Inactive [GEN] DefaultCommands v4.0.0 - The "default" plugin [1.4.5-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by vildaberper, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Try setting the target to a temporary warp, if that works everything else should work too.
  2. Offline


    No idea why, but portals work now. I've done nothing differently. Must've just been a random bug. Thanks for the help, and the great extension. :)
  3. Offline


    Hmm, I guess. :)
  4. Offline


    I also have a couple (much simpler) questions.
    1. Is it possible to completely disable all mobs on specific worlds (say, I want them in world:survival but not in world:city)?
    2. Are you going to add 'aliases' to worlds (eg. folder name is castle1, want it displayed in-game as 'Castle')?
  5. Offline


    Theres block_<mob>_spawn: in the world-specific config. :)
    Nice idea, Ill add it! :D
  6. Offline


    Awesome. Thanks. :)
  7. just to clarify, you wont be taking that as a valid suggestion then ?

    might i give another idea..
    split it in the config?

    cuboid editing:true
    fun stuff: false (no fun on this server!!!) ha!

    main reason im thinking of this is cos i use world edit which overlaps your cuboid thing,
    i have teleport plus for my teleporting needs :)

    really dont want a confusion of commands going on.
  8. Offline


    Hey Vilda, do you have (or could you maybe create) a list of what you're working on in the dev builds? I'd love to help test out various new features, but without knowing what's going on, I'm afraid of breaking the server! Maybe that's WHY you don't have a list? idk :p

  9. Offline


    Just dont use DefaultCommands for cuboid and teleportation then. xD
    Thats why every command is starting with "dc", no incompatibility with any plugin. ;)

    The dev build for defaultcommands is always safe to download, because its always tested before release.
    I just dont feel like changing the thread every day just because I come up with something new. :)

    But since you asked:
    Awesome inventory management.
    Compleately new per-world inventory code, will take up much less space if the server has more than one world.
    Extinguish, extinguishes nearby blocks. /ext radius.
    Lag check, /ping. Return "pong".
  10. Offline


    while auto-restarting the server:
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [INFO] Failed to load inventories.
    ...  (around 80x)
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [INFO] Failed to load inventories.
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [INFO] Failed to load inventories.
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE] plugins/DefaultCommands/DefaultCommands.log (Too many open files)
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at Method)
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at<init>(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at<init>(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at com.vildaberper.DefaultCommands.L.log(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at com.vildaberper.DefaultCommands.DefaultCommands.onEnable(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-05-16 17:54:05 [SEVERE]     at
    and after that each plugin has also the "Too many open files" error and the server crashes
    maybe a conflict with MultiInv ? i hope i dont clean everyones inventory when i remove the plugin

    another bug: /heal dont work .. unknown command, the permissions on the map-config are ok, i'm admin with '*' and dunno why it doesnt work

  11. Offline


    Understandable, I didn't know for sure if dev builds were stable or not. I might give it a try! Any word on kits yet? :p
    Also, the lag check? YESSSSSSSS I have needed this so much to check lagged out zones. Will definitely be giving that a whirl.
  12. Offline


    Looks like the server is already running, in some wierd way.
    Try starting it normally.

    Never tried running this with MultiInv, but I recommend letting DefaultCommands handle that, since the dev build is using it when editing offline players inventories. ;)
  13. Offline


    i use the RemoteToolkit to let the server restart every 3 hours since he crashes after 4-5 hours due to memoy-deficient (i have only 1,5 gb avaible)
  14. Offline


    But does it work if you start it normally?
    If it does, I cant fix it. Talk to the dev of RemoteToolkit about issuing the command /stop instead of just shutting down the server. :)
  15. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    hmm... are you looking into teleport acknowledge, one home per world?

    I guess people like your plugin because by default you don't use defaults ... like /tp :)
  16. Offline


    the inventory from all ppl was cleared like i expected after i deleted the MultiInv-plugin, exept the armor. the armor is also kept if you travel from one world to another with seperated inventory
  17. Offline


    Yeah, but itll get fixed in the next version. :)
  18. Offline


    is there any way to get a special moderator to show he's give command and such to show or must i set everybody's command's to show ?
    is there a global to set all commands to show btw ?
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    when u issue a command like /dcgive the messages is show for yourself but not everyone else, and is it possible to get a special player to have all there commands show to everybody or must i have every command to be show for everybody ?
  21. Offline


