[INACTIVE][MECH] CombatTag v2.1 - [818]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by marinating, May 8, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CombatTag The essential PvP plugin that prevents hit-n-quit players. No longer will the fun of killing other players be ruined!
    Version: 2.1 (Updated by Trc202)

    This plugin was created at the request of Magesblood. To prevent players from logging off once they get hit on a PvP server, this plugin tracks players who have taken damage from another player. If they log off within a certain time limit, they will either be punished by death when they log in or a temporary ban from the server.
    The plugin is run with a config file (instructions provided, it creates itself from the .jar) and allows you to make some decisions based on how harsh you want the punishment to be. You can also change the ban time and the amount of a time a player is considered "tagged".
    A command is provided: /combattag that tells you if you're tagged and who you've tagged.

    Show Spoiler

    * Combat tagging and tracking
    * Select between banning or killing a player as punishment
    * Allow a player to steal the inventory of a person who has quit after being attacked
    * Configurable timers
    * Uses System.currentTimeMillis as opposed to server time for greater accuracy
    * Detects player to player interaction only, including arrows
    * Will not punish players if they are kicked or they disconnect for a reason other than voluntary logging off
    * Grace period gives players time to fix invisibility glitch (can be set to 0 for the ruthless)
    * Compatible up to version 766
    * <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)"><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)">Compatible with WorldGuard and Factions plugins for anti-PvP zones. Tagging only occurs in PvP enabled areas (as far as testing shows). </font></font>
    * <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)"><font color="rgb(0, 0, 0)">Saves inventories of punished players that are redeemable through commands.</font></font>
    * Drop_items_on_pvp_log is a new configurable option that removes the /redeemitems functionality. (Makes players drop items on logging out) (by Trc202)
    * Supports Godmode! (by Trc202)
    * Persistence! (by Trc202)

    Latest Download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Download includes source code.


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    /combattag or /ct : Shows information about players (grace period or tag time if tagged, who you've tagged, how much longer they have)
    /redeemitems or /ri : Shows how many inventories are available for redeeming. Available only if DEATH is the selected punishment and Inventory_Steal=true in the config.
    /redeemitems # redeem or /ri # redeem : Replacing # with the index of the inventory you wish to redeem, ex. 1, 2, 4, 5 so on and so forth. Will transfer items into your own inventory. Be careful that overflowing items will disappear from existence, so don't try to redeem an inventory when your own is full.
    <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">Warning: Saved inventories are not persistent. If the server shuts down while you have redeemable inventories available, they will be lost. Redeemable inventories are made for the benefit of players who have tagged multiple people, not for stockpiling.</font>

    Explanation of Terms:
    Tag: A player who has been hit by another player is said to be tagged in combat.
    Grace period: A time specified in the config file in which a player may relog to fix the invisibility glitch. If a tagged player hasn't returned by the end of the grace period, they receive a punishment.
    Tag duration: An amount of time specified in the config file during which a player may not log off. If they do, they receive a punishment.
    Punishment: Specified in the config file, the options are currently DEATH and BAN. DEATH will kill the offending player when they log in again and may transfer their items to the tagging player. BAN will kick the offending player off if they try to log in again within a set amount of time. An iConomy based punishment is coming soon. More suggestions are welcome.
    If you have any questions, please post in the comments!


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    Version 1.0
    * Release

    Version 1.1
    * Less spam
    * Added grace period
    * Added configurable lightning
    * Compatible with no-PvP zones

    Version 2.0
    * Major bugfixes
    * Fixed grace period error
    * Added redeemable inventories
    * Allows players to see items in redeemable inventories
    * Updated /ct output to be more helpful

    Version 2.1 (courtesy of Trc202)
    * Added new config option
    * Fixes reloading errors
    * No more duplicate items
    * Added new features

    Coming soon: iConomy support!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2016
  2. Offline


    i like this, bump!
  3. Offline


    Not sure why the Plugin Submissions forum hasn't been updated for so long, but here's what to look forward to in the next 2-3 days:
    • Fixing tag overwrite where killing a player tagged by someone else gives them the items and not you
    • Maybe adding a delay on the isCancelled check to work better with anti-PvP plugins (thanks Chiss)
    • iConomy support to deduct money from offending players
    • Optimization of command system
    • Source code release (this was requested a while back and I have yet to figure out github)
  4. Offline


    Yep! The built in scheduler is so friendly.
  5. Offline


    Hmm im hopeless at plugins :) but iconomy should definantly be added :X

    and im scared dont hurt me chiss ill give you cookies
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Awesome plugin. Now all this needs is anti-teleportation support!
  8. Offline


    Anti-teleportation support?
  9. Offline


    You can get anti-teleportation support with essentials. You can set the delay that they have to stand still and the cool-down.
  10. Offline


    Ah true, but my players use the /f home command (part of the Factions plugin) which doesn't work so well. If I want to delay /f home, I have to delay all faction commands :/
  11. Offline


    Ah well I use factions to but I have f home disabled for this reason.
  12. Offline


    If it's factions related I can't do much about it short of asking the developer to make an api for it like permissions and iconomy have.
  13. Offline


    Version 2.0 released!
    Major fixes, added redeemable inventories, updates all around. Everything requested has been changed or added except for iConomy, which I still can't find the developer .jar for. If anyone knows where I can get it, please link me.
  14. Offline


    Did you try CoolDown?
  15. Offline

    Crazy Crack

    I love this, just absolutely love it, but in my main server you are able you /home and /warp, they do have a small amount of delay but you can still get away on occasion. I would like this to stop so is it possible you could have it so when you do such commands while tagged, they get a penalty, just like they would if they logged out? Thank you.
  16. Offline


    Unfortunately I can't do much about /home and /warp commands without hooking directly into those plugins. What I could do is check for distance travelled, and if a player has gone more than 100 meters or so while tagged, the plugin assumes they teleported and punishes them accordingly. Would that work?
  17. Offline


    Yeah, it makes ALL my faction plugins cooldown causing a huge annoyance. Thanks though.
  18. Offline


    Damn, that's annoying, you should ask them to add support for multiple argument commands.

    The WorldGuard support doesn't seem to work for me, it tags someone, then it says it's a no PvP zone.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  19. Offline


    WorldGuard is a bit spotty in testing; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'll use a scheduler to do the checking but the fix won't be implemented until I get home.
  20. Offline


    So there isn't a way to see if a player uses a command such as /home to penalize them?
  21. Offline


    I could add that function, but it would be purely guesswork. I can look for identifiers such as /home and /warp, but if a plugin has a command like /xwarp or something it might not get caught. I'll look into this more tomorrow.
  22. Offline


    I don't know if this is possible, but maybe a configurable list of disabled commands when tagged?
  23. Offline


    So the suggestion is:
    When a player uses a command (specified by a config file) that is blocked, and if they're tagged, they're punished as though they logged off.

    If this is correct, I'll get to work.
  24. Offline


    Yes, I'm not sure if the punishment is necessary, if they are blocked and had to stand still long enough to type it, it seems like that would be enough.
  25. Offline


    I'll make "punishment on teleport" a configurable option.
  26. Offline


    I am also having problems with tagging in a worldguard no-pvp zone.
  27. Offline


    costumizable text please.
  28. Offline


    the option Delay=20 what does it mean?
  29. Offline


    @marcusbest That's how many seconds a player is tagged. When the time runs out they aren't "tagged" anymore and they can log off like normal.
  30. Offline


    Updated to 2.1 with Trc202's code.
  31. Offline


    Thanks for the update! No longer tags in a worldguard no-pvp region!

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