Help My server got griefed

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by trustingrope, Nov 23, 2012.

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    Help! My server got griefed. How do i not save it so it didn't happen?
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    Not possible, best way to do it is to get a block logging plugin like Hawkeye Reborn or logblock and roll back damage, but since the damage has been done before you installed the plugin it wont work for grief before the plugin was installed. :(
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    You can't. Every option to fix it requires somethign done before it happens.

    You can either do what zack said, or you can install some permissions and worldguard, then learn what a region is... that way you can prevent it instead of having to fix it.
  4. Offline


    LogBlock :)
    Had it, used it, saved my life loads of times :D
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    Why fix what you could prevent in the first place?
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    Thank you guys. You saved my server! You can join it if you want
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