Inactive GunsPlugin v1.0

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by william9518, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hello there! Ever wanted a plugin with guns and other weapons without the use of SpoutCraft? Here it is! The GunsPlugin plugin. This plugin uses vanilla items as weapons and they work!

    - Stone shovel: automatic gun, uses snowballs
    - Iron shovel: flamethrower, uses fire blocks
    - Golden shovel: rocket launcher, uses eggs
    - Diamond shovel: sniper rifle, uses clay balls
    - Wooden shovel: pistol, uses gunpowder
    - Coal: grenades, uses coal

    Right click to use all weapons!

    Download <-- removed download for maintenance

    GunsPlugin Texture pack: a texture pack that makes the items look like real weapons
    Texture pack download link: working on it!

    To do list:
    - Add delay for guns
    - Add more options to config
    - Custom guns
  2. Offline


    PvpGuns? - This is already done kid, By me for with blowback and in PvpGuns. So i suggest you to start developing another plugin and stop developing this before an administrator or moderator finds out and delete's your post.
    The truth is harsh sometimes bro.
  3. Offline


    Grow up, you didn't make that plugin; the only one you made was "GunStick" which is extremely limited. I got that from your BukkitDev page; people are allowed to make more than one plugin centered around the same idea. Factions and Towny are would be examples of plugins that do nearly the same thing, but are made by quality developers.
  4. Offline


    I know i didn't did PvpGuns. Its just the way i thinked that it already exists also GunStick has no files and is currently just made in my other plugin in a limited way but sry i was overreacting. IM SORRY
  5. Offline


    this is not PVPGuns.
  6. Offline


    I wish you luck, always nice to see more plugins popping up. The only thing is that you should focus on making your plugin different then the ones already existing, its not bad to follow the same idea of guns but you don't want to reinvent the wheel and not give it new rims.
  7. Offline


    alright. any suggestions?
  8. Offline


    Customization with gun/ammo types; configurable damage/shot; ability to make new guns; effects on bullets (poison/fire/blindness/etc...); configurable recoil effect (head tilts up x%); sound effect when firing; sound effect when bullets hit.
  9. Offline


    done the first three... effect? I gotta think bout it. there is already sound effects
  10. Offline


    Possibly configurable damage buff for headshots, but if you do this make sure that there's no way for it to bypass worldguard's pvp flag... that's a problem with lots of plugins that modify damage because they let the server deal damage to them and not the player...
  11. Offline


    Can you make the gun item configurable and when will the download be back up?
  12. Offline


    back up after i update to 1.4.5
  13. One time I made a house out of dirt. Guys stop flaming...

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