[INACTIVE][WEB/ADMN] milkAdmin - Free Web Administrator Tool v0.0.55- Backups, Starting and Stopping

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Snowl, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Offline


    [​IMG]MilkAdmin [ALPHA]

    Liked MilkAdmin? Well, good news!

    It's out again: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...0-05-14-full-webserver-in-a-plugin-766.17249/

    A free, open-source admin tool thats compatible with every OS.
    Designed to be simple, easy and functional.
    How to use? (open)

    1. Download milkAdmin.zip
    2. Extract into the directory craftBukkit is in.
    3. Go into your web browser and go to http://<server ip address here>:64712
    4. Login (username is admin password is admin)
    5. Create a new administrative user (username CANNOT be admin)

    Restarting/Starting/Stopping/Restoring not working?!? (open)
    This requires the wrapper made by drdanick: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...view-full-remote-console-access-r10-a6-2.674/
    Use this server wrapper to launch your server and restarting will work.

    Editing strings (open)
    Go into milkAdmin/strings.txt and edit the strings in there.
    Editing strings (open)

    Current strings available to edit:
    • banned
    • giveitem
    • takeawayitem
    • port

    Features currently implemented:
    • SHA-512 authentication
    • Restarting/Reloading/Killing server
    • Users online
    • Free/Total Memory
    • Server Version
    • Broadcasting messages.
    • Chat (type in the console, dont use /say)
    • Performing Server Commands (start commands with a /)
    • Backups
    • Starting and Stopping Server
    Features in next version:

    • Finish off web interface (players)
    Features coded but not in interface yet (should be in in a version or two):

    • Kicking User
    • Banning User/IP
    • Giving/Removing item from player
    • Getting and setting health of player
    • Changing display name of players
    • Teleport players to x, y, z/another player
    • Get IP: Port of player
    • Saving server
    • Editing/viewing inventory
    Features planned:

    • Fixing up web interface
    • Adding in all the features
    • Plugins
    • Mobile Theme
    • Fixing of properties
    • milkAdmin Account Management
    • View of logs
    • Dynamic Signatures
    • Scheduling
    • multiWorld Backups


    Why use MilkAdmin?

    There are a lot of alternatives out there that seem to have more features.
    Well for a start, MilkAdmin is very easy to install and requires almost no technical knowledge whatsoever to install and run. Not to mention that the server uses only java so configuring a complex webserver is not required as most gamers that play minecraft are gamers and not professional server administrators.

    A list of reasons why to use MilkAdmin;

    -Very easy to install and use
    -Does not require technical server knowledge
    -Does not use an external webserver
    -Does not require configuration
    -It's free and open source, I like to be forked on github :p
    -It uses a relatively small amount of memory
    -It's cross platform (will work like a charm on Linux, OS X and Windows)

    And I hope you enjoy my program we put time and effort into it, we appreciate your donations it encourages us and helps every step of the way!

    Thanks to
    • drdanick
    • cayde Dixon
    • d3x
    • RandomSRVApps (for testing and more ;) )

    • Fixed major bug.

    • Backups /Restoring
    • Fixes
    • Starting and stopping server
    • Edits to the Web Server
    • More

    • Added console in server

    • Fixed Firefox
    • Added save-all option
    • Fixed restarting server
    • Fixed RTK errors
    • Added focusing Broadcast Message clears the box

    • Added port changing
    • Added customizable strings

    • Initial commit. Nothing really special here.
    Source code available at https://github.com/Snowl/milkAdmin

    Want to support me? Like this plugin? [​IMG]
  2. Offline


    Since the restarts are integrated into the toolkit, I can easily open up an API to allow the schedules to be changed.
  3. Offline


    It doesnt work :'( , but yesterday it works fine...
  4. Offline

    Diet Taco

    It worked for me yesterday aswell, but now whenever I try and access the site google chrome returns an error saying "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to X.X.X.X:64712" Basically saying its down... I'm going to check with my server host to make sure its not on our side but since Davedavy posted it wasn't working for him I'm going to assume it is DavidDiaz's (Plugin Developer) side?

