Snowballs Reloaded - in memory of Snowballz Version: v0.1 Ever thought snowballs are nearly useless? Not anymore! I try to rebuild and reimplement all features of Snowballz and add some new things! Features: (so far) You can make snowballs with your hands by destroying snow tiles with them! You can set the amount of getting snowballs by destroying snow tiles! Snowballs will now do damage you set in config! Snowballs still have knockback! Snowballs will put out fire on living entities! implementing more features! Permissions: If you don't use permissions, everyone has all features! snowballs.aremadebyhand (you can make snowballs with your hands)snowballs.changeblocks (you can change blocks with throwing snowballs)snowballs.dodamage (snowballs will do damage)snowballs.putoutfire (you can put out fires on living targets) Download: Homepage Source Code: (coming) Changelog: Version 0.1 Release
This is great! Could you make it suitable for the latest version of bukkit? It works now, but the server gets error messages. Error message (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Error message (open) Error message (close) You never know, maybe you can use it..
Just checked it, still working ! Will work on the other snowballz features by the weekend at the latest EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
what does this part mean? we can set it so that it changes blocks to other blocks or am I having a 'duh' moment and this just means turns grass to snow? figured it out, nevermind gotta love just trying stuff out lol
oh man why did nobody tell me snowballz was replaced this is amazing and i love you all i need is for snowballs to change water into ice and i'm all set
haha not lss than 2 hours ago i said to a friend it wud be great to use snowballs to extinguish fires (over distance)
Hi @MojoManagement , This plugin seems not to work with RB 1060. - No errors, but the snow balls do not do damage, as far as I can tell. Any chance of an update? EDIT: they still make contact, and knock back but no damage
projectiles event changed by bukkit. I do not have much time because I have to write private plugins for my own server.
Should I try find someone else to update this? There are no other "snowball damage" plugins around =)
Please can you update this plugin ? I love him and I need this plugin because I have make many event with him Please
You're download link seems to be broken. How disappointing. I am looking forward very much to using this plugin with the link is fixed though!
Long time no see MojoManagement. You will notice that this thread has now been placed into the Inactive Plugin subforum. If you wish to revive this plugin, please ensure that you update and test compatibility with the latest recommended Bukkit build before reporting your original post, asking for it to be moved back to the release forum. Thanks for your time. md_5