I need help i can break nothing? [Solved it]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by XxMOBxX, Apr 25, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Im playing on bukkit's 1.5 server and im using the Essentials pack 2.2 from http://earth2me.net:8001/artifactory/webapp/browserepo.html?pathId=essentials-2.2:
    So i made a plugins folder and put them there, also i am using the Permissions plugin. So everything loads up fine and everything works perfect. The only problem is that i cant place nothing and when i destroy something in re spawns instantly. So i cant do nothing. Can anyone tell me whats my problem.
  2. Offline


    are you in the protected spawn zone?
    try building more away from the spawn
  3. Offline


    The same issue! I'm already sick of it!
    I can assure, that I am totally away from spawn, I'm also OP [lets me edit in spawn], I'm know that problem is something else. AI tried server without Essentials [works] with essentials [does not work] ... Help would be very appreciated!
  4. Offline


    I fixed it

    Do you have Groupmanager installed?
  5. Offline


    I have the same... I have Bukkit build 704 and i have installed SimpleHome, AntiCreeper, and Permissions. So when i spawn, i cant destroy any block. I tried to go away from the spawn zone, but it dont work... pls help me!!
  6. Offline


    Do you have Groupmanager installed?
  7. Offline


    if your asking me then yes
  8. Offline


    The way I fixed it, is I went to the plugins folder and then Groupmanager folder, Next click the world folder, till you get to groups.yml. Open it then look for build: true from the admins line.Yours might say build: false, what you need to do is change it to true and that should fix it. I did that and it worked for me.

    Let me know if that fixed it for you
    gelvis likes this.
  9. Offline


    :confused: That makes every player who joins the server an Admin automatically. Totally not recommended. (The "default:" option is used to determine which is the default group a player has permissions as when they login.)

    If you have the Single-Player Commands mod then you'll have to remove it for you to be able to build/destroy on bukkit servers. It's a bug.
  10. Offline


    Yeah sorry about that i meant
    The way I fixed it, is I went to the plugins folder and then Groupmanager folder, Next click the world folder, till you get to groups.yml. Open it then look for build: true from the admins line.Yours might say build: false, what you need to do is change it to true and that should fix it. I did that and it worked for me.
  11. Offline


    Yes! Thank you very much, it really helped.
    Only I did it differently

         default: true
         - essentials.help
         - essentials.helpop
         - essentials.list
         - essentials.motd
         - essentials.rules
         - essentials.spawn
         inheritance: []
           prefix: '&e'
           build: true
           suffix: ''
    Had to change "build: true"

    Cookie for you ;)

    I'm very shocked that something like that can be on default.
  12. Offline


    ok nice
    gelvis likes this.
  13. Offline


    And what about with me?:D Im using permissions plugin, and bukkit, someone can help me with this? I have the same problem as the topic starter had...
  14. Offline


    I would suggest you try it might work for you. Its in the Permissions Folder.
    Change build: false to build: true
         default: true
         - essentials.help
         - essentials.helpop
         - essentials.list
         - essentials.motd
         - essentials.rules
         - essentials.spawn
         inheritance: []
           prefix: '&e'
           build: true
           suffix: ''
  15. Offline


    I fixed it, the same with Groupmanager!!! THANKS MATE!!
  16. Offline


    Your Welcome! :D
  17. Offline


    ohh another problem. we have cable net, but the cable net connecting to my brother's computer. We using routter, and Wireless connection to get internet connection for my computer. And when i want to play minecraft, logging in to my server (hosted) and then i just falling from the nothing to nothing,.. help
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