[HELP!] My plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by GoalieSave25, Jul 17, 2014.

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    So I decided to learn Java yesterday and I did and made a bukkit plugin. I then hosted a test server to make sure the plugin worked on my computer. It did. So I then upload it to the live version of my server using the same version of bukkit and it doesn't work. I then download every file on the server on my home computer and try running that. The plugin again worked on my computer even with the same files as on the host. I then reupload all the files and restarted on the host, but it still does not work. The plugin is called GoaliePlugin and can be found at http://www.goaliesave25.com/files/theme/GoaliePlugin.jar . All this does is have the command /sendme and it should reply sent. It is just a test plugin.
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    Can you provide the source, and the error?
  3. Offline


    I guess it is a Java version problem
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    Yes, thank you so much! I've been spending so much time trying to figure it out. I guess my host still uses 1.7 :(
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