[INACTIVE][FUN/MECH/RPG] EasyRPG v0.9.7 - The easiest RPG plugin you'll use! [928]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Mark Lohstroh, May 4, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    EasyRPG - Version: v0.9.7

    I am now going around and visiting public servers with my plugin. So if you want me to visit your server and get ideas from your people on your server please message me! I love doing it.


    This is an easy RPG plugin (hence the name). There are currently four classes. Warrior, Mage, Rogue, and Archer. For each class there are two stats. A primary stat and a secondary stat. Each class has their own skills. Skills and stats will be explained below.

    • /rpgstats - Displays your level, primary and secondary stats and current mana
    • /points - Displays your points that you can distribute
    • /class - Lists classes you can chose from or displays your own class
    • /class [class_name] - Chooses your class
    • /points [1 or 2] [points to add] - Adds points to your primary [1] or secondary [2] stat
    • /xp - Displays how much XP you have left till your next level
    • /skill - Skills you've unlocked and lists their mana requirements
    • /skill [skill_name] - Switches your skill to that skill (Skill names are case sensitive)
    • /changeclass [class name] - Changes your class but cuts all your xp and stats in half!
    • /reloadrpg - Reloads all the constants and properties files
    • /resetplayer - Removes the player from the database allowing him to start over
    Download the Plugin

    Download SQL Lite Put in the same directory as bukkit.jar

    Requires Permissions,

    Nodes: 'easyrpg.canrpg' for normal users and 'easyrpg.canreload' for OP's

    Source Code

    Admin Info:
    The plugin creates a EasyRPG.config file where it includes customizable xp values when you kill or break blocks. For now, don't add in any extra blocks because I haven't put in any block ID recognition yet.

    Stat Info:
    When you attack, the damage dealt to the mob/player goes like this.

    initial damage * 1.03 ^ firstStat

    And defense goes like this

    1.06 ^ secondStat

    Very Simple

    When you level up, your mana will go up also. It goes up as much as your first stat.

    Mana regenerates every second and more regenerates when you add points to your second stat.

    All mage skill are used by a right clicking when holding stick (Wand or Redstone Torch). Archery skills work when you shoot an arrow. Depending on what your current skill is thats what will happen. Warrior skills are mostly passive. Leeching health is the only thing thats not passive. And it happens when you hit someone.

    Configuring Skills:

    To configure a classes' skill, you need to open up their config file. In there, you'll find the default skills. To make your own skills, you'll need to follow the format. The format should be included in the config file but here it is for reference anyways.

    The format goes like this [level of skill]:[skill name]:[skill effect]:[skill effectiveness]:[mana needed]

    So and example for a weak fire ball would be. 1:Weak Blast:fire:1:20

    [level of skill] is just what level the player needs to be.
    [skill name] is the name that the user will have to type in to switch to that skill
    [skill effect] is the effect that the skill will have on impact. They are pretty easy to figure out.
    [skill effectiveness] is basically how hard the skill will hit. You can currently only put 1 or 2 in here currently. But a 2 will have more effect than a one basically.
    [mana needed] is just the amount of mana needed to cast a spell.

    Skill Effect List - These are the exact effects that need to be put into the config file
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    Warrior - Can only use swords
    • att_up - Passively increases warriors attack
    • resist - Resists any skill effect cast on the warrior. The mana for this should be decently low to make the warrior a more appealing class. Note: Skill effectiveness will not change the efficiency of the skill.
    • leech - Leeches health
    Mage - Can't use a bow or above an stone sword
    • fire - Casts a fireball at the user, only catches on fire if the spell hits
    • heal - A healing spell. Note: The efficiency if this spell should be set to 1 and the priests heal set to 2 just to make the priests a bit nicer.
    • lightning - Casts one or five lightning bolts on the entity if the spell hits
    • explode - Creates an explosion if the spell hits the entity
    Archer - Can't use above an stone sword
    • fire - Same as mage, only if the arrow lands
    • lightning - Same as mage
    • poison - Right now, catches the user on fire for so long. So less powerful than the fire arrow.
    • explode - Same as mage
    Rogue - Can use bows and swords
    • vanish - Lets the user vanish from sight and do anything he likes. Until he reappears. Used by sneaking
    • trap - Traps the user in a spider web so the rogue can finish them off
    • poison - poisons the hit entity
    Priest - Can't use a bow or above an stone sword
    • cure - Cures the user if the user is on fire.
    • group_heal - Heals everyone in the priests range. ALSO HEALS OTHER PEOPLE ALSO
    • heal - Recovers a certain amount of health. Note: Efficiency should be set to 2
    • barrier - Puts up a 3X3 barrier of cobble stone for protection. Note: Skill efficiency has no effect on this
    • passive_heal - When this is the priests current skill, and mana permits, the priest will regain health over time
    • cure_all - Cures everyone in the priests range of fire

    Known Issues:
    • People can work around the weapon restriction. (will be fixed in v0.9.7)
    • Fishing rods have the same effect as a arrow if the player is an archer
    • Switch from sqlLite to mySql

    Show Spoiler

    Version 0.9.7 - MORE BUG FIXES!

