Help with loop

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by PimpDuck, May 18, 2014.

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    I'm trying to make a arrows plugin where with a left click with a bow it switches through the bow types, and if the player doesn't have permission for a certain bow it switches to the next available bowtype.
    Here's my code, but it's not working:
  2. Offline


    What part of the code isnt working exactly? Thats alot of code to sift through PimpDuck ... Give some detail as to what happens?
  3. Offline


    The on left click isn't cycling through and letting the player use the one it has permission to for I think. Its only letting them do the slowness arrow then doing nothing on right click after that. The if player has permission for none do nothing works. Just not like the getting the next available bowtype the player has permission for doesn't. RegalMachine
  4. Offline


    PimpDuck one good debugging technique is to send a message to all online players at places in the code where you would like to find out if it even GETS to that point. This sorta helps you figure out your true program flow and helps you debug your code. I recommend trying this a bit where you think the bow type is supposed to switch to see if your methods are even being called.
  5. Offline


    Okay, I will try this when I get home
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