[FUN] SoundCenter - Music, Sounds and Voice Chat for your Server! [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by WegFetZ, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SoundCenter - Music, Sounds and Voice Chat for your Server!

    Version: v0.1

    CustomMusic is back! Now as SoundCenter!

    SoundCenter (formerly CustomMusic) allows you to set music boxes or regions that stream your own music, sound effects or webradio to all players in realtime.
    It also implements a simple voice chat for Minecraft.
    In the future SoundCenter will add a lot of cool audio features to minecraft, such as sound effects on events.

    To give you a very little idea of what it does (video is not up-to-date):

    More info on:

    or on BukkitDev

    • You can set imaginary jukeboxes, cuboid areas or worlds and biomes as music stations
    • Stations can either play your own music or sound effects, or webradio streams
    • You can also play music globally on the whole server
    • You can upload your own music files easily via the SoundCenter client
    • Supported audio formats: mp3, midi, ogg (for webradio only)
    • Everything is easily and intuitively managable with the clients user interface
    • Every feature is configurable and you can limit access with permissions
    Extra Features:
    • Voice chat
      • SoundCenter adds a simple voice chat to your Bukkit server
      • You can speak locally (only players that are not far from you can hear you. Volume depends on their distance)
      • But you can also speak globally (The whole server can hear you)
      • You can disable voice chat on your server if you don't like this feature
    • many more to come
    How does it work?

    Okay so I have SoundCenter installed on my server, what to do now?
    It's easy: Login to your server. If you are not running the client yet, you will see a message with a link to www.sound-center.com. If you follow this link, the SoundCenter client will load and automatically fill in the required information to connect to your server.
    Press connect - now you can add and upload your songs in the "Music" tab, or add biomes or worlds to your stations. If you want to set boxes and areas, you can do this ingame via /sc set <area|box>. That's easier, because the box will be created at your coordinates.
    You can edit all properties of your stations by pressing the "Edit Station" button in the "Stations" tab.

    For detailed instructions on how to install or use the commands visit the HOW TO USE section on BukkitDev.

    Before you post any Issues/ Bugs:
    Goblom, Maxster99, gnftoxic and 10 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Problems with Audio Client maybe u could help ? "Initialization failed! Make sure you started the AudioClient!"
  3. Offline


    You can run Ubuntu on CD, no install :p But if you want, just PM me and i can try diferent thing to you
  4. Offline


    i have make a french version for my server:
    #===CustomMusic configuration===
    #Wed Aug 03 21:40:36 CEST 2011
    Login-Initialization-Failed-Msg=CustomMusic\: \#\!Initialisation ratée\!Vérifiez que vous avez bien lancé Audioclient\!\#\!w
    if you are interested ^^

    (and one ask: can i change volume of music?)
  5. Offline


    Oh I found the problem. its a typo, look we've been typing "jave" on the end.

    Although now I'm having a DIFFERENT problem, now this is what I get:

    C:\Users\(user)\Desktop\ACCUSTM>"C:\Program files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" "M
    C_AudioClient.jar" worm_gremlin
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MC_AudioClient/jar
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MC_AudioClient.jar
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    Could not find the main class: MC_AudioClient.jar. Program will exit.

    Press any key to continue . . .
  6. Offline


    Could you try to get the plugin working with "Spout" so modding the MC Client the AudioClient would not be necessary? (Sorry for my bad English)
  7. Offline


    I have received this error when trying to upload music to the AudioClient:

    Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at de.WegFetZ.AudioClient.otherFuncs.sendSongList<otherFuncs.java:107>
    at de.WegFetZ.AudioClient.otherFuncs.upload<otherFuncs.java:16>
    at de.WegFetZ.AudioClient.Console.run<Console.java:24>
    I've seen that there's already been an error reported of this nature, but unfortunately the fix is not working for me.
    java -Xmx128M -jar "MC_AudioClient.jar" ChaosKudos
    I have added only one song to the Music folder so far though it's not been added to the server yet as the /upload breaks it.

    I'm running on Window 7 64-bit.
    Bukkit Build 1000.
    What other information might you need?
  8. Offline


    @izZzi Have you edited the startclient.bat file?

    @Tyto26 I think i will get some time to work on this error in 2-3 weeks, maybe you could help me then :)

    @skyforce77 You mean you changed the Initialization-Failed message? The volume can only be changed by using an audio mixer like it is built in in windows 7.

    @worm_gremlin Try to redownload the MC_AudioClient.jar and put it into the same folder as the startclient.bat file.

    @DeathPommes I will think about this, but as far as i know Spout doesn't support mp3 files yet

    @Kudos Could you tell me the full path to your audioclient?.

    For those who still have problems with configuration:

    Don't forget to watch part 2.
    Thanks to BukkitDE on Youtube :)
  9. Offline


    yes, i have just changed the initilization-failed message ^^.
    Thanks for response.