    Got a whole lot of **** I want to [ask about|suggest|point out] about this:
    Shouldn't "/dcspawnmob <amount> <mob> [riders]" have the amount and mob switched for practicality? And what is the [riders] argument?
    Is your "/setspawn" exact, or is it still within a certain area of the point? And is it a forced one or will beds override it after?
    And "/dcstack [amount] [items]", what are the arguments for?
    and what happens if I use "/dcteleport <player>" but without the [target]? For me it looks like <> is must and [] optional.
    And what about your "/dccreative", does it grant all items, infinite or is it only some standard building ones?
    "/dchealth <player> [hp]" does that alter health based on current health (like -2 = 2 dmg) or overall (-2 = dead, 1 = 1 heart)? And can <player> be excluded (if I only want to change my own health)?
    "/dcheal [player] [hp]" isn't this practically the same as the one above? And do they support negative numbers?
    "/dctime" <world> can be excluded?
    "/dckillnear" and "/dcclearnear". Can <distance> be excluded and it reverts to a standard value, and if so, what is that?
    What is "/dcdisconnect" disconnect with style? Lightning strike and some message or?
    "/dconline" support for prefix/suffix with Permissions (phoenix)?
    "/dcfire <duration> <player>" again, arguments better off reversed, then you can burn a person infinite (or predefined value in conf.) just by using "/dcfire <player>"?
    How much does "/dchide <player>" actually hide? Character, floating name, online list and/or commands?
    A guide for using "/dcsetportal"? Don't really understand what it can link between and how they link to eachother or if they are one-way only.
    What about solid spheres? can only see "/dcspherehollow <item> <radius>"
    What about doing something with requesting summon (so players have to accept being tele'd) and home invites so players can visit by accepting a "/home invite" with perhaps a "/accept" which could be the same for summons?
    Isn't "" just a remake of Permissions "build: <true|false>"?
    You forgot a return in line " /health- /health" under permissions.
    How does the mounting of player work?
    Per-world config:
    What is "hungry_cows_rate: 0.2" explanation says something about each "run", but what is a "run"?
    Are chances in % or in decimal? (100% = 1)
    How does blood work?
    Perhaps expand your "cuboid" part for more flags, like protection, pvp on/off and heal and all the usual.
    Last: what about blocking lava spread / water spread / buckets unless permission granted?
    Cheers :D

    P.S: Perhaps a complete wiki with command reference built up nicely (willing to help ofc ;))

    P.P.S: Kick and ban?

    P.P.P.S: Values "/dctime" accepts? day, 0, night, 18000, dawn, dusk or which format/type?
  22. Offline


    When separate inventories is set, people can still transport armor over, which for having survival and creative together is very bad. Please fix this.

    EDIT: Also yes a wiki would be great and I'd be willing to add to it if needed.
  23. Offline


    I keep getting this error message:
    Could you tell me what I did wrong?

    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.5_02
    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.settings file.
    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-729-g5ee3f0f-b766jnks (MC: 1.5_02)
    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    2011-05-16 19:53:58 [INFO] Preparing start region
    2011-05-16 19:53:59 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 69%
    2011-05-16 19:54:00 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) was Initialized.
    2011-05-16 19:54:00 [INFO] [ecoCreature] v0.0.5b (Spengebab) loaded.
    2011-05-16 19:54:00 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.7.2] (Phoenix) loaded
    2011-05-16 19:54:00 [INFO] [AssignPermissions] Plugin enabled! (version1.1)
    2011-05-16 19:54:01 [SEVERE] null loading DefaultCommands v3.3.0 (Is it up to date?)
    at com.vildaberper.DefaultCommands.Class.DCWorld.getObject(
    at com.vildaberper.DefaultCommands.Class.DCWorld.getBoolean(
    at com.vildaberper.DefaultCommands.SaveLoad.loadAll(
    at com.vildaberper.DefaultCommands.DefaultCommands.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    2011-05-16 19:54:01 [INFO] [HeroChat] HeroChat version 4.10.3 enabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:01 [INFO] [HeroChat] Permissions 2.7.2 found.
    2011-05-16 19:54:01 [INFO] [iConomy] Logging is currently disabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] [iConomy] v4.65 (Kenzi) loaded.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] [iConomy] Developed by: [Nijikokun, Coelho]
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] [iConomy] hooked into Permissions.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 1 jail zones.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 2 prisoners.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] Jobs started
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] [Jobs] Successfully linked with iConomy.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] [Jobs] Successfully linked with Permissions.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] Lockette version 1.3.7 is being enabled! Yay! (Core version 1.0)
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [766] ok.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] Lockette: Linked to Permissions plugin version 2.7.2
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] Lockette: Using ops file for admin permissions.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] Lockette: Ready to protect your containers.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] Pitfall version 0.5 is enabled!
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] SimpleCensor version 0.2.3 enabled!
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] [Sortal] version 2.7 is enabled!
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.4 enabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Single session is enforced.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) TNT ignition is blocked.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Lava fire is blocked.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) All fire spread is disabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'world"
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10 enabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:02 [INFO] Done (0.431s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2011-05-16 19:54:51 [INFO] Stopping the server..
    2011-05-16 19:54:51 [INFO] CONSOLE: Stopping the server..
    2011-05-16 19:54:51 [INFO] Stopping server
    2011-05-16 19:54:51 [INFO] [AssignPermissions] Plugin disabled. (version1.1)
    2011-05-16 19:54:53 [INFO] DefaultCommands 3.3.0 is disabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:53 [INFO] [HeroChat] HeroChat version 4.10.3 disabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] [iConomy] Plugin disabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] Jobs stopped
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] Lockette: Closing all automatic doors.
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) saved all data.
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) disabled successfully.
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] Goodbye world!
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] SimpleCensor disabled!
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] [Sortal] Disabled!
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10 disabled.
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] Saving chunks
    2011-05-16 19:54:54 [INFO] Stopping server
  24. Offline


    I started using it, and anyone can fly by default. They can also use every command, any chance you can make it so that only OP's can use most commands? I don't like using Permissions.

