[GEN/ADMIN] Ask v0.1a-No more n00b questions! [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by geekygenius, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Ask-v0.1a-No more n00b questions!


    As an admin, you may have been asked questions like, "How do I make money?", more times than you can count. Not anymore! Ask enables you to add questions to a file, then users can ask them.

    Configuring Questions:
    Answers are added to the file in plugins/Ask/answers.txt. The file is automatically created when you load the plugin for the first time. Here is an example question:

    money|How| |You can make money by...
    The first section is the keyword. This is the subject of the question. In this case, money. The second section describes what about the thing in question. This is usually like Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, Are, Is, Do, ect. The third section are related words. This should be used if there are more then one question with the same first word, and subject. The last part is the answer to the question. When you read this is helps to sound like yoda... "Money how?"

    *Note* This is in Alpha. If anything dosen't work, please leave a comment. There will be future versions with added features.

    Noob: /ask How do I earn cash?
    Plugin: You must ... to earn cash.
    Noob: /ask What does cash do?
    Plugin: You can buy and sell stuff with your cash.

    The Properties:

    Show Spoiler
    These are functions of the properties listed in ask.properties in the plugins/Ask folder.
    * useRegex: Use regex when comparing.
    * deafultAnswer: The text displayed if no answers appear.

    Using the file converter:

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    The file converter was introduced in v0.2a because I felt the file needed to be changed so that the keyword was first. All this does is changes v0.1a files to v0.2a files. To use, download the file converter and place both run.bat and AskFileConverter into the plugins/Ask folder, the same one as answers.txt. Then, just run run.bat, can your file is converted!
    *Note* This section of the post will go away by the Beta release, you can still PM me for instructions.

    Ask will be moving to BukkitDev. This is still the primary source for now. Wait for more updates.
    Older content:

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    Ask File type offically converted. Please use the FileConverter in the downloads section under v0.2a
    Ask v0.2a Released! :D
    Answer file will probably change format to keyword first, then first word. Don't worry though, a script to convert your files will be included in v0.2a.

    Please DO NOT decompile the code. If you want to see the source, please contact me.
    v0.2a- Build 1240- <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    v0.1a -Build 1185- <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>


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    1. Put Ask.jar into your plugins folder
    2. Run the server once to create the files.
    3. Open answers.txt in plugins/Ask
    4. Add your own Answers to the text file.
    5. Run your server and enjoy!

    Future Plans:
    * Add writing unanswered questions to a file.
    * Add reloading the config/answers file by admins. (Planned for v0.3a)
    * Add updates to Admins when a question goes unanswered.
    * Add Admins adding answers in game.
    * Add better answers file support. (Please leave suggestions!)
    * Add user enter message telling them they can /ask
    * Add command like /ask t to say "Use /ask for your question" (T for tell)
    * Make it say something different for every person.
    * Remove command and change to something like ?why is this an example? (Suggestions needed)

    Change log:

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    * v0.2a

    - * Added Regex support
    * Added config file system
    * Added to config:

    - * Use Regex
    * Default answer (if no good answers come up)
    - v0.1a
    * Initial public release
    * Basic features added
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  2. Offline


    Ok approved
  3. Offline


    Yes, I have been actually playing Minecraft more then I have been coding, but I will put my other project away for you. :p
  4. Offline


    not what i asked for, but thanks:(
  5. Offline


    I will make the /idiot command /ask t, because I don't feel /idiot is very professional. Each person should be able to have their own phrase my v0.4a though!
    You really are my audience right now though... I love to take ideas from my audience.
  6. Offline


    :D Ask v0.3a is officially released! If you are reading this, please start using BukkitDev. You can subscribe to file updates so you will know when each new version is released.
  7. Offline


    Ask v0.4b is officially released! If you are reading this, please start using BukkitDev. You can subscribe to file updates so you will know when each new version is released. It will be posted when the new RB of Bukkit comes out.

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