    (other question: can you place a command for change volume in game?)
  10. Offline


    Ok so, I've read every single post about how to install on Mac and there are a lot of ways. I've tried them all...sooo...what happens if I get this?

    Last login: Sun Aug 7 21:48:35 on ttys000
    /Users/admin/Downloads/CustomMusic_AudioClient/startclient.command ; exit;
    John-Manalos-MacBook:~ admin$ /Users/admin/Downloads/CustomMusic_AudioClient/startclient.command ; exit;

    [Process completed]

    It didn't create a music folder or anything...help please?
  11. Offline


    "Could not create the Java virtural machine"

    Any ideas?
  12. Offline


    Hi again, so I just gave up on Mac and went for the PC...Now I get this I/O error: "Make sure that you have set the right port and that the ports are forwarded on the server".

    I know I should go to FAQ and check 3 but problem is I suck at these kind of stuff, can you make it more specific? Should I like portforward 4224, 4225, 4226, 4227 or something? Please help, I reall would like to have this awesome plugin on my server :D Thanks!
  13. Offline


    I get a terminal message from my Linux OS reporting that the AudioClient is outdated, even after fresh install. Help?
  14. Offline


    When I try to set a Box. There stands: An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command. And the Server log just put out many many Mistakes.
  15. Offline


    A friend of mine is getting the following error when running the Startclient.bat file:
    C:\Users\icy\Downloads\CustomMusic_AudioClient>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6
    \bin\java.exe" "MC_AudioClient.jar" Michael
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MC_AudioClient/jar
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MC_AudioClient.jar
            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    Could not find the main class: MC_AudioClient.jar.  Program will exit.
    Press any key to continue . . .
    he's running windows 7 x64
    edit: he is running the batch file in the same directory as the .jar file.
  16. Offline


    @skyforce77 I will think about it.

    @ErikLeet Which java version do you have? (Open command prompt and type java -v)

    @Johnnyboii Sry i can't help you on Mac. You need to forward the ports 4224, 4225, 4226 and 4227.

    @wacossusca34 Try to re-download the latest version of both, the plugin and the audioclient

    Could you post your server log? Is there any error when you start the server? Delete the BoxList.db and the AreaList.db and try it again after a restart.

    @theakore I don't know what's the problem. I'd suggest to re-download the audiocient and try it again. Let me know if it works or not.
  17. Offline


    so far we've tried re-downloading the plugin, adding the full directory to the "MC_Audioclient.jar" in the batch file; still no luck.
    It seems to be a problem with x64 bit Windows 7, So far 3 people with 64bit OS's cant run it because of that error but everyone else is fine
  18. Offline


    @theakore 64 bit should be no problem. I'm using Win7 64Bit myself.
  19. Offline


    +1 for System of a Down in the video :D
  20. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Since I've got a few plugins that require Spout, maybe you can add an optional functionality to work in Spout? This would make it easier for my users to install the client-side stuff.
  21. Offline


    At the moment it is not possible to make it compatible with Spout because Spout doesn't support mp3 files.
    I will try to make it easier for the users when i start working on a minecraft clientmod. As soon as Spout supports mp3 files i will think about using this instead of my own client mod.
    The PC Tech Guy likes this.
  22. Offline


    I'm getting this error now.. please help asap.
    2011-08-13 08:12:42 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "uploadListener"
    2011-08-13 08:12:42 [SEVERE] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported operation
    2011-08-13 08:12:42 [SEVERE]     at com.platymuus.bukkit.permcompat.PermissionHandler.getUserPermissionInteger(PermissionHandler.java:139)
    2011-08-13 08:12:42 [SEVERE]     at de.WegFetZ.CustomMusic.Permission.getPermissionInteger(Permission.java:58)
    2011-08-13 08:12:42 [SEVERE]     at de.WegFetZ.CustomMusic.uploadListener.run(uploadListener.java:69)
  23. Offline


    When does this happen? Do you get it more than once?
  24. Offline


    Only i (admin/op on server) can hear it? any help??? But they can use the /cm play and hear it for themselves but still cant hear stuff from the /cm gplay????
  25. Offline


    Hello, is it possible that the music only plays in the Cubiod area, and doesn't fade when you walk away from it?

  26. Offline


    @MoreBassXD Can they hear boxes and areas?

    Yes, it is. You need to set the area-fadeout-range in the cm.properties to 0.
    I will add area specific fadeout range in the next version.
  27. Offline


    @WegFetZ Yes they can but i want them to hear global so i can play a certain song to everyone without stting up a billion boxes
  28. Offline


    @MoreBassXD Ok i will take a look at this, thanks for reporting.
  29. Offline


    @WegFetZ No problem... If you want me to test anything im all for it =) and yes it is ONLY for the global play
  30. Offline


    imaginary jukeboxs is a great idea however i am not switching my mod client. you should add flexibility to gear it with spout.
  31. Offline


    Can you change this to spout? :(

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