i cant figure out what is wrong with this plugin can anybody help? Copy: null # Should it ignore thease permissions and copy another world's? Groups: Default: # The group's name, can be anything. Default: true # Should it be one of the default groups for undefined players? Permissions: # Add your commands here. - '/list' # Allows the members of the group to use /list. Admin: Default: false Permissions: - '*' - '/list' Moderator: Default: false Permissions: - '*' - '-worldedit.*' Hobo: Default: true Permissions: - '/help' - '/list' Users: Skylilier: Groups: - 'Admin' Permissions: - '*' - '/list' Rabatrix: Groups: - 'Admin' Permissions: - '*' - '/list' Speediestan: Groups: - 'Moderator' Permissions: - '*' - '-worldedit.*' Jerbuta: Groups: - 'Moderator' Permissions: - '*' - '-worldedit' Diaquency Groups: - 'Hobo' Permissions: - '/help' - '/list' i have got all the spaces and stuff right i think, i just need some major help with these permissions, or if anybody has any other permission plugins they coud advise me to use that'd be greatful
all you need to know here http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...ltiworld-command-based-permissions-953.16399/
the problem is you are mixing "permission nodes" and "command permissions". as i can see from the template, command permissions is based around commands, rather than permissions, based around nodes. from the thread it self while simple i do think this method to use the plugin is flawed, some of my permission nodes control non command events(walking through a portal, clicking a sign shop) on closing, the plugin you are using is based around commands, you are trying to put permission nodes into it, this will not work.
Well, i know that you would need a permissions for Multiverse to go to different worlds if you enter a portal instead of using the command.
permissions 3.1.6 (even though it is outdated) command permissions? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
NO! DO NOT USE Permissions 3.1.6 There is a reason people left it. There was a huge POST ABOUT IT! Use 1)PermissionsEX 2)PermissionsBukkit 3)BukkitPermissions
Permissions 3 is dead. It was a unfinished solution and there are many posts on it, look it up! 99% of servers dropped in then, now its between those 3