[INACTIVE][ADMN] SimpleSave v3.25 Simple automatic saving! [000] - Backups!

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by desmin88, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. Offline


  2. Offline


    you mean one like /ssbackup ?
  3. Offline


    /ssbackup forces a regular backup, I think Eric was going more for a "Back up worlds X & Y, but not W or Z" or something unique as opposed to back up everything
  4. Offline


    last night I had one of the infamouse Read timed out crashes during simplesaves normal backup.

    2011-06-30 00:19:57 [INFO] SimpleSave: Deleting old backups
    2011-06-30 00:19:58 [INFO] Ending world backup
    2011-06-30 00:20:19 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-06-30 00:20:43 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-06-30 00:20:45 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-06-30 00:20:57 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-06-30 00:21:10 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-06-30 00:21:24 [INFO] SimpleSave: Deleting old backups
    2011-06-30 00:21:24 [INFO] Ending world backup
    2011-06-30 00:21:56 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-06-30 00:22:07 [INFO] Read timed out
    I had upgraded to 3.23 yesterday. Unfortunately, the log provides no further information.
  5. Offline


    Why your plugin don't make server to save the world when typing "stop" in console?
    I lost all last 1.5 hours data!

    Save interval was 30 minutes, but it didn't save at all.
    Without saving, the stupid plugin was doing backup old same world file data.(they are all same. no changes.)

    When using your plugin, type "stop" ignores to save last state!
    After deleting your plugin, type "stop" succesfully saved world, even last 1 second before turned off.

    I can't trust it.
  6. Offline


    that doesn't help much.. did you get any errors while it was running, or do you just like how the other one functions better? 'forget to backup sometimes' is that when players were online it wouldn't backup/save at the specified intervals? details are key :)
  7. Offline


    That's why I released a new version not using bukkit scheduler
    I recently became aware that stop doesn't send a save-all, and for now to fix this, you can set "plugin.send.saveoff-on" to false.
    Post reported, your posts are not constructive and offer me nothing to help you.
    Thank you.
  8. Offline

    Eric Marcoux

    i was thinking more like a custom backup that automatically backups certian worlds to a custom backup folder that isnt deleted when simple save has more than x backups
  9. would be nice if you could change the maximum amount of backups for each world individualy.
  10. Offline


    When it does a backup i get this message

    19:21:34 [INFO] java.io.FileNotFoundException: world_nether\level.dat (The proce
    ss cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
    19:21:34 [INFO] at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    19:21:34 [INFO] at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    19:21:34 [INFO] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.zipDir(FileUtils.java:53
    19:21:34 [INFO] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.zipDirectory(FileUtils.j
    19:21:34 [INFO] at org.desmin88.simplesave.Backup.backup(Backup.java:50)

    19:21:34 [INFO] at org.desmin88.simplesave.SimpleSave$BackupMethod.run(S
    19:21:34 [INFO] at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source)
    19:21:34 [INFO] at java.util.TimerThread.run(Unknown Source)

    Could you help?
  11. Offline


    You must be using a super old version, this was fixed a while ago.
  12. Offline


    Nope, I'm using your latest download. That error i posted got fixed, but now I have a huge problem.
    First off, it is not really saving. It says saving the map, then save is done at the exact same time.

    Second off, I have borderguard, and the backup is doing a backup of all 12million blocks in the entire map, when I have my map limited to a square 2000x2000. Any way you could add support for borderguard?
  13. Offline


    It has to be a conflicting plugin or on your end, not my plugin.
    Also, borderguard integration is a negative, it's a limitation of minecraft, save the whole world or don't save at all.
  14. Offline


    Ok. Well something is still very very wrong. I just got 3 full backups in the same minute. Between the normal and nether worlds, that's 9 files used up out of the 25 I told it to keep.

