Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by JOPHESTUS, Sep 6, 2014.

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    Hey guys,

    Despite the fact some of you may not know me or that I had no real significant role here, I'd like to say thank you and goodbye. I've been here for over 3 great years now and in this time my life has definitely changed. I have learned so much from everyone and had such a great time. There are many people here who made the bukkit community worth being part of and I am very honoured to call them my friends.
    In particular -
    DSH105 & lol768 - my long time best friends. They always were around for a chat and happy to help me all the time.
    mbaxter and TnT - While we didn't always have pleasant interactions - it was these two people who I feel set me straight from my trolling and inappropriate behaviour and allowed me to become a real, constructive and dedicated member of the community
    last but not least, hawkfalcon and Lolmewn - you guys were my original friends here. While we may not interact as much as we used to, it was you who opened the gates of bukkit, and in a way, catalysed my involvement here.

    Of course there are many more people who made bukkit worth being part of, but I'll leave it there.
    It is with a heavy heart I also shall cease all birthday threads (sorry chaseoes, you were next!)

    Thank you guys and everyone else for making bukkit the great place it was. I hope to see you all around.
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    DSH105 and JOPHESTUS like this.
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    Thanks JOPHESTUS :)
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    DSH105 and JOPHESTUS like this.
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    Oh the times where we used to be the trolls around ^^
    Where's M1st3rm4n when you need him :eek:
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    Thanks JOPHESTUS. You are a wonderful friend and I hope we can keep in contact for a long time ahead <3.

    Your birthday threads will always be remembered.
    JOPHESTUS likes this.
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    mrman finally job california
    no more troll internet
    but now troll marketing in company
  9. You'll be missed. :(
    JOPHESTUS likes this.
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    - don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
    DSH105, Lolmewn and JOPHESTUS like this.
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    Happy Birthday :'(, bye JOPH. Thanks for being one of the nicest members here, I won't forget ya.
    JOPHESTUS likes this.
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    <3 u 5ever
    DSH105 and JOPHESTUS like this.
  13. Offline


    I remember you, I remember you quite well. We would always snipe eachother's posts in threads, and we'd always step on eachothers toes while trying to help the same person, giving different answers to the same question. You will be missed :( I just want everything to go back to how they were.. :(
    JOPHESTUS likes this.
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