[FUN] SoundCenter - Music, Sounds and Voice Chat for your Server! [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by WegFetZ, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SoundCenter - Music, Sounds and Voice Chat for your Server!

    Version: v0.1

    CustomMusic is back! Now as SoundCenter!

    SoundCenter (formerly CustomMusic) allows you to set music boxes or regions that stream your own music, sound effects or webradio to all players in realtime.
    It also implements a simple voice chat for Minecraft.
    In the future SoundCenter will add a lot of cool audio features to minecraft, such as sound effects on events.

    To give you a very little idea of what it does (video is not up-to-date):

    More info on:

    or on BukkitDev

    • You can set imaginary jukeboxes, cuboid areas or worlds and biomes as music stations
    • Stations can either play your own music or sound effects, or webradio streams
    • You can also play music globally on the whole server
    • You can upload your own music files easily via the SoundCenter client
    • Supported audio formats: mp3, midi, ogg (for webradio only)
    • Everything is easily and intuitively managable with the clients user interface
    • Every feature is configurable and you can limit access with permissions
    Extra Features:
    • Voice chat
      • SoundCenter adds a simple voice chat to your Bukkit server
      • You can speak locally (only players that are not far from you can hear you. Volume depends on their distance)
      • But you can also speak globally (The whole server can hear you)
      • You can disable voice chat on your server if you don't like this feature
    • many more to come
    How does it work?

    Okay so I have SoundCenter installed on my server, what to do now?
    It's easy: Login to your server. If you are not running the client yet, you will see a message with a link to www.sound-center.com. If you follow this link, the SoundCenter client will load and automatically fill in the required information to connect to your server.
    Press connect - now you can add and upload your songs in the "Music" tab, or add biomes or worlds to your stations. If you want to set boxes and areas, you can do this ingame via /sc set <area|box>. That's easier, because the box will be created at your coordinates.
    You can edit all properties of your stations by pressing the "Edit Station" button in the "Stations" tab.

    For detailed instructions on how to install or use the commands visit the HOW TO USE section on BukkitDev.

    Before you post any Issues/ Bugs:
    Goblom, Maxster99, gnftoxic and 10 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Yeah some of my players also experienced this (bat file opening and insta-closing) I'm not sure why this happens but a percentage of my players solved this problem by downloading again and try once more.

    Really? I haven't experienced something like this. If you don't mind giving it a chance try downloading again, and tell us if the problem persists.

    Nope, actually this fictious EVIL person that uploads this virus in format mp3 can do the following:
    place a jukebox with the infected mp3 in the spawnpoint, and because all of the other player clients will "believe" its a normal mp3, their audioclients will downloadthe file in order to listen the music, that's how it works... And if this virus is advanced enough it will start infecting the machine as soon as its "played" by the AC; As the first post says "play it with TRUSTABLE peepz" its neither that or the complex BukkitContrib
  3. Offline


    It would be rally nice if the jukebox could be automaticly triggered when someone get in range of it.
    Could you do that please?

    Btw.. This is one of the most EPIC plugins I have seen in my entire life!! Keep up your good work!!
  4. Offline


    Hey can u make a minimum limit, for a mp3 file to be, cuz i did some research and found out that .mp3 files can have viruses but they are really rare, and even if it a virus, they would be around 100kb. So can u plz add a minimum limit for a mp3 file to be around 125kb, cuz music cant be any where near that anywayzz.
  5. Offline


    125 kb bull crap my music is always about 5-10 MB.and i scanned those and im having NP.
  6. Offline


    yea i dnt have any problems too but its jus unsafe any one connected to the server can upload the files.
  7. Offline


    this is awesome.

    but there is a problem.

    I use auth plugin. (Authme)

    But audioclient initiate before player log in.

    It can causes someone changes other player`s music without log in.

    can you fix it?

    can you add volume function?;)

    If I give players permission `cm.deletebox.player', they can delete other player`s box?

    Then how can I set permissions for players can delete only their own boxes?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  8. Offline


    BCMusic plays music server wide by default. And it allows custom jukeboxes if you don't want to...
  9. Offline


    What do you mean by automatically triggered?

    They can only change something when they are running the audioclient AND logged in.
    To give a box a maximum volume value?

    You don't need any permissions to delete your own boxes. Just don't use the [player] parameter:
    type /cm deletebox <number>
  10. Offline


    This plugin its my favourite ajajja :D good work ;)
  11. Offline


    please make so you could enter a song and its url like on youtube or something cause i have an inside netwrok i cant forward any ports
  12. Offline


    When I choose a song, the song doesn't play from the beginning. The song plays at a random elapsed time. Can you help me?
  13. Offline


    Hello i did all the steps i found posted on the instructions and then i got this message:

    C:\Users\Yousef\Desktop\AudioClient\CustomMusic_AudioClient>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Jav
    a\jre6\bin\java.exe" "MC_AudioClient.jar" MegaCat
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MC_AudioClient/jar
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MC_AudioClient.jar
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    Could not find the main class: MC_AudioClient.jar. Program will exit.

