
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by ZzHappy, Feb 27, 2015.

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    I am Matheus am Brazilian and I come to ask you the Bukkit the forum that make me a plugin that I am already needing a long time, but I want it to be a plugin think easy for you who are already acustumados create plugins.
    But anyway I will explain the plugin for you.

    First I would like to do the plugin in Portuguese or editable messages and please, if you put credits but not to post ^^

    Name of Plugin : HappyTerrenos

    Version of Plugin : 1.5.2
    -----------------------------------[COMMANDS AND PERMISSIONS]-------------------------------------

    /terreno comprar <tamanho> <nome>
    Buy a plot example I write :
    1. /terreno comprar 50 CraftBukkit
    Permission: terreno.comprar.amount of land
    EX: terreno.comprar.3

    And then there will be a large plot 50x50 marked by a fence of oak where I can build, just me! The price of the blocks will be configurable an example: 100 Coins for 1 Block I can change.
    Like this, clear that this land is not 50x50 is just an image to give an idea.

    2. /terreno add <player> <area>
    Permission: terreno.add

    This command will run for permission to add a friend on the ground.
    Example: /terreno add ZzHappy

    3./terreno remover <player>
    Permission: terreno.remover
    This command will run for permission to remove a friend on the ground.
    Example: /terreno remover ZzHappy

    4./terreno pvp <on/off>
    Permission: terreno.pvp.on
    Permission: terreno.pvp.off
    Command to remove PvP land when the land is purchased will come with PvP and will be configurable value to remove the PvP
    Example:/terreno pvp off
    OBS: If he wants to put PvP again, then remove will be removed the same way the money.

    5./terreno info
    This command shows the size of the land and the name of the owner

    The message is as follows (please follow the pattern of the messages and colors.)

    Dono(a) : @Player << Owner of Terreno
    PvP : @pvp << Pvp status if On or Off
    Amigos : @friend1 @friend2 @friend3 @friend4 @friend5 << Maximum 5 friends
    Tamanho : @size << Size to Terreno

    OBS :The player should be in the ground to see his information.


    Then I put color to differentiate only it would take too so I left a list of all the colors I use in messages.

    &a - lime
    &b - blue
    &c - rose

    If the player just use / terreno comprar
    &b[HappyCraft] &cUse : /terreno comprar <tamanho> <nome>

    If the player just use / terreno add
    &b[HappyCraft] &cUse : /terreno add <NomeDoAmigo> <Area>

    If the player just use / terreno remover

    &b[HappyCraft] &cUse : /terreno remover <NomeDoAmigo> <Area>

    If the player just use / terreno pvp

    &b[HappyCraft] &cUse : /terreno pvp on/off


    If the player type / terreno appear

    [HappyCraft] Funções do terreno!

    /terreno comprar - Comprar um terreno !

    /terreno info - Informações do terreno !

    /terreno pvp - Retirar ou adicionar PvP no terreno !

    /terreno add - Adicionar um amigo no terreno !

    /terreno remover - Remover um amigo do terreno !


    No money to buy land.
    [HappyCraft] Você nao tem @QuantityRequired coins para comprar um terreno!
    No money to remove or put in PvP area
    [HappyCraft] Você nao tem @QuantityRequired coins para usar o PvP!
    You must be in the land to add permission a friend.
    [HappyCraft] Você precisa estar no terreno para adicionar um amigo dele !

    You must be in the land to remove permission a friend.
    [HappyCraft] Você precisa estar no terreno para remover um amigo dele !
    You must be in the land to see his information
    [HappyCraft] Você precisa estar no terreno para ver as informações dele !

    When overcome by the player land limit.
    [HappyCraft] Você precisa estar no terreno para ver as informações dele !

    When exceed the limit of friends for plot.
    [HappyCraft] Você já ultrapassou o limite máximo de amigos por terreno !

    When the pvp is already disabled and the player executes the command / terreno pvp off
    [HappyCraft] PvP já esta desativado neste local!

    When the pvp is already enabled and the player executes the command / terreno pvp on

    [HappyCraft] PvP já esta ativado neste local!


    # Criado por (author) e ZzHappy
    # Plugin feito para o servidor HappyCraft

    # Dinheiro que ira custar cada bloco (ex : 100 reais 1 bloco = 10 blocos 1000 coins)
    Quantidade: (
    Amount of money per block ex :100 coins 1 block = 10 blocks 1000 coins
    Amount of money per block

    # Preço para retirar ou colocar PvP
    Preço: (Quantity to remove or put pvp)

    # Tamanho maximo de Terreno
    Tamanho: maximum size for Plot

    Ok guys end up here will be very grateful if someone makes the plugin for me ^^

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2015
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