[INACTIVE][TP/FUN] NetherGate v0.56 - Just Like Single Player! [803]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by NathanWolf, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    NetherGate - A plugin that uses multi-world to create a completely automatic Nether experience.

    If you're using Essnetials, go no further.

    Essentials breaks NetherGate in strange and frustrating ways, I'm not going to support it anymore. I'll try and get this resolved by NG beta, at which point I'll remove this message.


    To use NetherGate, drop the required jars in your plugins folder.

    Then you can create and light a portal to travel to the nether!

    Grab elBukkit.zip to get all of my plugins- take out the ones you don't want.

    For more details on NetherGate, or for individual jar downloads, see the NetherGate entry on bukkit's wiki.

    Tip Jar
    If you really love my stuff, and you're feeling generous, I'd more than appreciate a donation.

    Go here if you're interested!

    View changelog on github
  2. Offline


    :x oh... Thanks!
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    I actually had the same problem at one point. I deleted all NG stuff and reinstalled and it worked.
    I did this several times to get a "safe" landing in the nether, but this only happened once.

    By the way, NathanWolf, what craftbukkit version is NG updated for now?
  6. Offline


    OK, deleted the nether world folder and that didn't make a difference. Deleted the nether file under Percipience and that worked.
    NathanWolf likes this.
  7. Offline


    Sorry, no! Been very, very busy...

    And also I honestly have no clue :( If you can try it without any other plugins loaded, that may work- my guess is whatever "xWarp" is is probably breaking NetherGate.

    I'm not sure- it's been a few days, but last I checked was 611 - I keep my thread topic up to date with latest version I've tested against. I also run this version on my public server, you can always check mine.elmakers.com to see working, running versions of my plugin on a semi-recent RB.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  8. Offline


    I removed the plugins/Persistence folder that had been hanging around since earlier versions of the plugin, restarted the server, and now everything works as expected.
    NathanWolf likes this.
  9. Offline


    When I type "/nether world list" it lists both worlds, but the ratio for both of them is 0x, whereas before my normal world was 1x and the nether was 8x. This means all the gates spawn in the same place. What can I reset to get it to have the proper ratios?
  10. Offline


    when I go to the nether, shouldn't I exit via a portal in the nether? it just sent me to an empty square room that I had to dig my way out of.

    I just read that it doesn't work properly yet, but you can turn on "
    NetherGate.portal.create" and have it auto-create a portal on the other side, my question is how do I turn on "NetherGate.portal.create"? and when it makes the portal on the other side, is it linked to the first portal?
  11. Offline


    Use "nether world scale <worldname> <scale>" to reset scale. Fast-travel is currently disabled by default, that's what a value of "0" will do.

    Portal linking is not working right yet, which is why portal auto-creation is turned on. Those are permissions nodes, give yourselves those permissions and gates will be created for you. It will be a mess, though- you've been warned.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  12. Offline


    Does that have to use Permissions, or can it use the built in Permissions? Also, the link on the bukkit wiki to permissions.yml is dead, where is there documentation for builtin permissions?
  13. Offline


    There is none, other than what's on the leaky page. I'll get links fixed, but here is permissions.yml for NetherGate.

    Permissions are not required to use NetherGate- this is only for the admin commands.
  14. Offline


    theres no way to get back! in singleplayer there is a portal to get back when you enter the nether, im stuck in the damn nether now
  15. Offline


    Yeah, make sure to bring enough obsidian with you to get back. If you didn't call a friend over to bring you some.

    (mainly kidding here- you do know that there are console commands, right? And that you can use them to get back any number of ways?)
  16. Offline



    Im having abit problems with the permissions system, when a normal default member is creating a portal, only one of the blocks are getting blocked, so pepole still can go throught the portal..

    Using latest version of NetherGate , and so with Permissions.
  17. Offline


    Not sure what you mean? Nothing blocks the portal from use or anything like that. Everyone can use portals by default- you'd have to explicitly deny the "use" permission to keep people from using them- but portal blocks will still be created by anyone who builds and lights a portal. That's built-in functionality.

    Looks good to me on 670, updated my public server (mine.elmakers.com) - let me know if you see different.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  18. Offline


    Well what we are trying to achieve is having two worlds. One world will function like an instanceservers where we can have things like gladiator arenas, while world1 ( our first world ) will be where players can roam around, fight monsters, craft armor, and play like normal survival.

    We have a portal in place to take players to this second world, but we dont want them to teleport around at random by placing a portal that would take them outside our "preparationsroom" in the second world.

    What we have been trying to do is to deny players from either creating a new portal, or using portals. The latter is ofcourse not optimal as they wouldnt be able to use our main portal leading to the prep-room.

