GREAT IDEA!!! Ghast Shooter [Mini-Game]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by castletaker11, Nov 6, 2013.

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    I just came up with a brilliant mini-game plugin.
    Its called Ghast Shooter.
    Basically, you spawn in the game with a power 3 punch 2 infinity 1 bow! And obviously 1 arrow. You also have Armour with consists of leather Armour, blast protection 2.
    You are not alone in the game though. There are your friends but even with them you are not safe. EVEN if they have pro archery skills! You are not safe, Hence the flying ghasts floating around you.
    They are no ordinary ghasts though, they are immune to arrow damage and can only be killed by there own fireballs being shot back! So, all in all, you and your team mates have to fire your arrows at the Ghast's fireballs to kill all the enemies!
    What i want:
    - A sign function to be able to join.
    - Ghast's immune to arrows.
    - Items when the player joins the game (armour and bow stuff).
    - Limit to where the Ghast's can go.
    - Easy to set up arena.
    - Wave's e.g the amount of Ghast's in each wave (config configurable)
    - Only Ghast's can spawn in the set arena.
    - Better kits for higher ranks. (config configurable)

    Ideas for Commands:
    /gs setspawn - set the players spawn point (ingame) [staff]
    /gs join [arena id] - join the arena (also can be used by sign)
    /gs leave - leave an arena
    /gs setarena - set an arena (world guard/world edit region selection) [staff]
    /gs forcestart - force start a map [staff]
    /gs kick [player] - kick a naughty player from the game [staff]
    /gs kit [kitname] - choose your kit
    /gs info - view a quick message saying what the mini-game is (custom configurable)
    /gs vote - vote for the map you wanna play

    Ideas for permissions:
    Signs should like like this in order to work:
    [GhastShooter] [GhastShooter]
    join kit
    [arena-id] [kitname]

    When I'd like it by:
    Whenever really, may i suggest doing everything else apart from the signs first then do signs in a future update?
    Best regards, castletaker11
    thomas15v likes this.
  2. I do hope you realize that you've already posted this suggestion.

    I'd be willing to design it for you, but I am extraordinarily busy helping people with other plugins at the moment. If you can wait for roughly a week (or at least until the weekend), I can help you out.
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    Someguyfromcrowd Thanks, i can wait aslong as u want (if i get the product in the end). Just tag me or pm when your starting
    I didn't realize i sent it before cause i tried at my Grandads and it didn't say the post went through (back home now though).
    Can i quickly ask if you can tag me whenever you reply otherwise i may easily get off track.
    Thanks anywayz!

    Someguyfromcrowd Do you understand the original post? (Just to make sure) and also are you definitely doing it because I will mark the thread as filled?
  4. castletaker11 Since the weekend is coming up, I should have the time to design the plugin for you.

    Do you have a Skype account? That'd make planning a bit easier.
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