[FUN/RPG] TempleCraft v0.43- Create, Save and Share Temples and Adventures [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by _Zenith_, Aug 6, 2011.

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    Create, Save and Share Temples and Adventures

    Download TempleCraft on DevBukkit!

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    Bonjour, une vidéo tutoriel en francais est disponible pour ce plugins (by WeesoftMarkpm)

    Willkommen zum deutschen Tutorial über die Materialien und dessen Verwendung (by Fidikado):


    TempleCraft is a plugin that allows you to create worlds dedicated to mini-games.
    The main game at the moment is Adventure (Basically get from point A to point B).
    I've recently added Spleef and Zombies, but they're still under construction.
    The video does not include all the latest features. I'll be uploading another video when I get the chance to cover v0.40.

    Come see the plugin at work at:

    General Features:
    • Kill monsters to get iConomy gold!
    • Great for Jump Maps, Puzzles, Adventures and Arenas!
    • Use signs to join temples!
    Building Features:

    • Use Bedrock, Gold Blocks, Iron Blocks, Diamond Blocks and Signs instead of commands!!
    Bedrock = Mob Spawnpoint​
    Gold Block on Iron Block = Lobby Starting Block​
    Diamond Block on Iron Block = Temple Spawnpoint​
    Diamond Block on Gold Block = Temple End Block​
    • Don't worry about using commands to set up boundaries
    You have an entire world dedicated to each Temple.​
    • Use EditWorlds to edit Temples without being limited by space.
    • Use Add and Remove commands to allow others to help with the building.
    • EditWorlds make giving building permission easier!
    • Limit the amount of Temples a person can make using the maxTemplesPerPerson setting in the main config file.

    Type /tc in game for a nice command menu, /tc [pageNumber] to view a different page.​

    • Latest Dev Build: v0.41 - Bukkit 1337
    - Added Sensor Signs:​
    If you put this sign under a block, when you walk over the block, you will be prompted to stand still for 3 seconds to join the temple.​
    Note: Trying to add more features that will allow you to integrate TempleCraft into server gameplay in a cooler way. If you'd like to have an option that prevents regular players from making working TempleCraft signs, let me know. No one has brought it up :p

    - Updated Register API:​
    If you don't already have Register, TempleCraft will export the jar when you load the server. You'll need to reload the server after this to load Register properly, then you're all set. Register just adds compatibility to multiple economy plugins.​
    - Cleaned up some code​
    • v0.40 - Bukkit 1337
    - Fixed /tc converttemples​
    - Added ChunkGenerators Folder​
    - You can drag .jar files into the ChunkGenerators folder and create new worlds using them with /tc new <templeName> <jarName>​
    - Made a nice Help menu when you type /tc​
    - Cleaned up /tc tlist​
    - Added constantworldnames configuration which, if set to true, will keep the names of the temple worlds consistant (for use with other plugins that use NPCs or bookshelves or w/e)​
    -Fixed /tc worldtotemple <templeName>​
    - Converts the world you are in to a temple (cool for if you want to make other worlds seem more interactive with TempleCraft)​
    - When creating a new temple, the default chunk generator is now the default one for minecraft​
    - Added CaveSpiders to the bedrock spawnpoints​
    - Added a Sign that can Spawn you randomly in an area​


    Old Changes (open)

    • 0.33; Bukkit 1240 - Temples are now saved as worlds that are saved and loaded as needed
    - To convert the old .tcf files into worlds, type /tc converttemples​
    the .tcf files will no longer be needed, but you may choose to save them as the conversion process isn't 100% perfect at the moment, they will also be converted into worlds the next time you edit them.​
    - foodLevel, Experience and GameMode are now stored and restored when joining/ leaving temple​
    - EditWorlds now use Creative mode by default​
    - You can now drag any world files into the SavedTemples folder in the TempleCraft folder and use them as TempleWorlds​
    (not all worldnames are supported at the moment)​
    - Anything saved in a world normally is now saved (including WorldEdit)​
    - ABSOLUTELY NO boundaries anymore (in terms of what is being saved)​
    - New GameTypes (Spleef and Zombies)​

