Solved Group Manager

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Petrov2g, Apr 12, 2017.

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    I'm making a new server and I want to have ranks, so I download this plugin called "GroupManager". I restarted the server, went InGame and wrote /mangadd Rookie and it said that the group was created. After wrote in the chat and had no prefix or nothing came out when i wrote the command. I also set prefix on the rank. I dont really know what is the problem with this plugin, I also checked PEX and bPer.. had the same problem. I have one world and its called by default 'world'. Can someone help me please?

    Pastebin of my groups:
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Petrov2g Do you have a plugin that handles chat?
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    Since your running essentials. Post your essentials config here via PasteBin
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