Help with Citizens plugin!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by DoJo_Master, Oct 5, 2012.

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    Hi I'm trying to create a mutli-player story map with the Quests Plugin for Citizens 2 but its not working...
    I tryed everything and still nothing! This is how I have the quests set up:

        name: Moocah
            description: "Hello fellow traveler!, Are you new around here?  Say you need a place to stay for the night? Collect one iron sword and ill see what I can do."
            completion: "There you go welcome to the Elf's Camp! Well I better start headen off cya! ~ To come back to this location type: /warp camp"
            acceptance: "Thank you good sir! Come back when you have the sword!"
        repeats: 0
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 267
                    amount: 1
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "Thank you for the sword! But how did you get it? Doesn't matter..."
                type: command
                command: /warp camp <player>
    When I try to make my npc a quester it says trait not found!
    When I type /questsadmin list 1 it says :
    [SEVERE] [Quests] Failed to load Quest "Moocah". Skipping.
    in my console! Please help me I think its how I set it up in the quests.yml please please please help!
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