[INACTIVE][CHAT] Prefixer v2.5.1 - Adds prefixes to users when they chat [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Valrix, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Prefixer has been moved into ColorMe and was taken over by another dev, to get it, GO HERE.

    Prefixer - The Easy Prefix Plugin:
    Version: v2.5.1

    Prefixer allows players to add a prefix to a player such as [Farmer], etc. right from the game. See the commands list below for examples on proper use.
    COMMANDS (open)
    /prefix list - Shows a list of allowed colors as their color
    /prefix <prefix> - Changes your prefix. Color code optional and mixed into prefix.
    /prefix [prefix] - Changes another player's prefix.
    /prefix -r [name, name2...] - Removes your/listed player's prefix
    /prefix &4Admin = Admin <Valrix>
    /prefix -r = <Valrix>
    /prefix -r valrix = <Valrix>
    /prefix &5The&4Admin = TheAdmin <Valrix>
    /prefix &5The&4Admin valrix = TheAdmin <Valrix>
    /prefix &4MOD valrix john jane peter =
    MOD <Valrix>
    MOD <john>
    MOD <jane>
    MOD <peter>

    • Economy plugin support
    COLOR CODES (open)

    • Black = &0
    • Dark Blue = &1
    • Dark Green = &2
    • Dark Aqua = &3
    • Dark Red = &4
    • Dark Purple = &5
    • Gold = &6
    • Gray = &7
    • Dark Gray = &8
    • Blue = &9
    • Green = &A
    • Aqua = &B
    • Red = &C
    • Light Purple = &D
    • Yellow = &E
    • White = &F
    prefixer.list - Allows player to use /prefix listto see color list
    prefixer.list - Allows player to see list of color codes
    prefixer.self - Allows player to set own prefix
    prefixer.other - Allows player to set another player's prefix
    prefixer.remove - Allows player to remove prefixes
    * prefixer.remove required to remove ANY prefixes *

    • Customized prefixes with color codes
    • Multi-world support
    • Supports native bukkit permissions (PermissionsBukkit)
    • Now supports other plugins hooking in to get/set/remove, and check if a player has a prefix set.

    Version 2.5.1
    • Fixed NumberOutOfBounds error people were getting
    • Properly tested against newest RB and multi-world support
    • Removed config & generation code until later
    • Patched memory leak error

    Version 2.5
    • Added multi-world support
    • Now uses native permissions (PermissionsBukkit)
    • improved command syntax
    • Improved command node handling
    • Numerous code improvements
    Version 2.4
    • Should fix any problems people have been having recently.
    Version 2.3
    • Bunch of code changes to improve performance and decrease code size.
    Version 2.2
    • Fixed that blasted bug where you couldn't remove prefixes.
    Version 2.1
    • Added support for giving a player a prefix through command-line
    Version 2.0
    • Fixed the bug where you couldn't set someone else's prefix.
    Version 1.9
    • Prefixer now automatically updates the old .prefix file, which is where the prefixes are stored, to work with the newer prefix system.
    Version 1.8
    • Prefixes are now fully customizable.
    • Permissions is now optionally supported.
    • Works fine with RB 670
    Version 1.7
    • Should work with RB 617
    Version 1.6
    • Now works with RB 602
    Version 1.5
    • Fixed it to work with new command structure
    • Now allows player to set own prefix using a smaller command
    Version 1.4
    • Fixes a bug with setting a user to having no prefix
    Version 1.3
    • Changed how the prefix is added. Should play nice with other plugins now.
    Version 1.2
    • Fixed a weird error with colors
    Version 1.1
    • Updated to comply with new constructor.
    • Adds the ability to add color to the prefix. See description for example.
    • Names are no longer case-sensitive. Instead of Valrix you can use valrix, or even VaLrIx if you wanted so you don't have to worry about messing up a user's name.
    Version 1.0
    • Release of Prefixer
  2. Offline


    Did you type it in as &e or &E? When you enter in color codes then capitalization matters. If you put in /prefix &e{prefix} then it won't work, but /prefix &E{prefix} will.
  3. Offline