    Let me know if it is on your side, or if it has to be on my side!
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    I love it so far. So I'm wondering how I can allow it so on an outside computer I can just type the< dyndns address>:64712 and get into it. Already opened ports on router, but nothing. Anything additional that needs to be opened? Cause usually this Does work. Lol.
  7. Offline


    I will be adding plugin support later in the versions :p
    Thats strange :S
    I'm not hosting anything. I'll add a debug variable in next version you can toggle (so I can see whats going on)
    Nope. Try putting the port on something like 443 (SSL) and go to https://*your site* and see if it works. If it does, experiment which port works best for you.
  8. Offline

    Mavric Skylar

    I installed this on my server and tried typing this into Google Chrome on a Mac:
    That's my I.P. with the port added, am I doing something wrong? Google Chrome tells me that "The Webpage is Unavailable" and can't find it. It's installed and running of my computer at home (other people can join the server) so I know that I have port forwarding working, however this isn't working. I'd Love to know if someone knows how to fix this problem.
    --- merged: Feb 20, 2011 12:03 AM ---
    Same Problem for me.
  9. Offline


    I'm going back home now guys, when I get there ill see whats causing this problem :S
  10. Offline


    This doesn't work at all. I followed the directions of the 'simple installation' and nothing happens. Is the server supposed to have an enable thing like MyHome enabled, is it supposed to say 'milk admin enabled' or somehting??
    I am using most recent craftbukkit build. Followed instructions. Doesn't work.
    --- merged: Feb 20, 2011 12:11 AM ---
    oops didn't see that please fix it I would really like this to work.
  11. Offline

    Mavric Skylar

    NEVER-MIND I fixed it.
  12. Offline


    How did you fix it :0
  13. Offline

    Sir Ducksworth

    Nice work on this, it makes it easy to manage and watch the server. I've Noticed that the console keeps reseting to the top and scrolling back down about every 2 secs. This is getting annoying.
  14. Offline


    This is fixed in the next version :sheepish:
    Sir Ducksworth likes this.
  15. Offline


    Is there any way to specify an IP address to bind instances of this to? If not: running multiple servers on the same PC with different IP addresses forces me to use different ports, even on different IPs/Hostnames.
  16. Offline


    Uh, could you specify an example of how that would be used? I don't really understand lol.
  17. Offline


    Example of how this could be used (Similar to my own setup):
    You have 2 servers running on computer. The first craftbukkit server is bound to the IP address and has a sub-domain record pointing to it called mc1.exampledomain.com and the second craftbukkit server is bound to the IP address and has a sub-domain record pointing to it called mc2.exampledomain.com. People connect to mc1.exampledomain.com and mc2.exampledomain.com for servers 1 and 2 respectively. If you can choose which IP to bind this plugin's web server to, you can run the web servers on port 80 and if you navigate to those addresses with a browser you would be served up the admin panel. Currently I would have to use mc1.exampledomain.com and mc2.exampledomain.com:9999 (or another port number) because they both would be using all IP addresses and therefore can't use the same port.

    Edited for spelling.
  18. Offline


    Oh, um, I don't really know how to do that :(
  19. Offline


    That's fine. I was just curious if there was a setting for that currently.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    Got backing up working xD
  22. Offline

    Diet Taco

    Google Chrome still isn't accepting my request to visit the page, please tell me how you fixed it? I'm currently running CraftBukkit Vers: 347 and it worked for a little while but then started to deny my access to the site saying that the page didn't exist. Please help!
    David Diaz likes this.
  23. Offline


    What does it say in console?
  24. Offline


    I tried that plugin, but when i start my server, the pge of my web browser is white, juste white, nothing write. Could you help me please ?
  25. Offline


    What version of craftbukkit/OS do you have?
  26. Offline


    am i blind or where is the DL link? :D
  27. Offline


    Attached to the bukkit post
  28. Offline


    This is genius, but will you ever add the ability to stop the server, delete something, and then start it again? This is useful for changing builds.
  29. Offline


    Yeah, worked with drdanick so now it works when server is down xD
  30. Offline


    Koolio. Trying it out now, but my server is having problems! May post again when I can.
  31. Offline


    2011-02-20 23:30:48 [WARNING] Using the stupidly long constructor com.Snowl.org.milkBukkit.milkBukkit(PluginLoader, Server, PluginDescriptionFile, File, File, ClassLoader) is no longer recommended. Go nag the plugin author of milkBukkit to remove it! (Nothing is broken, we just like to keep code clean.)

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