Inactive [INACTIVE][WGEN] BananaImageToMap v3.1 - now with proper ores! [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by codename_B, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    turn any image into a world!

    Version 3.1
    Download Here

    Configuration options:
    • image to use
    This plugin allows you to turn any image into a world - this means it can be generated with, for example, BananaMapRender, and do stuff like this!

    That's right, heightmaps translated to maps in-game, for zero effort, just configure the worldname and the image and you're away!

    You need to configure your bukkit.yml correctly and start with a fresh world before using this or it will not work.
                 generator: BananaImageToMap
    • CavePopulator
    • DesertPopulator
    • DungeonPopulator
    • FlowerPopulator
    • LakePopulator
    • Mushroom Populator
    • QuarryPopulator
    • Ruins Populator - thanks @Nightgunner5
    • Snow Populator
    • SpookyRoomPopulator
    • TorchPopulator - thanks @Nightgunner5
    • Tree Populator - thanks @heldplayer and @SpaceManiac
    • Ores! - thanks @Notch
    Fun extras:
    • Will generate a heightmap image if you don't specify any!


    • v1 - released awesome plugins
    • v2 - added block populator for ores, thanks @Pandarr also added awesome cavegen, thanks me!
    • v3 - added fixed populators and cleaned up code, thanks @SpaceManiac (no extra configuration options this time - sorry) :p
    • v3.1 - re-added caves (minus the memory leak) - added proper ore population :D
    glen3b, hammale, TAT and 9 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Oh yay :)
    I look forward to pictures, thanks. You could also use BananaMapRender which is easier to play with than dynmap.
  3. Offline


    Something odd is happening lol, my world appears to have become Tiled, as in its generationg the map, but instead of adding water to it its just hilly land which repeats edge to edge.
    This is the heightmap im using (rotated so it makes sense to me when im looking at it vs the map)
    This is the map.
    And some screenshots of the edges where the tieling is happening.
    2011-06-30_22.50.33.jpg 2011-06-30_22.51.40.jpg
    No idea whats happened to the water, on v2 it had some :s

    EDIT: On CB950 now and no log errors.
  4. Offline


    Thanks for the report - I've noticed the lack of water too - obviously something got changed in the code - not 100% on what.

    Will be looking into it - on the plus side, it's tiling! Stand by for an updated version link

    New version to test - deeper water and higher peaks as well as faster performance and some hidden easter eggs ;)

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  5. Offline


    Woohoo, i found some water this time. There was a tiny pool near the centre of the map. On refelection ive realised that the heightmap im using actually has the water coloured a grey, rather then black, so your plugin's doing exactly what its ment to do based off the shades.
    The tiling is still happening however, and its very odd the way it appears to be doing it. The whole image isnt getting copied edge to edge like i thought, it only appears to be a portion, and not from the edge but cut from the center somewhere.
    Its about a quater of the main map thick and jsut repeats.
    (didnt find any bunny choc :()
  6. Offline


    I have an idea why its doing that, let me just push out an update...

    Try now; same link.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  7. Offline


    Still the same issue im afraid. I have noticed that the repeats arent exact tho, bit hard to explain with words so i thought i'd get my digital crayons out.
    The top off the hill at pos1 is moved 16blocks further at point 2. What struck me as importain about this was that i know minecraft generates chunks that are 16x16. So it appears to be one chunk out.
    Ill go further exploring to comfirm if tis the same in every direction.

    It appears that the repeats being onyl one chunk out isnt happening all the time. Continuing north i found that every repeat was the same after the one 16block shift (every wave from 2nd on was exactly the same) Going west and sount appear to jsut be repeats. The tiling itself isnt sucha bad thing, could make for some very intresting maps using a small texture jpg :) Its jsut the fact that their being cut off and repeated from part way through, resulting in very tall cliff faces jutting out from the grass.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  8. Offline


    Hey, download this :)

    I tested it myself - tiling is working :D (please tell me it works for you too)
  9. Offline


    I'm afriad im still getting the same thing, the tiling is still starting in the wrong place cutting the map up :(
    2011-07-01_01.44.35.jpg 2011-07-01_01.42.11.jpg
    Is there something else that could be doing it my end? Im running Bukkit 950, and the onyl plugins i have are BananaImageToMap (obviously) Dynmap and Flight. I'm getting no errors in the server log (have noticed BITM still says its version 1.0 tho) I delete the map each time so its regenerated on startup so i think im covering everything but maybe theres something you can think off im missing.
  10. Offline


