I need help with Worldguard/chestshop and god knows what. I am currently trying to set up ranks on my server, VIP, Regulars, etc. And I want VIP to only be able to make shops ( Chestshop) not regulars. So, I tried some things, and Regulars can make shops anywhere! That was, until I put in Worldguard and make it integrate with Chestshop. Now, I'm confused, how do I make VIPs able to build chestshops anywhere? ( Note, tried all this with Showcase, and A) finite shops were not working B) Regulars could make infinite shops, when I only wanted admins to.) So I need some help. Even when ( in the config.yml, and I use PermissionsBukkit) I have it permissioned so that the buy/sell permissions are in the Regulars tab, and the create shop is NOT, they can still create it! Thus why I turned on the worldguard stuff, and it's confusing me. My real question is, how do I make it so ONLY VIPs ( not Regulars ) can make a chestshop/showcase shop, while all can buy/sell to them.
I'm not exactly sure, but it sounds like you need to specify specifically that VIPS can create/buy/sell from/to shops with the 'Chestshop.shop.*' node, which grants access to all of these. I'm sure that's no help, but perhaps you can help me? My users can't even build in the shop area (which means no shops being built) because of worldguard. Aside from integrating worldguard into chestshop, how does one remedy this?
negate the permission to create a chestshop? http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/chestshop/pages/permission-nodes/
I don't know if it was in reply to me or him, but I'll bump his thread with my own petty worries, anyways. Whenever users try to place chests or signs in the shop area, they receive a 'You do not have permissions for this area.' message. This isn't a default message for CS, so I'm guessing it's WorldGuard throwing this message. The zone also has the 'chestshop allow' flag, but I'm starting to think 'experimental' means 'completely useless.'
How strange that I didn't notice that. Was one of the top google searches for what I was looking for, even being 5 months old.