how to update an unreccomended build

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 77tontos, Jul 15, 2011.

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    Hello i am using servercraft and really want to start releasing the ip to the public but i got 1 problem. 1.7.3 is not a recommended build for bukkit so i cannot update my server, and on 1.7.2 there are dupes. i dont want to have a problem with millions of diamonds everywhere. so could someone tell me how to update that manually, if its even possible. thanks.
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    They might not allow you to upload non recommended builds. If you have FTP access, try uploading it using that.
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    The best way to update to an unrecommended build is to jump over to for the latest build. Be careful though, cos some are broken and can wreck your server, but you shoudl be okay with the stable ones.
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    Some hosting companies do not allow uploading of unrecommended builds, because you have to go through them to update bukkit.
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