HCFactions Type Plugin (TagAPI Support)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MoejoeAw44, Sep 17, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Not sure

    Suggested name: HCFactions

    What I want: A plugin somewhat like Factions and Teams. I'll explain using the original factions plugins concept, so it's easier to understand.

    Instead of power, it is DTR (Death to raid), Every person has 1 DTR, if they die, they loose that DTR, within a set amount of time (3 hours), they'd get back their 1 DTR. DTR caps at 5, so no matter how many people you have in your Faction, you can only have 5 DTR MAX. Everyone knows, the more power in a faction, the more chunks you can claim, in this case it would be, every faction, no matter how many people, can claim 32 chunks of land. To make someone raidable, you need to kill 5 people in their faction, if they have less then 5 people, you have to kill 3/4th s of their faction, (for ex. 5 people, kill 3, 4 people, kill 3, 3 people, kill 2, and 1 person, well, kill 1). There are also no enemys, a neutral is basically an enemy. If you aren't allied, your enemied. You can also hit allies, with a message coming up saying "Be careful, that's your ally: **FACTION MoejoeAw44.", but can only have a max of 3 allies. It should still also have /f chat (/f c f /f c a and /f c p)

    A TagAPI implement is also needed (Making tablist coloured and the nametag above your head). Enemys/neutral would be &c (Light Red) (same thing on HCFactions), allies would be &9 (Light blue (NOT AQUA!) and Faction members, &2 (Dark Green).

    Ideas for commands: Regular commands for Factions, no /f power, no /f promote (it should be /f mod, /f demote, etc like old factions), no /f enemy (Neutral is enemy).

    Ideas for permissions: hcfactions.<node>
    - hcfactions.default (Commands for everything you'd need for joining factions, making factions, etc.)
    - hcfactions.admin (Commands for everything else like, /f bypass, /f claim warzone/safezone, /f warunclaimall, /f safeunclaimall.)

    When I'd like it by: ASAP

    PS, If anyone knows anything about KOHI Factions, I want it somewhat like that.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  2. Offline


    BUMP: Any reply's, at all? Even an opinion would be nice ;)
  3. Offline


    This is a huge plugin :D
    That will take a lot of time, it's why you may not have positive reply.
  4. Offline


    I was actually working on this plugin, give me a few hours to finish with your additions.
  5. Offline


    MrGhetto Thanks! When do you think it'll be complete?
  6. Offline


    BUMP: MrGhetto Are you still working on it, or did you stop?
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  9. Offline


    BUMP: Please, I will do anything for this plugin.
  10. Offline


    I would like this plugin as well
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