Functional Koth

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BlueCrafter12, Jul 10, 2015.

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    PluginName: UltimateKoth

    Plugin info: Just like a simple koth plugin.Its have a spawn when player dies,a Hill/points set,where the player must stand to earn points and win The koth.But the diff here is player don't need to do a command to join or leave,Also they don't need to have classes they just need there own items to PvP.Also there's no team Free for all.

    Here's I want.If i will create here must I do.First I'll do set position by world edit (Main Arena) then do /ukoth create [name],after that I'll set points /ukoth setpoint then after that the only thing to do is to do /ukoth flag [name] [value] [value] here's my idea of flags:
    Players - How many need players to make the koth open
    Interval - How many mins does koth will start
    TimeStart - How many mins does the koth will end

    If you can make a customize broadcast so player will notice if its active or not,This idea is came from Plugin called PArtyKOTH but I think there will no further updates on it

    Plugin cmd:
    Ukoth Start - ukoth.start
    Ukoth stop - ukoth.stop
    Ukoth reload - ukoth.reload
    Ukoth create - ukoth.create
    Ukoth remove - ukoth.remove
    Ukoth setpoint - ukoth.setpoint
    Ukoth removepoint - ukoth.removepoint
    Ukoth flag - ukoth.flag

    I hope you can work with this! Support me :)
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