[FUN/SPOUT] DeadMines v0.3.1a - Bringing hell to a server near you! Stability patch is out! 1.0.1-R

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by DrBoweNur, Jul 19, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I shall feel that much better, knowing that you shall be monitoring this thread. :p
  2. Offline


    If this plugin turns out well I will advertise your work on the Machinima network :)
  3. Offline


    Hehe, I'd like to think its turning out pretty good so far :p

    Right now, its like an amazingly awesome sky-scraper.
    The only issue is...it's missing support beams. And adding in support beams, after building the exoskeleton of the plugin? Yeah, that was a mistake on my part. But its getting there!

    Appreciate your support :D
  4. Offline


    i assure you that this plugin is already worth telling ppl about.[zombie]
  5. Offline


    I was looking through your first post and didn't see a list of features that are in the Alpha version. Can you type up a list of what IS in the alpha version? I am going to get started testing this later tonight when I get home :D

    Edit: Never mind I am illiterate LOL.
  6. Offline


    The current list of features is in the Alpha Version.
    In fact, there's a little more than that in the Alpha Version (you can take a look at the config to see what I'm talking about)

    Everything listed on that OP, minus things in the To-Do, are all included in the Alpha-Jar

    Which brings me to another statement...I don't know why this is still in 'Alpha' testing, I'll probably release the next version as a Beta...and possibly throw it into submissions. (depending on how the initial reaction to v0.5 is)
  7. Offline


    @DrBoweNur are you also planning on supporting a Web API to track statistics online?
  8. Offline


    I can certainly look into it, but I have 0 knowledge of PHP.
    If I can find another developer willing to sift through my messy source, to help me out with PHP...then I don't see why it couldn't support it :)

    Or, I can start teaching myself PHP, since I need to learn it anyways. Point is, I can definitely include it, but it is probably for later down the road ;)
  9. Offline


    There are a couple of Web API statistics developers out there. Let me find some for you :)
  10. Offline


    I guess my real concern here is, how many people would use it?
    I mean, such a thing is viable with plugins like mcMMO, where it is truly stat-intensive. This one does include a pretty nice stat feature, which is bound to expand more, but I don't know if it is 'web-worthy', so to speak :)
  11. Offline


    Here are some of the stats you can track:

    1. # of times killed by zombies
    2. # of zombies killed
    3. Survivor who lasted the longest: <Name>, <time in 00:00:00 format>
    3.1 ^ add a high score table to that.
    4. Range of favorite weapons (filter by item time customizable by the web administration)
    5. # of other types of mobs killed.
    6. Survivability chart (times during the day in which the most # of deaths occurred)

    I'd say there's a need for a web API :)
  12. Offline


    1) Can be done in 2 seconds flat (already has been, dev build just isnt out yet. It's been suggested before)
    2) Already in there.
    3) Do-able, but might be tricky to track through reloads
    3.1) High-Score table is already in, I can make separate high-score charts if need be :)
    4) To clarify, you just mean weapon types within default MC, right? As I don't add anything special to the weapon system, you'll have to see EnergySword for that :p
    5) If by 'other types of mobs', you mean the 'special zombies', then that's already being tracked :)
    6) The only issue with this would be that there are so many options for when the zombie attacks start, that it would be hard to implement a tracker that took all of them into account

    I like the ideas though, never thought of the weapons/survivor time before.
  13. Offline


    Well, not really a need, but a want, let's put it that way haha
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    For #6, just track the # of deaths per minute IRL then divide by fake MC time = survivability chart :)
  16. Offline


    i love stats :) i remember studying the stats of myself and other players in unreal tourney back in the day...ttl(time to live)/kpl(kills per life)..ahhh the good old days.
  17. Offline