    It's been running since last night. It's actually making so many extra backups that, despite me asking for 25, it's only taking me back an hour between all of the normal and nether backups it made. That is, I literally have 25 .zip files all dated within the past 1 hour. Here's my barely-altered config:

    Show Spoiler
    #SimpleSave Config File
    #Fri Jul 01 03:35:24 EDT 2011
    backup.message.ending=[SimpleSave] Ending world backup
    backup.message.starting=[SimpleSave] Beginning world backup
    save.message.starting=[SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    save.message.ending=[SimpleSave] Ending world save
    backup.date.format=yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss

    CB935 / SS3.23

    EDIT: Just during the time of my posting that, I had all this additional activity:

    Show Spoiler
    19:16:18 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:16:18 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:16:35 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:16:35 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:17:14 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:17:14 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:17:14 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world backup
    19:17:24 [INFO] SimpleSave: Deleting old backups
    19:17:24 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world backup
    19:18:27 [INFO] [PreciousStones] data saved.
    19:18:28 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:18:28 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:19:54 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:19:54 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:21:16 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:21:16 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:21:47 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:21:47 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:23:07 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:23:07 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:23:20 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:23:20 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:23:34 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Removed 0 old records because of age in 0h00m00s.
    19:23:36 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:23:36 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:23:48 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:23:48 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:24:16 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:24:16 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:26:18 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:26:18 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:26:24 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world backup
    19:26:34 [INFO] SimpleSave: Deleting old backups
    19:26:34 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world backup
    19:26:35 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:26:35 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    19:27:14 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    19:27:14 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
  15. Offline


    I don't receive this error. Can you paste me your entire server.log from the start?​
    I think it has to do with somehow my plugin is getting ran twice.​
  16. Offline


    Server times out with read error with newest build. 953
  17. Offline


    ability to manage quota?
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    We think we narrowed the crash down to another plugin. I figured it was your because of the "cant read" error associated with locked files. Seems to be golden now. Thanks again
  20. Offline


    So is it good with 953 now?
  21. Offline


    Please add better color coding; like all other plugins. Like this http://intoxgaming.com/images/minecraft2.png

    I have ALL my plugins setup something like this:
    [&YTowny&F] A new town has been founded.

    say hi!
    in the console, generates

    [&4CONSOLE&0] Hi!

    and with colors

    [CONSOLE] Hi!
  22. Offline


    The plugin only exists once in my folder. I triple-checked. It's the latest version.

    It's still going crazy, saving every minute at times. It seems to get worse over time.

    The machine it's on is a gaming rig. I'll try to post a fresh server log if you still want to see it.
  23. Offline


    I don't know if anyone reported this but when someone is using a flyhack it kicks him from the server and then immediately the plugin starts a save and a backup. And I find this a problem because when it backups it lags for a sec or two and if someone relogs with a flyhack he might crash the server or create abnormal lag ...

    Anyway great plugin. I like it.
  24. Offline


    I was wondering if all my additional saves were related to people leaving (and that's why it seemingly gets worse over time).
  25. Offline


    Hello, this plugin is not working for me, I do not know why, here is my config file, please help I really need a autosave/backup program.

    #SimpleSave Config File
    #Sat Jul 02 17:28:09 CDT 2011
    backup.message.ending=[WorldBackup] World backup taken!
    backup.message.starting=[WorldBackup] Backing up world...
    backup.history.length= 24
    save.message.starting=[WorldSave] Saving world...
    save.message.ending=[WorldSave] World saved!
    backup.date.format= hh-mm-ss MM-dd-yyyy
  26. Offline


    It saves when the last person leaves
    Your 'bug' report is useless to me. What doesn't work?
  27. Offline


    Im sorry for your time, it just took a while to save, thank you!
  28. Offline


    Whoops, totally posted this in the wrong place. -Snip-.
  29. Offline


    My backups are timed weird. I look under my backups folder and there's one 40 minutes later from the last one, and then the next one is 1 hour 12 minutes later. Why are they spaced so differently? It's supposed to backup every hour.
  30. Offline


    I get a problem when backing up. Here's the server output, seems it's not creating the backup properly:

    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO] Starting world backup...
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO] Saving world...
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO] World saved!
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO] java.io.FileNotFoundException: backup\FreeWin"02:17 PM 03 Jul.zip (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.zipDirectory(FileUtils.java:511)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at org.desmin88.simplesave.Backup.backup(Backup.java:50)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at org.desmin88.simplesave.SimpleSave$BackupMethod.run(SimpleSave.java:151)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO] java.io.FileNotFoundException: backup\FreeWin_nether"02:17 PM 03 Jul.zip (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.zipDirectory(FileUtils.java:511)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at org.desmin88.simplesave.Backup.backup(Backup.java:50)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at org.desmin88.simplesave.SimpleSave$BackupMethod.run(SimpleSave.java:151)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO]     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    2011-07-03 14:17:15 [INFO] Backup finished!
  31. Offline


    Where exactly does it save?

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