So until recently I had simply been making all my friends OP to delay having to figure out how to set permissions for plugins. That has come back to bite me in the ass and now I need to actually set the permissions to avoid further.... accidents. I went to the wiki and it had me download the PermissionsBukkit plugin. I also got Notepad++ as I have been told it helps. Now I have never been skilled with any form of programming, and apparently the same holds true for setting up these permissions. I am trying to set it so there are three groups (admin, user, and guest). So far all I can figure out is how to allow or deny a person the right to modify blocks. I cannot for the life of me set the permissions for plugins. I tried reading the wiki but I guess I am too dense to figure out what it is telling me. If anyone has a simpler "How to" or even an example permissions file I could look at (I am more of a visual learner) it would be greatly appreciated.
Just go to your plugins page on the web and see what the different permissions do and decide what you want your users to do
So I tried going to the main plugin I wanted working, World Edit. Somehow I deduced that worldedit.* would enable a group to use its features, only it didn't. I clearly put something in wrong but I can't figure out what or where. No, I have not heard of PermissionsEx.
Thank you zipron, that may actually do the trick. Edit: Apparently I am still not doing something right. I have the three groups set out and I assigned users to their appropriate groups. For testing purposes I only put in the world edit and wireless redstone permission nodes. But I still get the error that I do not have permission to do that. Any suggestions? I added what I have written. Can anyone point out where i went wrong? Code: groups: Newcomer: default: true permissions: [] inheritance: [] info: [] Member: default: false permissions: - worldedit.* - Wstone.perm - true inheritance: - Newcomer info: [] Admin: default: false permissions: [] inheritance: - Member info: [] users: Haxard: subgroups: [] permissions: [] group: Admin Radhazard40k: subgroups: [] permissions: [] group: Member messages: build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.' debug: false
The only errors I can see on the server are that a few of my plugins are still out of date, still haven't checked for updates on all of them. It says the permissions.yml file is empty and is ignoring it. Could that have any bearing on any of this?