    • Permissons support has been added! 'easyrpg.canrpg' for normal users 'easyrpg.canreload' for OP's​
    • Stat names now change along with the class​
    • Invisiblity issues are fixed​
    • The book scrolling is finally fixed, NOTE: In order for this to work correctly, in the config file, you must line the skills up going from lowest level needed to highest level needed.
    • Leech SHOULD be fixed.​
    • Monsters are nastier and you can now defend against them​
    • Block xp should scale now.​
    • Fixed the stats disappearing and reload issues. You can now use /reload all with my plugin!​
    • Fixed the healing players when you attack them. (Thats probably why you couldn't kill anyone :p)​
    Version 0.9.6 - Mainly just a bug fix update
    • Hopefully fixed the disappearing info for the players NOTE: Not completely
    • Priests' barriers only last for 30 seconds
    • The stat system has been redone.
    • Monsters are now more powerful and you will now have defense against them.
    • Added more commands, allows for my plugin to reload my constants
    • CHANGED THE .CONFIG FILES TO .PROPERTIES YOU MUST SWITCH THE STATS OVER. This change was made due to some ftp clients not being able to handle .config files.
    • Changed /add to /points
    • Fixed the healing issues and mana draining NOTE: Nope...
    • Group xp now hopefully working ;)
    • Half step disappearing when lit on fire SHOULD not happen now.
    Version 0.9.5
    • Fixed the rogue reappearing bug
    • Xp now scales up when you are a higher level
    • Fixed stupid typos in my source
    Version 0.9.4
    • Added priests and rogues
    • Added skill effects for priests and rogues
    Version 0.9.3
    • No more sneaking for mana. Mana regens every second
    • Heal actually heals
    • Effect group_heal has been added, not tested yet.
    • Inventory null pointer fix
    • mcMMO compatible
    • changed /stats to /info
    • A redstone torch now acts as a wand
    Version 0.9.2

    • Bug fixes!
    • No more negative mana
    • Fast skill switching via right clicking while holding a book.
    • Found bug that i was surprised that no one complained about...
    • You will find a rouge.config, but don't screw around with it, it won't get you anything and you can't choose it yet. Thats in v0.9.3
    • I toned down the attacking a LOT. So all damage dealt is now multiplied by 0.2 so we don't have someone how just boosts his first stat a ton.
    Version 0.9.1

    • Fixed issues with fire destroying non-air blocks.
    • Fixed the calculations for damaging mobs.
    • Removed the weapon just disappearing and reassigned it to another empty inventory slot.
    • All skills are customizable and scalable! They are in their own config files in the EasyRPG directory
    • All you need is the jar file to run the plugin now. The plugin will take care of the rest.
    Version 0.9
    • Published the plugin

    This plugin may not be worth donating towards yet, so thats ok. Don't feel obligated.

  2. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    Is it the heal_all skill? because that (ironically) enough, doesn't heal you. It just heals everyone else though. Other than that, try lowering your health a bit more (3 hearts at least) and try it again.
  3. Offline


    Great plugin we love it on our server but it would be awsome if you added more skills.and there is a slight bug with rougue when he vanishes and unvanishes before time runs out on sneak he stays invisible until you or him log out and log back in.Also it would be cool if you could make it easyier to switch betwwen skills like /skill V for vanish.Thanks a lot dfinatly useing the plug in and cant wait for more to come.
  4. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    Thanks for the feedback. And i'll look into the vanishing issue. because I thought that I fixed that issue. But I guess not. Are you running on 803?
  5. archers seem to need around 20arrows to kill something, and the barrier thing kinda lets people spam cobblestone walls everywhere, other than that the plugin is going great
  6. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    Your image is broken. And I toned down the damage. So its probably really hard to kill things if your first stats is lower than your second.
  7. Image is broken? and his first stat was 16 second stat wasnt increased.
  8. Offline


    I still cant get the new classes to work, rogue or priest, ive removed my folder, my plugin, and re-added it again, but its still only warrior,mage,archer in the list when i type /class and even tho i try like /class priest it still cant find it, could u possibly put up the files for them all so i can just add that, would be really kind of you, because i really dont want to change rpg plugin again.
  9. Offline


    any chance that warriors could get damage boosts with axes too? It would be fun to explore possibilities of classes using axes, spears(shovels), warhammers(picks) and scythes(hoes). maybe let the class weapons be customized by item ids?

    love the plugin, either way!
  10. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    When you said you "re-added it", does that mean you downloaded it again? If not, then I seriously have no idea whats wrong and i'll try to send you a developmental version that has the correct stuff. And maybe a couple bug fixes.