    Is there any way we can disable the creation of portals for normal players, if so, how? We have been playing with permissions all day to see if there is any way to do this, but so far we havent had much glad.
  19. Offline


    Help please when i go to the portals, i dont see the portal back home so i have NO clue how to get back home
  20. Offline


    670 Running perfectly no issues, and over 30+ users going in and out of the portals every few minutes.
  21. Offline

    Mathew Alden

    Can someone please help me?
    Whenever I teleport to the Nether, I end up in a different spot. Therefore I have to build a new portal every time and it gets annoying. Do I have to manually link the two portals somehow??? What am I doing wrong?

    I can't get the console commands to work though.

    I just type "/nether kit" right?

    It doesn't work and I don't know why. I am op.
    Also what's that thing about /su or whatever?

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  22. Offline


    You can spawn obsidian and flint+steel by typing the following, which will give you enough obsidian to make a frame.
    /give yournick 49 14
    /give yournick 259 1
    NathanWolf likes this.
  23. Offline

    Mathew Alden

    NathanWolf likes this.
  24. Offline


    There is no way to disable portal creation, only use. With or without the NetherGate plugin, building an obsidian frame and lighting will create portal blocks- this is built in to mcserver.

    At the moment, op is meaningless. I'm hoping to release a new NG soon that will auto-create a permissions file, giving ops access to all the console commands.

    I though kit was given out by default, but honestly I'm not sure off the top of my head.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  25. Offline


    Not working.

    It seems I cannot find a single Nether plugin which will work on my server for CB #670. I could not get any of the /nether commands to work... all they did was verbose the command line... and every time I died, I ended up above the Nether on top of a layer of bedrock, since I couldn't set the Nether spawn point.
  26. Offline


    it not work for me it Persistence who not work it get this error

    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] Persistence: Create a plugins/Persistence/permission$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [SEVERE] Persistence: Error getting table data: [SQLITE_COR$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] SELECT name FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE type='table' $
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [SEVERE] Peristence: error creating table: [SQLITE_CORRUPT]$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] CREATE TABLE "player" ("name" TEXT,"id" TEXT,"online$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [SEVERE] Persistence: Error getting table data: [SQLITE_COR$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] SELECT name FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE type='table' $
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [SEVERE] Peristence: error creating table: [SQLITE_CORRUPT]$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] CREATE TABLE "playerGroups" ("playerId" TEXT,"groupI$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [SEVERE] Persistence: Error getting table data: [SQLITE_COR$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] SELECT name FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE type='table' $
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [SEVERE] Peristence: error creating table: [SQLITE_CORRUPT]$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] CREATE TABLE "playerGrant" ("playerId" TEXT,"grantId$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [SEVERE] Persistence: Error getting table data: [SQLITE_COR$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] SELECT name FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE type='table' $
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [SEVERE] Peristence: error creating table: [SQLITE_CORRUPT]$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [INFO] CREATE TABLE "playerDeny" ("playerId" TEXT,"denyId" $
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [WARNING] Persistence: Error selecting from table player: [$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [WARNING] Persistence: Error selecting from table playerGro$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [WARNING] Persistence: Error selecting from table playerGra$
    2011-04-11 15:51:27 [WARNING] Persistence: Error selecting from table playerDen$
    2011-04-11 15:51:31 [INFO] [AuthMe] Player Sandia logged in!
    2011-04-11 15:51:53 [SEVERE] Persistence: Error getting table data: [SQLITE_COR$
    2011-04-11 15:51:53 [INFO] SELECT name FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE type='table' $
    2011-04-11 15:51:53 [SEVERE] Peristence: error creating table: [SQLITE_CORRUPT]$
    2011-04-11 15:51:53 [INFO] CREATE TABLE "vector" ("id" INTEGER,"x" INTEGER,"y" $
    2011-04-11 15:51:53 [WARNING] Persistence: Error selecting from table vector: [$
    2011-04-11 15:53:44 [INFO] Sandia lost connection: disconnect.quitting
  27. Offline


    Do not enable the neter in the server config, this plugin makes its own nether.
  28. Offline


    I do not quite understand. I specified a different name for the Nether, in the config file, but it generated a new World (Nether) by itself... I did not import a World or anything of the such.
  29. Offline


    That didn't seem to work, either.. I gave the '-NetherGate.portal.use' permission to a certain group, and they could still enter. The group did not have any other form of NetherGate-permission out. Does this problem occur elsewhere, too, or just on our server?
  30. Offline


    hey. I'm just pointing out, when you say it works exactly like single player with no additional input, you mean "kind of" like single player
  31. Offline


    Hey, I'm running essentials and the Nether portals are fine for regular users but Ops can't go through it?

    Anything? I'm at my wits end, don't want to deop myself as I'm only 1 of 2 admins on the server

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016

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