated
    autosaveinterval -> Minutes between autosaves

    Try the Defaults first, as they should work out of the Box.

    To Start over:
    1.) Stop the Server
    2.) Delete the Worldfolder "sphere"
    3.) Delete Files plugin/SphereWorld/*.data
    4.) Start the Server again.
    5.) After Startup is Finished, you can port to the World. example: /world sphere

    • /cr
      Regenerates the Chunk you are staying on (OP only)
    • /sphere
      Gives you information about the Sphere you are in (Everyone)

    • Add Bridges between Spheres.
    • Add / Remove Floor on the fly (force reload of all loaded Chunks)
    • Configurable Blocks for level 1 and 2
    • Add Underwater Version of the Spheres.. (We may need some more Light with this ;-P
    • Prevent Creeper from destroy protected Glass
    Version 0.5
    • 1.7.2 Compatible (thanks to Oliverw92 for his Effort)
    Version 0.4f
    • Prevent Glassbreaks from Explosions.
    changelog (open)

    Version 0.4e
    • Added Longgrass/Grass to Otherworld.
    Version 0.4d
    • Added AutoSave To chunklists.
    Version 0.4c
    • Fixed an Otherworld reload Bug
    • Added No Water on Floor (reduce Ice Bug)
    • Added no Spawn option for Floor (No Monsters on Bedrock)
    Version 0.4a
    • Added Long Grass
    • Added Dead Bushes
    • Fixed Interaction with other Worlds Floor.
    Version 0.3d
    • Bugfixes
    • Better Floorprotection (reset on Chunkloads of Floor)
    Version 0.3c
    • Added new Inital generation Process (less smud)
    • Added Floorprotection against Builds
    • Added noice Option for the Floor (made a lot of Lag)
    Version 0.3b
    • Fixed a Bug with Spherechance was nearly 0 again.. ;-)
    Version 0.3a
    • Added Protection to the Spherehull
    Version 0.3
    • Added 1.6 Support
    • Added Another World (OtherWorld)
    • Added Glasstype to Config
    • Added Glowing Rings
    • Added Some Fixies
    Version 0.2a

    • Fixed a Bug where the Spherechance was nearly 0.
    Version 0.2

    • Added World / Sphere seed
    • Added Random Sphere / Pot option
    • Fixed some Glitches
    Version 0.1c

    • Added usehalfglass. Now you can have "open" Spheres. See last Screenshot above.
    Version 0.1b

    • Fixed noglass parameter
    Version 0.1a

    • Added Commands
    Version 0.1

    • Releasing my awesome plugin

    You can try it at: ( Magiccarpet is installed .. /mc ) <- SphereWorld <- OtherWorld

    walq, Xaostica, efstajas and 7 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Got a request. What if you are making different spawns for each person? Only for example, Honeydew can build on that sphere he stands on because he owns it. Except OP/Admins ofcourse.(Sorry for bad english)
  3. Offline


    Yes, for bukkit and it is not even the same. Entirely different code I suspect :/
  4. Offline


    Risugami makes single player mods does he not? It's, to my knowledge, impossible, to convert Single player mods to the bukkit API efficiently.

    Just because someone else made something comparable, doesn't make it the same. Have some respect for the coders.
  5. Offline


    Is this plugin compatible with RB1000?
  6. Offline


    i am looking into this one as a possibility to add some entertainment to my server. after initial "sphere gen" does the spheres take extra system resources? ( i know it would for players exploring...) and are they configurable in size? you said in your todo list you were planning to add bridges between spheres... could you make that an option in the config? for what i want to do, that would really throw my plan out of whack... also, is there a way to remove the "main world" or "under world" so it is just the spheres?
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Hello, signed up JUST to comment on this thread.

    I wanted to suggest a feature for us apocalypse lovers --
    It would be great to somehow have a sea of sand generated between the domes, I'm currently manually editing a world to have that!
  9. Offline


    Anybody ran this with Bukkit # 1000 ?

