Help with Permissionsex 1.7.2

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Fruiturtle, Mar 6, 2014.

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    Over the past week I have tried to edit the perimssions.yml to give each of my donors a rank and the admins and mods to. I tried many different test ymls but they don't work for some reason. I tried disabling all the plugins and just leaving permissionsex but it didn't work either. Could someone please check the code or give me other soultions?

    Thank you that would be very helpful :)

    Link to code:
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    Please give more information.
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    Ok, I already did the permissions.yml and it was working a couple of days ago, then my friend on the server accidentally deleted it then I redid it again with that same code and it isn't working.
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