How do I use Chunkster?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Morph, Mar 26, 2011.

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    This thread:

    is a tool that will supposebly fix chunk errors. I need this tool to stop my server from spamming a million lines a minute about a chunk error, it makes my log grow a few megabytes a minute and I don't need that.

    A lot of people have had success using this plugin but I don't understand how people are getting this to work. The insturctions are:

    My problem is that I don't understand what he means by specify the path to your world name then run the following.

    I'm guessing when he says "then run the following" I have to open up cmd and type in that message in quotes (but replacing the <world directory> part with the directory my world is saved in)

    But the part before that says I need to specify the path somehow and I don't know where I go to do that.

    What I'm doing is as follow:

    There are a lot of smart people on these forums so is there someone who can walk me through this the right way please? The instructions seem so basic that I'm probably having a "Doh" moment but I've read the instructions over and over again and I'm still confused.

    Please help!

    If I double click it I see a window for a split second and then it disappears again but it doesnt seem to fix my errors. Does anyone know how to run this and specify the path it needs to scan my world files?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  2. Offline


    Ok I understand a little more now. Still, how would I apply this to chunkster.jar?
  3. Offline


    you add the the root of your minecraft folder.. run the batch once you specified the path to your world dir.
  4. Offline


    this is whats confusing me, what does this mean?
    Where do I go to specifiy the path?
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    put chunkster.jar in the same folder as your world folder (minecraft root)
    [do not put it in your world folder]

    type java -jar chunkster.jar world

    (assuming your world is called world)

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    well im doing this on a server folder so it would go in there

    But those that have replied are missing the most important part

    INTO WHAT do I type "java -jar chunkster.jar world"

    I obviously cant just start typing away while looking at my windows explorer window. Do I open up cmd, notepad, what?

    (cmd is not working cuz it cant recognize java as a command)
    (Run is not working because it cannot find "java")
  7. Offline


    see. this is important information that lets people help you..

    you should be typing it from cmd..

    try this:
    at a cmd prompt:
    cd /d x:\server folder (whatever that is.. you can copy it from the explorer address bar)
    then type
    "c:\program files\java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -jar chunkster.jar world
    if that doesn't work, tell me exactly what it says
    also, use explorer to make sure that java.exe is in c:\program files\java\jre6\bin
    if it is not, use the correct location instead of what i wrote (it might be in program files(x86) )

    if you are really stuck, i can help you via team viewer.. this is pretty simple, but hard to explain w/o knowing all the specifics

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  8. Offline


    Well can you help me through teamviewer? I'm in need of some help :/ After a recent outage here at home I'm having the same problem as this guy. I have chunkster Downloaded. But i know NOTHING on Java/cmd commands. SO please help me out. Please and thanks.
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