    I'm not concerned with exactly WHERE the tiling starts atm - is it tiling more than the one chunk now?
  11. Offline


    Its always been tiling more then one chunk. It goes on foever as far as i can see.
    Theres also random glowstone being dotted about now. Makes a forest look very nice at night :D
  12. Offline


    Yep, the glowstone IS intentional ;)

    In the next one I release, there will be occasional glowstone pillars in the caves underground, to make them a little bit friendlier :p

    Also working on lava pools
  13. Offline


    Sounds good :) Testing it out with a diffrent height map atm, a 1/5 scale map of earth. Its taking a while to get to a point you can reconise a land mass.
  14. Offline


    The thing you have to remember is, not all heightmaps are calibrated for use with this plugin - while they will generate nice looking results, they may not be immediately recognisable.

    Get yourself a copy of PhotoShop :D
  15. Offline


    Well ive sailed around part of Africa and its looking good so far. Noticed that the glowstone is appearing on water too which is a little odd looking, but i guess it just there for testing atm.
    I know realise jsut how big minecraft actualy is, 1000blocks as a damn long way on foot :)
  16. Offline


    xD it is isn't it?
    I just used photoshop and created a gradiented sphere, that makes a pretty fun world, repeating giant hills :O

    Currently: adding a wooden platform at spawn, just for fun :D

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  17. Offline

    Hudson Diesing

    What is the biggest a world could be generated with this?...say 20kx20k?
  18. Offline


    There is no maximum size - the new update I'm working on atm tiles things, so infinite worlds.
  19. Offline

    Hudson Diesing

    I'm working on a RPG world for the server I run. Tiling would be nice I guess, but it'd be best if it was just really huge. (like 20kx20k) or more. Since I don't want repeated scenery.
  20. Offline


    The only limit is your servers RAM, but 20k by 20k isn't unreasonable on a server with a decent amount of ram.
  21. Offline


    Is the glowstone configurable? I like the idea of having it appear underground, or maybe in forests but on the water its very odd, and eaisly colidable :(
  22. Offline


    If you download the latest version (same link) the glowstone should only be underground.
  23. Offline

    Hudson Diesing

    Do you think 7GB JVM RAM would be enough?
  24. Offline


    Oh yes, I'm running this with 1000x1000 image on my 200mb testing server.

    Also - new stuff for the update...
    underground lava lake
    surface lava pool
    [​IMG]the image from wikipedia that my lava pools are based off
  25. Offline


    Those pits are very intresting. they cretainly break up the world a bit, they also seem spawn underwater however resulting in discs of obsidian just below the surface. Which in itself is pretty cool i must say but not intended i feel. Also found some pillars of glowstone on the surface jsut under tall trees.
    Found my way to back the uk this time too, now i need to look at why the mediterranean is grass rather then water lol.
  26. Offline


    :) hey - we'll call it a feature.

    The glowstone pillars below the trees IS intentional, just fyi :)

    @STHedgeHog learn to love the lava pit ;)

    They're not too often anyway, have you explored the epic caves this generates yet? :D

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  27. Offline


    I havent looked underground at all yet, been too busy trying to get the height map of earth to work properly. But ive deciuded to semi give up on that and make a random map from just gradient fills. Being smaller i can see if the tiling is all good too :)
  28. Offline


    Aha XD

    Well if you have any requests (at all) for anything you want added, just design it in-game and post me a screenshot - chances are if it's reasonable and I like it, I'll add it :D

    New version out! - this one creates an image if you don't have one.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  29. Offline


    Nice, tested the old one on the the new RB of craftbukkit 953, and it all worked. Only issue i had was this:
    2011-07-01 20:44:25 [INFO] Disconnecting STHedgeHog [/]: Internal server error
    2011-07-01 20:44:25 [WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 262144
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 262144
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.generator.CustomChunkGenerator.getOrCreateChunk(
        at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(
        at net.minecraft.server.PlayerInstance.<init>(
        at net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager.addPlayer(
        at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet1Login.a(SourceFile:43)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:91)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    But it was when i used a colour image rather then greyscale, converting it fixed the issue.
    Ill test out the new build now.
    Oh and i like the spawn platform, its was just one block to high for me so i got hurt stepping off it :)
  30. Offline



    I got that array out of bounds exception too, I wrote a quick fix, it's just when my image tiling goes slightly off-note. It should be fixed in the newest version.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  31. Offline


    Is that image from dynmpa or your BananaMapRender? I did give BMR a quick go but couldnt see a 2.5D setting (didnt look very far i must admit)

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