    Press any key to continue . . .

    how do i fix it?
  14. Offline


    When i launch the client i got this error:
    C:\Users\BelluX\Desktop\Minecraft\NiceOne Audio Client>java -jar "MC_AudioClient
    .jar" BelluX
    Name registered! Log into Minecraft within 60s or use '/cm init' if you are alre
    ady logged in.
    Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
            at de.WegFetZ.AudioClient.otherFuncs.sendSongList(otherFuncs.java:103)
            at de.WegFetZ.AudioClient.otherFuncs.upload(otherFuncs.java:16)
            at de.WegFetZ.AudioClient.Console.run(Console.java:25)
    Initialization failed!
    Connection closed. Bye!
    The client and the plugin have the port 4224.
  15. Offline


    SOLVED, i had MobileAdmin Port on 8125 = myself fail. sorry.

    just updated to #1000 and get this error at server shutdown:
    2011-07-20 01:57:06 [SEVERE] Error occurred while disabling CustomMusic v0.6b (Is it up to date?): null
        at de.WegFetZ.CustomMusic.CustomMusic.onDisable(CustomMusic.java:81)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:128)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.disablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:899)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:288)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:281)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.disablePlugins(CraftServer.java:157)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stop(MinecraftServer.java:312)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:391)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    and on server start up:
    2011-07-20 01:57:19 [INFO] [CustomMusic] 19 Jukeboxe(s) loaded.
    2011-07-20 01:57:19 [INFO] [CustomMusic] Permissions enabled using: GroupManager v1.0(alpha-5) [Zombie-Version, please switch to Permissions 3]
    2011-07-20 01:57:19 [INFO] [CustomMusic] Starting servers on port 8124-8127...
    2011-07-20 01:57:19 [SEVERE] Could not listen on port: 8125
    2011-07-20 01:57:19 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-21"
    2011-07-20 01:57:19 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-07-20 01:57:19 [SEVERE]     at de.WegFetZ.CustomMusic.ServerSongSender.run(ServerSongSender.java:19)
    2011-07-20 01:57:19 [INFO] CustomMusic version 0.6b is enabled!
  16. Offline


    when i will upload a song exeption in thread "Thread"java lang memory erorr
  17. Offline


    SOLVED, i had MobileAdmin Port on 8125 = myself fail. sorry.

    this server.log errors sometimes when a special one user connects with audioclient or leaves server:
    2011-07-21 16:05:04 [INFO] Zibi lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    2011-07-21 16:05:04 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-07-21 16:06:31 [INFO] error while sending Songlist, Thread closing!
    2011-07-21 16:06:31 [INFO] error while sending Songlist, Thread closing!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  18. Offline


    when ever i try to run the audio client all i get is

    C:\Users\User\Desktop\CustomMusic_AudioClient>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\
    bin\java.exe" -jar "MC_AudioClient.jar" thedarkone234
    and it just stays like that.Any help would be appreciated

    thanks in advance
  19. Offline


    Actually if you have a firewall that blocks any ports you should be able to add exceptions and forward them.

    Is the MC_AudioClient.jar in the same folder as the startclient.bat? Did you maybe rename it?
    Try to redownload the AudioClient.

    @BelluX @killertrupp1
    Which OS are you using? have you tried to add these parameters? I need more information about this issue.

    It is supposed to do so.

    Make sure that you have set the right IP and port in the AudioClient.properties.
  20. Offline


    Whit this is working now. OS: Windows 7 64-bit
    java -Xmx128M -jar MC_AudioClient.jar yourName
    Error again:
    Name registered! Log into Minecraft within 60s or use '/cm init' if you are alre
    ady logged in.
    AudioClient initialized!
    Song removed: Music/craftplayer{name=geo75it}/16 . Honor Him - The Lyndhurst Orc
    Downloading 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3
    Download done!
    couldn't create 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3! make sure you
    have writing permissions!
    Downloading 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3
    Download done!
    Downloading 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3
    Download done!
    couldn't create 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3! make sure you
    have writing permissions!
    couldn't create 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3! make sure you
    have writing permissions!
    couldn't create 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3! make sure you
    have writing permissions!
    couldn't create 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3! make sure you
    have writing permissions!
    Downloading 2. Now We Are Free - The Lyndhurst Orchestra.mp3
    Download done!
    Uploading Aerodynamic.mp3... Music will start after uploads are finished.
    Upload done!
    Uploading Face to Face.mp3... Music will start after uploads are finished.
    Exception in thread "BasicPlayer" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 580
            at javazoom.jl.decoder.LayerIIIDecoder.huffman_decode(Unknown Source)
            at javazoom.jl.decoder.LayerIIIDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
            at javazoom.jl.decoder.LayerIIIDecoder.decodeFrame(Unknown Source)
            at javazoom.jl.decoder.Decoder.decodeFrame(Unknown Source)
            at javazoom.spi.mpeg.sampled.convert.DecodedMpegAudioInputStream.execute
    (Unknown Source)
            at org.tritonus.share.TCircularBuffer.read(TCircularBuffer.java:134)
            at org.tritonus.share.sampled.convert.TAsynchronousFilteredAudioInputStr
            at javazoom.jlgui.basicplayer.BasicPlayer.run(BasicPlayer.java:612)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    same os windows 7 64bit

