Hi! I have been the admin of a extremely successful bukkit server in my community of friends and a few online friends. Anyway, many of my friends are great with redstone, and love to build, which was the servers initial purpose. So we have a flatgrass world with MANY plugins (20-30+) However, in our spare time, we have created a wonderful island world that we want to use as an economy type of world, so that the other group of friends can have the best of their favorites : Economy Servers and Freebuild. However, I do not know how to do this. I have seen multiworld plugins, but I want the otherworld to have the same permissions, same admins, same plugins, as used on the other world. Same everything, different world. How do I go about doing this so I can make my users happy?
download multiverse plugin...set things up by creating another world/s ingame...stop server...copy paste permissions from previous world to the new world permissions
Yes, But I want to use the island world we created, which has already been made and is another world entirely. What about plugins? Will they crossover?
hmmm...i dont know if u can do that...i didnt test the multiverse yet...check their site...maybe the people there with enough experience with the plugin can help u
not that i know of...let see...maybe u can bypass(or something like that) the multiverse...heres the step by step instructions 1.copy paste the "island world you and your friends created" to your desktop...then start server with the plugin multiverse 2.using this command Code: Command - /mvcreate Description - Command to create a new world (Will not import existing worlds, use /mvimport). Syntax - /mvcreate {WORLDNAME} {ENVIRONMENT} [SEED] Example - /mvcreate creative NORMAL Example - /mvcreate nether NETHER Permission - '- multiverse.world.create' create a world with the name of the "island world you and your friends created" 3.stop server after world creation, then copy paste the "island world you and your friends created" from the desktop to the server folder...XD 4.start the server and join on multiplayer and use this command to tp there Code: Command - /mvtp Description - Command to Teleport the Player to the World or Portal location. Syntax - /mvtp {WORLDNAME} Syntax - /mvtp p:{PORTALNAME} Syntax - /mvtp w:{WORLDNAME} Example - /mvtp creative Example - /mvtp p:netherportal Example - /mvtp w:creative Permission - '- multiverse.tp' tell me if this works...if not...i dont have any options to tell you, only search another plugin that can do this or discard that "island world you and your friends created" and create a fresh world ingame
Sure thing. Using your strategy now. Thanks, you are REALLY helpful. Do I need to make any adjustments to my worlds.yml?
I used Mvimport to import the world. It works, and the plugins were transferred and apparently the permissions too..but it is laggy. But thats my problem. Thanks! I have 2 issues: Lag (Ill fix this with more RAM) And maps. Maps dont work and have been wiped from 2 worlds. Im on 818. Im assuming its a bukkit problem, so im updating to 820 EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hey, if you're up to using Permissions 3.0 you can use the new features that allow you to use inheritance.