Got problems with my World

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Lordarking, Mar 19, 2011.

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    [Minecraft World problem]

    I started the server and always get this error:

    Bukkit build:
    craftBukkit build: #556

    -Permissions 2.5.4
    -Movecraft 0.6.8
    -Worldguard Alpha 4.0
    -MyHome 1.9.3
    -CommandBook 1.2
    -Worldedit 4.2
    -Minecart Mania Admin Controls 1.01
    -Minecart Mania Autocart 1.01
    -Minecart Mania Automations 1.01
    - Minecart Mania Chest Control 1.03
    -Minecart Mania Core 1.03a
    -Minecart Mania Sign Commands 1.03c
    -Minecart Mania Spawner 1.0
    -Minecart Mania Station 1.02b

    what should i do now ?????

    problem solved ^^
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