Plugin category: no cheat Suggested name: /hacks What I want: I want a i player to type /hack {PLAYERNAME} when they type /hacks it show helper mod and admin to see Ideas for commands: /hacks Ideas for permissions: hacks.see When I'd like it by: Soom
I think I was able to capture what you were trying to say. Commands: /hacks <player_name> - Notifies staff of a possible hacker, includes hacker's name and reporter's name. Permissions: slashhacks.use - Access to use /hacks. slashhacks.notify - Access to receive notifications from /hacks. As always, the messages are all completely configurable! DOWNLOAD VIA DROPBOX. If you know any Java, you are free to view my code (or even if you do not know Java ). This is mainly to ensure yourself that there is no funny business (like an auto-op plugin). Code: package com.headgam3z.slashhacks; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile; import; public class Handler extends JavaPlugin { private PluginDescriptionFile info; private FileConfiguration config; private String prefix; private String invalidSyntax; private String playerReportedSelf; private String playerReportedOnlineStaff; private String playerNotFound; private String noPermission; public Handler() { info = getDescription(); config = getConfig(); prefix = "Settings.Prefix"; invalidSyntax = "Settings.Messages.Invalid-Syntax"; playerReportedSelf = "Settings.Messages.Player-Reported.Self"; playerReportedOnlineStaff = "Settings.Messages.Player-Reported.OnlineStaff"; playerNotFound = "Settings.Messages.Player-Not-Found"; noPermission = "Settings.Messages.No-Permission"; } public void onEnable() { setupConfig(); setupCommands(); logInfo("Successfully enabled v%v", info.getVersion()); } public void onDisable() { logInfo("Successfully disabled v%v", info.getVersion()); } private void setupConfig() { config.addDefault(prefix, "&8[&4SlashHacks&8]"); config.addDefault(invalidSyntax, "&4Error: &cInvalid syntax. &4Usage: &c/hacks <player_name>"); config.addDefault(playerReportedSelf, "&aSuccessfully reported %player% for hacking! Online staff members have been notified."); config.addDefault(playerReportedOnlineStaff, "&a%reporter% has reported %player% for hacking!"); config.addDefault(playerNotFound, "&4Error: &c%player% was not found online."); config.addDefault(noPermission, "&4Error: &cYou do not have permission to use this command."); config.options().copyDefaults(true); saveConfig(); } private void setupCommands() { getCommand("hacks").setExecutor(new Hacks(this, "slashhacks.use", "slashhacks.notify", playerReportedOnlineStaff, playerReportedSelf, playerNotFound, invalidSyntax, noPermission, prefix)); } private void logInfo(String message, String replaceV) { getLogger().info(message.replace("%v", replaceV)); } } Code: package com.headgam3z.slashhacks; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public class Hacks implements CommandExecutor { private Handler plugin; private String permissionToUseHacks; private String permissionToBeNotified; private String nameOfHacker; private String messageToStaff; private String messageToSelf; private String playerNotFound; private String invalidSyntax; private String noPermission; private String prefix; private boolean foundHacker; public Hacks(Handler plugin, String permissionToUseHacks, String permissionToBeNotified, String messageToStaff, String messageToSelf, String playerNotFound, String invalidSyntax, String noPermission, String prefix) { this.plugin = plugin; this.permissionToUseHacks = permissionToUseHacks; this.permissionToBeNotified = permissionToBeNotified; this.messageToStaff = messageToStaff; this.messageToSelf = messageToSelf; this.playerNotFound = playerNotFound; this.invalidSyntax = invalidSyntax; this.noPermission = noPermission; this.prefix = prefix; } public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String s, String[] args) { if (sender.hasPermission(permissionToUseHacks)) { if (args.length == 1) { foundHacker = false; nameOfHacker = ""; for (Player players : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(players.getName())) { foundHacker = true; nameOfHacker = players.getName(); } } if (foundHacker) { for (Player staff : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { if (staff.hasPermission(permissionToBeNotified)) { staff.sendMessage(getMessage(messageToStaff) .replace("%reporter%", sender.getName()) .replace("%player%", nameOfHacker)); } } sender.sendMessage(getMessage(messageToSelf).replace("%player%", nameOfHacker)); return true; } else { sender.sendMessage(getMessage(playerNotFound).replace("%player%", args[0])); return false; } } else { sender.sendMessage(getMessage(invalidSyntax)); return false; } } else { sender.sendMessage(getMessage(noPermission)); return false; } } private String getMessage(String message) { return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', getPrefix() + getString(message)); } private String getString(String stringToPath) { return plugin.getConfig().getString(stringToPath); } private String getPrefix() { return getString(prefix) + "&r "; } }
@HeadGam3z I don't know of many who would include malicious code but then forget to take it out when voluntarily providing source In either case, can confirm that the jar seems to match the source
@nameisboss012 @HeadGam3z Mine takes away a lot of the checks you are doing other then that nice work