    We had it running great before but have taken it down to prevent any loss or corruption of the world.
  10. runs fine for me on #1000
  11. Offline


    i would like to second this idea. even a separate jar which just does 'other' world with no config options. i love both generators equally and it breaks my heart to have to choose one over the other :)

    would this allow us to generate a sphere and other world at the same time using bukkit.yml settings similar to the following?

            generator: sphereworld:sphere
            generator: sphereworld:other
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  12. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    This is in Scope, but atm i am short on free time. I need to rewrite all my plugins for the new bukkit apis..

    This will take some time..

    Sincerely Thomas
    undeadmach1ne likes this.
  13. Offline


    i can wait as long as it takes :) thanks for the update.
  14. Offline


    i just want to make sure.. if i run this it wont deleat my world. i want this to generate a new world for muli world. I have Dimension door that i will load this with.
  15. Offline


    How do I make this my default and only world? Right now if I make the created "sphere" folder my server map folder, if I enter, it's just another minecraft world, no spheres.
  16. Offline


    i downloaded the plugin and it works fine, no problems but i cant break anything inside and i dont know how to create new worlds
    Can u tell me how, im pretty new at this
  17. Offline


    Broken on 1060 >.<
  18. Offline


    Maybe a little more explanation about your problem would be helpful. I'm running 1060 and a previously generated Sphere World runs just fine.
  19. Offline


    My apologies. I forgot to post the rest of that message >.<

    I received an error upon trying to load the plugin (I can't backtrack my log that far). Previously generated sphereworlds work fine. The plugin itself is just on the fritz.
  20. Offline


    Not sure if you still care, but it runs for for me on 1060 :/. Just installed it.
  21. Offline


    Is it avaiable to make sphere without dirt, grass etc. in it? I mean that you just have spheres with glass and glowstone around and nothing in the spheres?
  22. Offline


    Why it doesn`t do bridge on my server? In sphereworld.yml i have written "dobridge: true"

    Sorry dor my bad english, but i still learning...
  23. Thomas, Im wondering if theres a proper way to run a sphere world without a floor like the skylands or in connection with the Inception plugin? I get the error msg from Multiverse and cant set up a portal to a sphere world!

    PS: And plz update the CB version number - its working great on CB1060! thx!
  24. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    I am very sorry.
    I am to sick / have a "burnout".
    I will not be able to update my plugins for the next few weeks / months.

    So i decided to let them set Inactive.

    Anyone is free to get in charge of one of this plugins.

    the Source is as always in the Jar File.

    Sincerely Thomas
  25. Offline


    Ah, sad to hear that, good luck getting better.

    Are anybody considering reviving this plugin for 1.8.1? It crashes when it starts raining in the SphereWorld
  26. Offline


    update it to 1.8.1 plz?
  27. Offline


    Please update for b1185. This plugin crashes the server when it starts raining now, and there is no other Biosphere plugin. I had to remove the plugin, but if people start travelling beyond the generated area the server will generate normal chunks. Will SphereWorld regenerate those chunks when/if you update it?
  28. I'm not really sure what to say about this. I don't really use my Sphere world just yet, it's enabled and running but no one else has access to that world yet. Looking to actually see the error message for myself, I teleported myself to my sphereworld when no one was on the server and hung out there. Eventually it started to rain. I put myself into creative mode to fly up and make sure that it was indeed raining, and it was. I'm on bukkit build 1189. Am I missing something? Is there something you have to do while it's raining for the server to crash? Does it not always do it?
  29. Offline


    Maybe it works again in b1189, but it definitely crashes in b1185. I'm not sure if it happens as soon as it starts raining, because I wasn't online at the time, I only noticed I couldn't login to the server and neither could anyone else and checking the logs, it was caused by SphereWorld when it rained. Other people have mentioned the same error I got. After a restart it would crash again as soon as someone who was in the biosphere world logged in, since it was still raining.
  30. What was the full server traceback/log?
  31. Offline



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