Filled [Hopefully simple] SimpleTrash Blacklist

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by PhillyCheezsteak, Nov 11, 2014.

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  1. @BrentHogeling Well you can throw out items, just not the ones blacklisted. So what I would want exactly is if a player does the command /trash, the trash interface would open up. While the trash interface is open, you cannot pick up items. Now if an item is blacklisted, you cannot throw out that item, so that would either mean that you cannot drag it to the trash interface, or if you try to throw it out, it will be returned to you. I am not sure what is easier, if you can make it so you cannot drag or even click a blacklisted item while the trash interface is open, that would be amazing.
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  3. @BrentHogeling oh wow nice! so were you able to make it so you cannot click and drag a blacklisted item?
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    @PhillyCheezsteak Yup! I just listened to when they clicked and if the banned items was one of those, I cancel it
  5. @BrentHogeling Hey I wanted to thank you so much for working on this , and when you are finished, please post the download link, I would greatly appreciate it :)
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    @PhillyCheezsteak Oops, forgot about this :p IIRC I am done, one sec. - In the itemconfig file, please follow the same formats, I added bedrock as a default, the string list uses the essentials database, and the idlist default id's, and no, they don't need the apostrophes, anything wrong at all just message me! :)

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2014
  7. @BrentHogeling Hey so I tried your plugin by itself without any other trash plugins and it did not load the blacklist. I was wondering I would need to download SimpleTrash with your plugin. Without SimpleTrash, the /trash command still works. I was also wondering what the permission nodes are if you do not need SimpleTrash with your plugin? If you do not have permission nodes and if you do not need SimpleTrash, can you please add these commands:

    TrashCan.command (permission to use the command /trash)
    TrashCan.Admin (bypass the blacklist and able to use /trash command)

    Thank you again for making this :)
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  9. @BrentHogeling np, no rush. the only config that opens up is the itemslot config, which I am guessing is the number of slots in the trash. I am not sure if there is suppose to be anything else in that config, but that is the only thing that shows up.
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  11. @BrentHogeling Nope, just one. It is the regular config. The only thing in the config is InventorySize: 45
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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2014
  13. @BrentHogeling Hey the plugin works perfectly thank you so much! What are the permission nodes for this plugin?
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