    That is odd... I'll look into it. Like now... *comes back from testing* Great... I had 11 as my first stat, and 1 as my second. I was one hitting everything. So I'm not entirely sure WHAT was going on there. (I hate it when i can't solve that)
    Oh, and as for the cobble barriers, my advice for the admins is to put that higher on the mana so it doesn't get spammed a lot. And, I'm going to put in my next version that you can only have three barriers and after that your last one disappears.
    And the image for your server WAS broken, now its not.

    They get a damage boost with ANY item that warriors use if they have the skill with the effect, 'att_up' active. But I don't think that axes do as much damage as swords. And I have found that restricting classes to certain weapons gets incredibly annoying to most players, but I'll put that into my notes for ideas.
  11. Offline

    lloyd menzies

    The heal spell for mage isnt working at all, it just drains mana. Craftbukkit 803

    Edit, ive removed plugin again. Rogue pulled out a sword had it taken from him said You are not aloud to use Bows. Then again it took the sword from him and now said you are not aloud to use swords.

    The mage heal spell does not work at all, my health stays exactly the same.

    Also the priest spell barrier does the barrier ever go away or do you have to mine it to get rid of it ;(
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    McMMO adds the ability for Axes to critical hit, making them potentially better than swords per-swing for damage. I think the ability to generally configure classes on their 'limited' weapon options via config with the existing limitations the default configuration might allow for some more diverse class set ups that also allow for people to include/remove 'weapons' from the classes based on whatever other addons they are using.
  14. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    The barrier stays for now. My advice, make the mana requirement high so it doesn't get spammed. And as for the sword being taken away, that was a typo on my side. The reason it was taken away was because he was not a high enough level to wield whatever type of sword he was trying to wield. So thats just a stupid typo. And i answered the heal spell issue in my message lloyd.

    Lemme send you what I have right now. It'll be in a message.

    I'll put that into my notes.
  15. Offline


    Plugin just getting better and better, its awsome.. just woundering what you have in mind for priest barrier? because its a easy grief tool, and they use it in locations they shouldnt even tho they dont mean to grief. is there a way to make it go away after a time?
  16. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    Yeah, i'm aware of that. In the next version, i'm going to make it so that you can only have 3 barriers at a time. And currently, they stay there. My advice, just ramp up the mana requirement a TON
  17. Offline


    So then to continue my thought, using damage mod I could make axes as strong as swords, but does the damage formula work for things not intended as weapons? also, will there be a way to black list items from classes, so that mages can't use axes for attacking, or at least they get no boost for it?
  18. Offline


    It looks kinda like MapleStory.
    Looks promising though, guess I'll try it out.
  19. Offline


    Im having a massive flaw with this, everything works fine apart from when I use /reload all. (essentials maybe?)
    It resets all the peoples classes meaning we cant keep anything.
  20. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    Yeah...... please don't use /reload. It breaks lots of plugins and yeah..... i haven't figured out a way to stop it from doing that.
  21. Offline


    damn, Unfortunatly this means the plugin is useless to me, that command gets used about 3 times a day. sorry..
  22. Offline


    What are the default levels for the skills? I can't figure it out and need to know. Right now i am working on explode but idk when ill get it. Please help!
  23. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    In the config file, the first number is the skill level. All default levels are for the skill explode is 10.
  24. Offline


    Working on Recommended build 818? Or only 1.5
  25. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    Only 1.5.

    I'm testing 818 tomorrow.
    Jimmy likes this.
  26. were using it on 818 seems perfectly fine, btw fishing rods are do the same affect as an arrow for archers, which kinda conflicts with the mobrider plugin cus it ends up setting your mob on fire D;, any way to get around this? (other than switch skill :p)
  27. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    Um, fishing rods? I have no idea why.... But the fishing rod might be the same type (instance in programming language) of an arrow. I'll test to see if I can get around that issue.

    And another thing, how do you like the poison effect? I know its less powerful than the fire effect so do you normally set the level needed below the fire spell?
  28. Offline


    I was wondering if it is possible to add like a mana and xp bar, under the heart bar. Somthing to show you how much mana and you have. and not have to stop to write a command :D
  29. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    Sadly no... that would have to be a client side mod and it would wayyy too much work. sorry...
  30. Offline


    Request: Could you add a file where people can configurate their own messages? So they can translate it?
  31. Offline

    Mark Lohstroh

    I'll look into that. Adding it to my todo list.

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