    Also, how does /dcsetportal work?

    P.S. Just found a bug, you can't /dcreplace glowstone.
  25. Offline


    It does issue the stop command.
  26. Offline


    The ability to list portals would be nice.
  27. Offline


    Hi there, great plugin ;)

    i have a few suggestions.

    like as now, it looks like all trees drop random sapplings, ive enabled apples. would like to have it back, so dark trees only drop dark sapplings etc.
    and can i change it so the magic sheeps dont change color? (just set 0 as value?) if not, what is the max value i can set?
  28. Offline


    /setspawn is exact
    /dcstack 0 will remove the item in your hand, "/dcstack 0 dirt sand" will remove all dirt and sand in your inventory.
    If only one argument is supplied, it will do this: /teleport (player who issued the command) (target)
    /dccreative makes blocks break instantly, and it makes block placing infinite.
    /dcheal <player> [hp, from 0 to 20]
    Yes, world is optional. If no world is set it will change the time in the world youre currently in.
    Theres no default distant, a value must be supplied.
    Just a simple shortcut from pressing Esc and Disconnect. You get kicked with the message "Bye".
    Not yet, but Ill add it support for it, just like in /dcwho.
    It allows aliases for /fire (dcfire 120) and /stopfire (dcfire 0) in commands.yml.
    It hides you from everything, even the world-specific player count in /dcworlds. And yeah, youre invicible too.
    You cant link portals without warps set at the entrances, for now.
    Solid spheres is harder to do than hollow ones, but Im working on it. :)
    Yeah, that will be included sometime.

    Nope, without '' the player cannot open chests, open doors, place and remove blocks, pick up items etc.
    Just like the mounting of animals, right click with a saddle.

    Every run it goes through every cow in that world. If a randomly generated number between 0 and 1 is below or equal to that rate, the cow will poop. So 0.2 is 20%, which means that about 20% of the cows will poop every run.
    Try it out yourself, its too awesome to explain!
    Yes, zones are coming!
    Coming too! Its just that I have a lot to do right now. :)

    There will be a wiki in the future.
    Kick and ban too.
    It accepts every time you set in Commands.yml.

    Yeah, coming! :D

    Thanks! Didnt think of that. :D
    Just turn magic_sheep off.

    Wierd, because it looks like DefaultCommands is already running when it starts again.

    Itll get fixed soon. I just preferred doing inventories first. :)

    Not possible yet, but its coming. :)

    Maybe an invalid config value? Or outdated Permissions?

    Edit Permissions: in the world specific config files.
    All OPs can do everything, but normal users use those permissions.

    /dcsetportal (name of the portal) (the portal's target)
    The name can be anything, but it should be unique.
    The target means where the portal will take you too:
    warp:<warpname> will take you to the warp called <warpname>
    world:<world> will take you to the spawn of <world>
    home:<player> will take you to the home of <player>
    player:<player> will teleport you to <player>

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  29. Offline


    "/dccreative" didn't explain what I meant properly I can see. Does it grant you all blocks (i.e. cobble in one slot, wood in another) or does it only give unlimited of what you mine or is it predefined items you get?

    Need an explanation on what "/dchealth <player> [hp]" does. Is it an altering of life (sets life to value you input)? And "/dcheal [player] [hp]" is that heal amount and hurt amount for that player (i.e. -2 results in 2 dmg on that person)

    Nice about the alias thing for fire!

    You do need some guide about using the portals.

    What I asked about concerning the cows, is: What is a "run"? Is it a tick? or whenever a cow moves? or what?

    Also got a bug with Permissions 2.7.3 + DefaultCommands 3.3.0, whenever I launch the server, I get this:

    14:25:31 [SEVERE] PLAYER_INTERACT_ENTITY loading DefaultCommands v3.3.0 (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: PLAYER_INTERACT_ENTITY
    at com.vildaberper.DefaultCommands.DefaultCommands.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(

    the .log is empty and no config.yml is created.

    Also, your awesome! One of the only ones who actually reacts to posts in their plugins and try to help.
  30. Offline


    It only makes items infinite and block breakable in less than a second.

    There is no /dcheal anymore, its replaced with /dchealth. But I think theres an alias for it, /heal - /dcheal 20

    A video? What are you missing? :)
    1. /dcsetportal (name of the portal) (the portal's target)
      The name can be anything, but it should be unique.
      The target means where the portal will take you too:
      warp:<warpname> will take you to the warp called <warpname>
      world:<world> will take you to the spawn of <world>
      home:<player> will take you to the home of <player>
      player:<player> will teleport you to <player>

    It runs continuously, with pauses. The pause time is the interval in config.

    Not Permissions-related, update CB.

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