[FUN/SPOUT] DeadMines v0.3.1a - Bringing hell to a server near you! Stability patch is out! 1.0.1-R

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by DrBoweNur, Jul 19, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I haven't yet. Planning on doing so tonight :p
  2. Offline


    Well, for my sake, I hope the results are good. (or sub-par, at the very least)

    The last thing I want is for this to cause unecessary weight on a server :/
  3. Offline


    Until the mob limit function works normally, it will be 8D

    Also, I might have an extra server just lying around that you can use as a testing site :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  4. Offline


    Well, there's no way to make it work 'normally', as what I'm doing goes against the normal method of spawning. However, I still got barely any CPU usage while I was fighting on apocalyptic-mode (see pictures above the original ZombieAttack photos)
    So its possible that it might not be causing as much weight as I originally thought.

    But I guess we'll put the rumors to rest and find out *officially* tonight.
  5. Offline


    I installed this plugin when our server decided to add a Zombie Survival map. Absolutely amazing work on the plugin as it works great and isn't too hard on the CPU.

    There is one thing I noticed but couldn't get it to happen again. We were attacked by a Webber while in a doorway and when the web disappeared it destroyed the bottoms of the blocks around the doors and the doors themselves. No items fell from the broken objects either. Like nothing had ever been placed there. Possible bug or just weird accident?
  6. Offline


    Oh wow, that's not good.
    Just tested it, and you're right. The webber-attacks (while they dont 'destroy' blocks initially) will remove any block that they were told not to destroy when they first appear.
    I'm surprised there hasn't been a report of this before, as I never intended for zombies to grief :p

    I'll add this to my list of things to fix. Thanks for the report.
  7. Offline


    Something else. I've noticed that when I set apocalyptic spawns to true, regardless of other settings, when the night comes, it instantly flips to day.
  8. Offline


    Nowhere in my code does it ever force the time to be day...so I'm a little confused.
    Can you post your full config, so I can try and replicate this later today? (have work for 8 hours)
  9. Offline


    It's not an error, when I set the start-at-day-stop-at-night to true for example, I get messages: The horde will come in 10 seconds (or something), and then immediately afterwards, I get: The sun is rising, the horde retreats messages.
    I think sunscreen has something to do with it?
  10. Offline



    Oh, yeah. That's a small bug with the text-display.
    It will 'start up', but because its daytime, it will automatically shut itself down until night-time.
  11. Offline


    When is nighttime exacly? It seems at dusk it starts to start, but it doesn't really start until midnight or so.
  12. Offline


    Nighttime is defined as when the sun starts to set. So when the sun sets, it will fire up (and the zombies should have fully populated the area by the time its dark)

    Daytime is defined by the sun rising.
  13. Offline


    I seem to have found an interesting bug. When using /poof to stay stealthy when I spawn mobs around my builders I notice that webbers have "H4X!11!!". Even when invisible they magically lock on to you and web you... continuously until you reappear. The zombie itself doesn't attack but you still get webbed. Quite an odd bug.

    Also noticed you spelled Dark Synergy wrong when you have /zc verbose enabled. This may have been fixed already but just letting you know.
  14. Offline


    Again, a very useful bug-report!

    It fires web whenever it targets someone, but I never check to see if the event is cancelled before doing so. Fix'd for next version, thanks!

    Also, I'll fix that spelling. I'm a grammar Nazi at heart, so I have no choice but to.

    Ok, sorry for the lack of updates over the past few days. I've been loaded down with 8-9 hour shifts at work every day, and I haven't had the time I've wanted to sit down and code things out for an hour or two.

    Hopefully I will have time tonight, and then push out 0.5 by tommorow night.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  15. Offline


    looking forward to it, whenever its ready to go :)
  16. Offline


    Sorry to bother you again for the same issue, but the problem seems to persist... This is my config file:

            Point-Amount: 5
            Credits-Per-Kill: 3.0
            Spawn-Chance: 15
            Point-Amount: 5
            Credits-Per-Kill: 3.0
            Spawn-Chance: 20
            Point-Amount: 5
            Credits-Per-Kill: 3.0
            Spawn-Chance: 15
            Point-Amount: 5
            Credits-Per-Kill: 3.0
            Spawn-Chance: 15
            Point-Amount: 1
            Credits-Per-Reanimated: 1.0
            Credits-Per-Normal: 2.5
            Point-Amount: 5
            Credits-Per-Kill: 3.0
            Spawn-Chance: 15
            Point-Amount: 5
            Credits-Per-Kill: 3.0
            Spawn-Chance: 10
            Default-Health: 200
            Point-Amount: 50
            Credits-Per-Kill: 30.0
        Apocalyptic-Spawn-Mode: true
        Zombies-Resistant-To-Arrow-Pushback: true
        Persist-Through-Reload: false
        Synergy-Per-Zombie: 5
        Use-Sunscreen-If-No-Night: false
        Synergy-Per-Spawned-Zombie: 2
        Start-at-Night-End-at-Day: true
        Use-Eternal-Night: false
        Start-Up-Delay-In-Seconds: 10
        Use-Multi-World: false
        - world
        Base-Horde-Chance: 20
        Amount-Per-Horde: 12
        Horde-Spawn-Interval: 20
    But nothing seems to happen at night...
  17. Offline


    i just copied this cfg and tried it out and i got spammed with start/stop msgs. (picture) then i switched to night using /time night (scrap bukkit i think), i kept getting the msgs but eventually a ton of zombies came (picture), synergy and all the normal msgs/special zombies etc spawned like normal (i got webbed and burned within seconds of them appearing).

