[INACTIVE][ECON] iMonster v1.7 - Give players iConomy money and drops when killing monsters [292]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ZeroDPS, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    iMonster - The Monster Money and Drop Plugin for iConomy: Version: 1.7
    This plugin is designed to allow servers using iConomy to reward players with in-game currency.
    Must have iConomy 2.2+
    Must Have Bukkit/Craftbukkit 292+
    edit the /Plugins/iMonster/iMonster.yml file foe configurations.
    • Configure Reward Currency and Items Drops per Monster.
    • Set Max Reward drop for monsters
    • Prevent MobSpawner Camping
    • Permissions Support (iMonster.User)
    • Set Reward for killing the Mob Spawner

    • Death Penelty (waiting for better Bukkit support on the EntityDeath event)
    • Prevent Reward with use of Bow
    • Configurable Messages
    • Max Kills Per Hour (configurable and can be disabled) uses variable coin rewards and % based drop rates for coins to give admins ability to prevent abuse instead of a hard cooldown/
    • Decimal Percentage
    Change Log:


    • Minor update added /imonster command to help troubleshoot problems...it doesnt do anything but send you a message with some settings information to help us better troubleshoot the plugin if a problem arises.

    • Bow Kills now works correctly
      • Slimes and ghasts were not working because they are not considered "monsters" in bukkit so they failed the check to make sure it was a player attacking a monster i have coded the plugin to handle this issue now so they WORK
    v1.5 Release

    • Fixed Creeper Coin Bug (all mobs giving set creeper amount_
    • Added Coin Range for mob kills.
    • Added Coin Percentage for mob kills

    • Added ability to Give rewards for killing a mob spawner.
    v1.0 BETA Release

    • Fixed Error with old Permissions version
    • Added Configurale Messages WITH Chat Color Support
    • Added Bow Camping Settings
    • Added Abolity to use Decimal Percentages for item drop rates.
    v1.5/v1.6 config file changes - ADD These (also included the default config file in the zip for copy/paste)

    or you can always delete/rename your current file and let the plugin make one for you.

    Creeper-Coin-Max: 0
    Creeper-Coin-Percent: 100
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 1000
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 10
    Zombie-Coin-Max: 0
    Zombie-Coin-Percent: 50
    Spider-Coin-Max: 1000
    Spider-Coin-Percent: 50
    PigZombie-Coin-Max: 0
    PigZombie-Coin-Percent: 100
    Ghast-Coin-Max: 0
    Ghast-Coin-Percent: 100
    Slime-Coin-Max: 0
    Slime-Coin-Percent: 100
    Giant-Coin-Max: 0
    Giant-Coin-Percent: 100

    v1.1 config file changes - ADD These

    Mob-Spawner-Coin: 200
    Mob-Spawner-Drops: "264:2:75;354:1:80"
    Reward-Mob-Spawner-Destroy: true
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message: "$5Mob Spawner Killed! You have been awarded %c!"
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message-Enabled: true

    v1.0 BETA CONFIG FILE CHANGES - Either Delete your config and let it create a new one, or add THESE values to your config!

    Reward-Kills-With-Bow: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessageEnabled: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessage: "$cNo Reward for camping with a bow go out and fight!"

    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message-Enabled: true
    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message: "$cNo Reward for %m camping near the spawner."

    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message: "$e%m Killed - %c deposited into your iConomy Account."

    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message: "$cProtected %m Killed - %c removed from your iConomy Account."

    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message: "$4Protected %m, you don't have the money for the fine. %m resurecting >.< "

    Attached Files:

    zani007 likes this.
  2. Offline


    This might not be a solution, but could you stop the server and rename the config file for this to "config.ylm.old" and start again- Stop the server right away once the new config is generated. You'll notice that theres a whole bunch new parameters other then what you got. Just copy/paste your old values as you please and start up agian.

    Hopefully that will do it :)

    EDIT: You could also look at my previous post- It contains a defaulted *Facepalm* Config file in Spoiler tag- You'll see what your missing.
  3. Offline


    Thank tearlow for helping while I was away
  4. Offline


    Thanks a million for fixing the Ghast :)
  5. Offline


    So are the percents actually working? I get something almost every single time I kill something, and I have my percents set really low. Like 1% on most stuff. Out of 5 zombies I just spawned and killed, 2 of them dropped the same item that has a 2% rate.
    --- merged: Feb 12, 2011 12:52 PM ---
    Another feature request... Would it be possible to get animals added to this? Was thinking of a way to increase the amount of goods they drop, like 10 leathers off a cow instead of 1, etc.
  6. Offline


    @Arisilde you just need to update to the newest version. the version your running still has the creeper bug where it pays creepercoin for every mob
    --- merged: Feb 12, 2011 1:05 PM ---
    @pixelbat as far as i can tell the percentages are working. the way it works is i use a function called math.random i have seen times when you get lucky and get a drop 3 times in a row, then i have seen times when i killed a spider set at 10% drop rate 27 times without a single drop
    --- merged: Feb 12, 2011 1:12 PM ---
    @pixelbat regarding animal drops, you can use BlockDrops to configure animals, if people think it would be something i should add to this plugin i could fairly easy, but i try not to duplicate exsiting functionality as much as possible because these other developers are working hard on their plugins too andi am always going to do my best to respect that.
  7. Offline