    Kind of off-topic, but the good 'ole days for me consisted of Doom. God how I loved that game.
    First game that I got competetive in multiplayer? Easily a tie between Halo: CE (PC), and CoD2 (PC)
  18. Offline


    yeah doom was one of the first games that really threw me <3 that and street fighter 2 (i actually grew up and bought a sf2 cabinet)...but ut and quake 3 were when i got into killing ppl for points :p (and obsessing over kpl and other stats). just thinking about it in zombiecraft (and also going through the stats page at that site i linked above) has me all giddy lol. hopefully at some point that becomes a reality...
  19. Offline


    Also add a toggle where zombies can break through blocks (can define block type). I think I saw another plugin that does this but it seems to be broken/not updated
  20. Offline


    zombie attack. its being updated by (infected) and it works great with this...
  21. Offline


    Then it's probably me not doing stuff right :( I will look into it.

    Just tested this plugin and it works very well! I would recommend you clean up the help page so people see only what they need to (separate displays for different ranks). Also hook this to Permissions plugin.​

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  22. Offline


    if its any help here are my configs:
    Show Spoiler
    # BLOCK NAME, SECONDS * Time it takes for a zombie to break in seconds.
    # Remove # from a BLOCK that you WANT to be broken.
    # (I've put the default ones up top.)




    Show Spoiler
    # (blank)= Zombies DO NOT attack in any regions. All regions protected. (default)
    # *= Zombies will attack in ALL regions.
    # a comma separated list= Zombies only attack in these regions.


    # Display warning message that a zombie has you targetted. (true/false)

    im thinking you need to add the * so they can attack in all regions...
  23. Offline


    Lastly, it'd be a good idea to describe the config.yml configuration values and what they do. Thanks!

    Also, make it so it's more easy to distinguish different mob types from each other.
  24. Offline


    The help clean-up is definitely on the to-do list, as well as defining all the configuration values. Since I'm using Bukkit's built-in configuration, I'm not sure if listing comments for each node is possible...but I can certainly list them in the main thread.

    As for distinguishing mob types...this one has been a bit tricky for me. Without a proper way to track entities/change their skin (even with client mods), I've been at a loss for ideas on 'distinguishing' them. I am aware that they NEED to be easy to distinguish, if at all possible, but I'm not entirely sure how to do this (aside from lighting infernites on fire)
  25. Offline


    If you ever need a Wiki we've got one set up @ our site and you're welcome to use it :) I am very impressed by what you have so far!
  26. Offline


    Thanks! :D

    As a quick update, I have what some might consider 'bad news', while others might consider 'good'...it really depends on what your take on the plugin is.

    Anywho, before releasing the next version, I'll be going through some major code re-design, and (essentially) revamp my source so it is easier for me to read it. It's become increasingly difficult to make small changes due to the messy nature of my source, and I think its time to fix that up. Why some might consider this bad, is that this will push the next dev build (0.5) back a bit.

    However, it's a necessary evil, and its not like I'd be leaving you -without- the plugin, as there's always the very functional 0.4.3 out for you to toy around with. :D
  27. Offline


    Oh one more thing, is it possible for you to make it so you can choose between a regular day/night cycle and it being eternally day or night, or is the entity checking for removing zombies burning in the sun way too much (eats too much resources etc?)
  28. Offline


    The config contains a few options to help you with managing the time.
    Use-Eternal-Night (for disabling full-on night time)
    Start-Night-End-Day (This *may* be broken, you're welcome to test, it makes it so the apocalypse ONLY happens at night, but daytime is normal)
    And (not time management, but useful if you're not using eternal night)
    Use-Sunscreen-If-No-Night (to prevent zombies from burning, if eternal night is off)
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  29. Offline


    I was wondering what those values were lol. Also you can use our existing Wiki or I can host a brand new one for you :) www.mmpr.org

    Also, bug submission? When you set the config to daytime apocalypse start no natural zombies spawn. However, hordes still spawn near you.
  30. Offline


    I have one suggestion for a new zombie.. I don't know what to call it but it is smaller like 2/3 the size of a normal zombie and it spawns zombies around it and it runs away from you but once you get really close it teleports away
    and it only takes 3 hits to kill it. yea thats bout all i got for it hope you add that to the zombie list!
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