    Ah, wonderful! I'm quite happy to say it works 100% with iChat. Thank you so very much, it's exactly what my server needed.
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Hi, I'm wondering if this works with HeroChat. Thanks!
  6. Offline


    I'm really not sure, wouldn't hurt to try it though.
  7. Offline


    I can use the commands but when I press enter after typing the command nothing happens, please help me!
  8. Offline


    Are you running Essentials? You're going to need to tell me more to help you.
  9. Offline


    was just wondering if there was a command to set a whole group instead of one person? for example /prefix <groupname> <&colorPrefix>
    im running the latest essentials group manager. everyone on my server loves the plugin! thanks!
  10. Offline


    im using essentials on beta 1.5_1 and it doesnt show anything when i put in the command.
    doesnt even work
  11. Offline


    I've heard from people that Essentials causes problems with Prefixer. It's not my fault, it has to do with Essentials.
  12. Offline


    I can't get color codes to work even when I did it EXACTLY how you told me to do it. I'm using ichat if that makes any difference.
  13. Offline


    I'm not sure if that would make a difference or not actually.
  14. Offline


    i need help because when i try the command is it /prefix <prefix> [Color_code] for your own prefix if so it's not working
  15. Offline


    No, the color codes are inside the prefix
  16. Offline


    so it will be /prefix <&cowner>?
  17. Offline


    It would be /prefix <&Cowner&F>

    You need to make sure the color codes are capitalized if a letter and to put &F color code after the word unless you want the symbol to be red as well. The above example will have white <> with "owner" being red, which is what I think you were going for.
  18. Offline


    um no is there any thing that might make the plugin not work like different plugins?
  19. Offline


    From what I hear, Essentials can cause issues along with iChat causing some issues from what I've heard. I can only go off what others tell me since I don't run an actual server.
  20. Offline


    ok its essentials but the ppl on my server love that plugin so sorry that i wont be trying it but it sounds like a great plugin
  21. Offline


    I still don't see how people love Essentials so much. I can't stand those gigantic plugins. They really need to be split into a family of smaller plugins.
  22. Offline


    I tried the commands, and it didnt seem to work o-o
  23. Offline


    Cool. Just what I was looking for.
    Group Manager (and permissions as well i think) doesn't allow personal prefixes so this is quite nice.
    Letting people have a custom prefix instead of [GroupName] is great. :)
    Time to actually test it out now. :p
  24. Offline


    Do you have Permissions? Are you OP? Is permissions correctly set up with Prefixer permission nodes? Please post the command(s) you were trying to issue. Have you also tried setting prefixes via command line? Are you running Essentials?
  25. Offline


    Yes i have permissions, No i am not an op via ops.txt. i put the nodes correctly but just to verify, its like
    - prefixer.list
    right? do i need quotations?
    I tried using /prefix <name> [colorcode][prefix], i have seen some comments before, is there a specific way you type it ingame?
    Yes i am running essentials
  26. Offline


    That would be the correct node, since you're running Permissions you don't need to be OP. Essentials can cause problems according to some, but others have said that it does work, so I'm not really sure if it really breaks it or not. The correct way to type it in game is like this: /prefix valrix &4Admin
    Which would make: Admin <Valrix>
  27. Offline


    Unfortunately this plugin doesn't work with HeroChat. I'll post a request there...
  28. Offline


    prefixes don't work for me either
    it loads up properly, and the help option comes up for /prefix
    but nothing seems to happen when I try to add a prefix
    Does Essentials or Group Manager conflict with Prefixer?
    Also, I am an op.
  29. Offline


    I believe that Essentials may cause conflicts, but I'm not sure about Group Manager.
  30. Offline


    I'm assuming you're working on a fix.
    So the prefixes in Group Manager don't cause conflicts but Essentials does?
    Plugins confuse me so much lol.
    Glad people like you understand this at least. :D
  31. Offline


    The problem isn't with Prefixer, it's with Essentials. I've done everything I can to make sure Prefixer has the last say, but Essentials still changes something with the chat interface that prevents anything I do. Like I said, I'm not sure if Group Manager breaks it or not.

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