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  21. Offline


    Ich habe den gleichen Fehler wie BelluX ihn hatte.
    Habe es mit den -xmx Parametern versucht jedoch leider ohne Erfolg.
    Betriebssystem: Win7 64Bit
    Java Version:
    Sowohl 32 als auch 64 bit.
    Hat noch jemand einen Tipp, den ich versuchen könnte um diesen coolen Mod zum laufen zu kriegen?
    Danke schonmal.
  22. Offline


    Hello everyone ! First of all, thank you for creating this plugin, it is really really usefull. It was hard for me to install the audio client but now it works and can be initialized :D ! So i put some music on my server, and fantastic, i hear my music ! But I have a problem :(... So i put my character on a block in-game i use the /setbox command and music plays but when I move, music stops brutally. Actually, i can move 1 block around (higher or just at the same level) but music fades brutally and if i cross to a second block, music stops completely and brutally. And if I want to hear the music back (don't know if this expression exists) i can't stay on a block around the initial block, i need to go to this block especially.
    I checked, but no errors anywhere. I would be really happy i you could help me :)
  23. Offline


    Ok, habe bei mir den Fehler gefunden :).
    Bei mir kam die Anweisung "Log into Minecraft within 60s... usw." nach einem Neustart des Systems.
    Diese habe ich befolgt und siehe da, er hat sofort und automatisch die Lieder hochgeladen.
    Vielen Dank für diesen genialen Mod!
  24. Offline


    For the first error which have you solved: How many songs do you have in the music folder?

    About the second error: Obviously the audioclient cannot create a new file. Maybe the Music folder is write-protected?
    The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException can be caused by the audioclient when it is trying to play a song that is not completely downloaded.

    @ data_traveler
    What did you type in to set the box? Maybe you have set a low default range in your cm.properties?
    /cm setbox 1 20
    to set a box with range 20.

    Schön dass es jetzt funktioniert. :)
    Ich brauche noch mehr Informationen um dem OutOfMemoryError auf die Spur zu kommen. Könntest du vielleicht posten wieviele Lieder in deinem Music/CraftPlayer{name=DeinName}/ Ordner sind?
  25. Offline


    Okay really thank you that was it i didn't really understand the plugin but now it's good and everything's perfect :D !!!
    Thanks again ;) and i really enjoy the updates ^^
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    Ich hatte immer nur 1 Lied als "Probe" in diesem Ordner.
    Ich hoffe, es bringt etwas ;)
  28. Offline


    To do you a favor: ;)

    Version 0.7

    • added "/cm users" ==> to see who is running the audio client
    • added "/cm deletesong [player] <number>" ==> use the [player] parameter to delete songs from other players
      • added permission node: -'cm.song.delete.player'
    • added "/cm play [player] <songnumbers>" ==> use the [player] parameter to play songs from other players
    • added "/cm stop" ==> to stop the song you are playing with "/cm play"
    • added "/cm gplay [player] <songnumbers>" ==> same as above but this will play the song for everybody (globally)
      • added permission node: -'cm.song.play.global'
    • added "/cm gstop" ==> to stop the song that is playing globally with "/cm gplay"
      • added permission node: -'cm.song.stop.global'
    • added overlapping priority ==> when setting a box use "/cm setbox <number> [range] [priority]" (priority can be 1-10)
      • added permission info: -'cm.maxBoxPriority'
    • added cuboid-areas
      • added "/cm definearea <1|2>" ==> to define the 2 corners of a cuboid-area
      • added permission node: -'cm.area.define'
      • added "/cm setarea <number> [priority]" ==> to set a previously defined area
      • added permission node: -'cm.area.set'
      • added permission node: -'cm.area.set.overlap'
      • added "/cm deletearea [player] <number>" ==> use the [player] parameter to delete areas from other players
      • added permission nodes: -'cm.area.delete.player'
      • added "/cm arealist [player] <page>"
      • changed "/cm choose <number> <songnumbers>" to "/cm bchoose <number> <songnumbers>" for boxes and "/cm achoose <number> <songnumbers>" for areas
    • changed almost all permission nodes ==> take a look at the How-To section
  29. Offline


    So say im a maliicious person. i cant upload a .exe extension ONLY mp3 and middi:D

    very cool but i think to much work just for music

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  30. Offline

    james mccarthy

    hello whenever other players try /cm init it says the audio client is not on turn it on but it works for me..
  31. Offline


    Have you thought of using BukkitContrib instead of your own custom client?

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