    Yeah that fixed it. Thanks guys :D
  8. Offline


    What's the diffrence between this and MonsterHunt, Which one works better? And is easier to use for my players?
  9. Offline


    monsterhunt is more like a nightly tournament plugin, you cant compare these two
  10. Offline


    MonsterHunt is like a nightly competition minigame. You set up parameters for when to hold the contest and what the prizes will be. iMonster is a constant payout for every time any player with the permissions node kills a monster, they get paid the designated amount for the monster. They both work fine. just depends on which fits your needs.
  11. Offline


    any way spells can be supported
    would be nice to get paid for fireball kills
  12. Offline


    I will look into it and see if it is possible. however don't get your hopes up as my first thought is because the spells plugin is doing the killing it might not trigger the events needed to know when/who killed a monster
    --- merged: Feb 13, 2011 9:00 PM ---
    Awsome, thanks for moving this to plugin releases :)

  13. Offline


    Great Plugin! Was looking for something exactly like this. For your first plugin, this is amazing :)
  14. Offline


    Thanks for the positive feedback. :)

    I have 2 more i am in the middle of devloping and hope to release 1 or both tonight or tomorrow! stay tuned
  15. For some reason when I add iMonster.user to any group it doesn't do anything...
  16. Offline


    Same as well, #323 build
  17. Offline


    Is it working with admin? Any console messages?
  18. Offline


    Indeed it is.
    You need a capital U in user

    Also monsters give money/drops on the first hit.

    And is there any way you could have this display your balance after you kill a monster too?
  20. Offline


    Dang I was just gonna say that.
  21. Offline


    Anyone know what the permissions tag for this is? I've tried both iMonster.User and iMonster.user and neither work.

    As an admin the mod works, but other users do not get the messages/money.
  22. Offline


    Confirmed working here using 'iMonster.User' instead of 'iMonster.user'.
    Thanks :)
  23. Offline


    Downloaded. Seems to work fine on my local host. Will install it on my hosted server when i come home. If it works, good bye monsterhunt plugin =P
  24. Offline


    When the monster gives reward before he dies it's because if this bug in bukkit. Hopefully it is fixed soon or the update the death event. http://bugs.bukkit.org/issues/322
    --- merged: Feb 14, 2011 3:21 PM ---
    I will also fix it so the permission node will be case insensitive.
  25. Offline


    I have tried using iMonster.User in the Permissions file, but it does not seem to work at all. It works for the Admins group, and I have tried removing every single other permission just for normal players and using JUST iMonster.User and it still does not work for players.
  26. Offline


    hmmm, are you getting any console errors? what version of bukkit are you using, and what version of iConomy and Permissions are you using?

    if it works for admins then it should work for anyone with 'iMonster.User' permissions, there is not anything complicated about how i amd doing them. let me know what versions you have and any erors your getting

    also please list other plugins you are running.

  27. Offline


    Getting the same thing, user wasnt getting any credit for kills with the correct permission. When I moved him to admin he got credit, and got credit when I moved him back down. When I reloaded the iMonster plugin it stopped giving him credit but gives me credit.

    Currently running: Essentials, Permissions, iConomy, MonsterHunt, iMonster, MinecartManiaCore, MinecartManiaChestControl, MinecartManiaStation, iChat, MultiVerse, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Achievements, Stats, HeroicDeath, GodMode, SpawnControl, LWC (think I got them all :p)

    Also not getting any errors.

    Running cb320, and all plugins should be up to date.
  28. Offline


    same issue as above, cb320, Permissions, Essentials, iConomy, iMonster, iChat atm. Except I am the admin and it doesn't give credit/error msg's at all. I'm using the correct casing, iMonster.User
  29. Offline


    it must be something in the new bukkit builds...let me compile with the new one and see what i can find out.
  30. Offline


    Great :D Everyone seems excited about getting this to work
  31. Offline


    Ok so here is the story...I compiled and tested with ever release of bukkit since 283 that i compiled it on last as well as fresh versions of iConomy and Permissions plugins...

    it ABSOLUTLEY works in all versions with - 'iMonster.User' as a permission

    It must be exactly like that as aparently the permissions plugin is case sensitive so the following will NOT work

    - 'imonster.user'
    - 'iMonster.user'
    - 'imonster.User'
    - 'iMonSter.UseR'
    it must be

    - 'iMonster.User'

    In the next version release i will add checks to try and make it as easy as possible but currently the permissions plugin is forcing it to match the upper/lowercase of the permissions exactly.

    if you have problems, please post your permissions file here so we can see what might be wrong, as well as the name of the user you are using to test.

    --- merged: Feb 14, 2011 9:02 PM ---
    also please post you iMonster.yml config file found in /plugins/iMonster/

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