ButtonCommands- Version 1.9 - ButtonCommands executes a desired command when a player hits a button with a command-sign nearby. The player will never have to touch the chat bar. Features: Execute one or multiple commands after a button has been pressed. Execute normal commands. Execute console commands. Execute redstone triggered commands. Execute alias commands. Command white-lists. Variables. A few somewhat useful commands. Plus possibly more (check BukkitDev). ButtonCommands on BukkitDev
Works great and I like it Good for saving my players the trouble of typing commands and cleans up the huge wall of signs of commands they are only going to need once or twice.
javoris767 this would be useful for /signup warps to adminshop jobs commands mcmmo commands, mob arena commands at spawn. I think we should get it. HON95 will it work if the signs are on the back of the block where the button is? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Not the same way as with buttons, but the redstone current from them can trigger "redstone commands signs", which basically are console ran from the console. Could be an useful feature to add though.
Wooden buttons don't work in the current release, sorry. edit: wow, those smileys are way too happy...