    one bug i encountered though was this weird multizombie that i couldnt hit with my sword. he couldnt seem to move and looked like a writhing ball of zombies who were all creepily staring at me lol... i eventually took a step back and hit a normal zombie beside him (couldnt target him with it directly) with an explode spell from easyrpg, destroyed the tree he was stuck in and either killed him or he vanished.

    edit - i dont know if it makes a difference but i specifically went to 'world' to do the test. which world are you going to? if not world, try specifying in the config even though multiworld is false, or go specifically to world and try again.
  18. Offline


    This is exactly what happened to me, apart from the multizombie thing. I am using only world and world_nether *the nether*, and I'm always using this on world, so I am on world.

    Btw, could you link me to your texture pack? I kinda like it ;)
  19. Offline



    Yeah, that's the problem that me and a few of my admins experienced when testing it out. I couldn't seem to reproduce it...but I do think I know what's causing it.

    I'll look into it today, as I'm essentially re-writing my plugin to try and keep it organized and neat. Not looking forward to it, as code refraction is boring :p
  20. Offline


    Well, I'm aiming to start java in a while. I remember hearing this from someone: Programming is 10% implementing features and 90% debugging. Good luck :)
  21. Offline


    After further tests the ZombieCraft plugin is still making my server work @ around 80%. I think it might be the permissions system 3.1.6.
  22. Offline


    I know other people have experienced issues with 3.1.6, but I'm not sure if that would be applicable unless 3.1.6 caused the CPU usage directly.
  23. Offline


    its a mix of many packs with <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> [/URL]as a base and <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> dooms hd mobs[/URL]. (<Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> youll need the hd texture patch on your client to use it...

    regarding permissions 3.1.6, i switched back to 3.1.5 a while ago at the suggestion of nossr50 (mcmmo dev) because its apparently causing cpu spikes with his plugin that are basically unexplained.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2017
  24. Offline


    How about block-breaking zombies? :)
  25. Offline


    You're welcome to use ZombieAttack for this, but there's no good way to add this without causing the same CPU spikes that ZombieAttacks causes.

    You see, you're not usually able to monitor zombie movement. So in order to monitor their movement, and the blocks that they need to break? That takes up a LOT of memory.

    And guys, I really am sorry for the lack of updates. Life's being a b*tch at the moment, and I've had 0 time to code. With school starting up soon, and XC practice firing up tommorow, I don't know how soon I'm going to be able to update this.

    I'll do my best to push out something soon, though.
  26. Offline


    Mmm, good point. I may have a bit of an alternative idea then.

    How about suicidal-creeper-like zombies?

    They would be rare, they would be spawned solo or in small groups and would be able to see through blocks, once they take aim they would destroy a configurable radius with a configurable TNT power. Even possibly destroying Obsidian in the progress.

    I did some testing on this and it worked fine- we combined it with MeteorShower (put it on a huge constant shower) and it looked pretty awesome. (Unfortunately all hordes died in the shower, and even worse, after this happened it took 10 minutes before a new horde would spawn near while we were with 10 people building in a mountain)

    I love this plugin, it's idea is brilliant and you deserve a cookie for it. If you can make it so this can (configurably) become so terrifying that the entire server will have to flee and work together to survive- not even being safe in the usually trusty shack or underground mines, then a winrar are you! :D

    And thanks for all the time you are putting into this, despite having a difficult situation at this time!

    Oh, and before the monster-movement CPU spikes with my suggestion, you could instead base it upon player movement. Much like you'll spot Endermen. I suspect Endermen's system will be profitable for this plugin too.
  27. Offline


    If you go into the config, you can turn the rate of Horde-Spawns up.
    In addition, if you set "Apocalyptic-Spawn-Mode" to true, that should achieve your "OH GOD, ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE" feel that you're looking for :p

    Thanks for the appreciation

    Also, exploding zombies are certainly possible...but I would need to distinguish them to avoid players going "LOL ZOMB--BOOM"
  28. Offline


    How about striking them with lightning when they spawn, but making them untouchable for it ?

    What exactly does Apocalyptic mode do? *looks shamefully*
  29. Offline


    Lets just say that it will...increase your Zombie to Player Ratio. ;)
    (It allows zombies to spawn in lit areas at night, and also spawns approximately 2-3 times as many)
  30. Offline


    Mmm interesting! I'll try this out.

    Have you considered supporting Spout? Not only could you perhaps make the different type have slightly different appearances in Spout, but you could use it to add a little Synergy bar and maybe some cool apocalypse effect like a nether-ish cloud or blood dripping past the screen. Just brainstorming here :p

    I installed spout yesterday, and I havent been this amazed since Bukkit itself!
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