    I still have a lot of ideas for TempleCraft, but unfortunately, I'm having trouble finding enough time to devote to this. I know there are some things that may not be clear. I hope to make a wiki or something similar in the future, but we'll see. For now, feel free to ask questions and leave feedback. I also have an sample server you can check out to see how things work. Thank you :)
    • 0.32;
    - Fixed some bugs and increased performance​
    - Added Support for Register API (multiple economies now supported)​
    - More to be announced (I g2g)​

    • 0.31; Found Solution to Reload Bug!!
    Phew! I haven't been able to test this thoroughly because I'm traveling and have a poor internet connection, but this seems to be working really well so far and if there are some currently undiscovered problems with it, I'll deal with them as soon as possible.​

    Also, I'm not able to test multiple people using the temple very often because I do not have multiple accounts and have only come across a few temporary willing assistants. If you see any bugs that only seem to happen with multiple people, it's likely I don't know about them and I'd appreciate the report! Thanks :)
    • 0.30; Additions + Bug Fix
    - Fixed the Piston Bug (woo)​
    - brought back optional MobArena classes (woo)​
    - Signs can now be used to send chatbox messages and even commands.​
    - New video with the recent changes.​
    - Reload method is kinda funky as always. I've put many hours into trying to fix this one, but I'm stumped...​
    • 0.25; Fixed a Bug
    - Temple Regions will now be cropped automatically (It wasn't working before, oops!).​
    • 0.24; This is a big one :D
    - Removed Classes — I'm going to let other plugins take care of this. Now, when you join a temple, you play with what you have on you and it's saved for when you leave.​
    - Improved Save Method — Always trying to make it faster :)
    - Added Checkpoints — Checkpoints for when you die but want to continue. The third line is the minimum distance you have to be in order to save the checkpoint.​
    - Gold Per Mob is now Configurable — use one number '50' or a range '50-100'​
    - Fixed DropBlocks​
    - Fixed Ready, Tlist & Plist commands​
    - Removed templecraft.save and templecraft.nullclass​
    - Added Mob Spawnpoint Signs​
    - All signs can now use [TC] or [TempleCraft] (case sensitive)​
    • 0.23; Important Addition
    - Improved Save Security (Loosing data is much less likely in case of a server crash)​
    Note: Does anyone mind that I have uploaded new versions practically every day? I like to keep everyone current, but I'm not sure if I'm over doing it and making people redownload it too much. Feedback would be nice, thanks :)

    • 0.22; Additions + Bug Fix
    - Contents of Chests, Furnaces and Dispensers are now saved.​
    - Rejoin cost is now configurable​
    - Breakable materials is now configurable (blocks you are allowed to break during play)​
    - Drop Blocks is now configurable (determines whether blocks drop themselves when broken during play. Chests will still drop their items if you make them breakable)​
    - Fixed Door Glitch​
    • 0.2 ; Stable Release
    - All the big bugs should be fixed​
    - There are still some bugs revolving around loading pistons and there is more optimization to be done.​
    • 0.15 ; Optimized Loading Code More
    • 0.14 ; Bug Fixes
    - Fixed New Temple Problem​
    - Optimized Code a bit (Still need to optimize for larger temples)​
    • 0.13 ; Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed Mob Spawning (now works with MobArena)​
    - Users can no longer restore when temples are in use.​
    • 0.12 ; Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed issues involving multiplayer editting​
    - TNT can now break blocks in temples, but creepers still won't break blocks.​
    - Fixed issues with ownership of temples and access to temples​
    - Got rid of a lot of random excess code. (still more to do)​
    • 0.11 ; Bug Fixes:
    - Fire ticks will now stop after dying in lava​
    - Mob Spawns should only be affected in TempleWorld and EditWorlds​
    - Fixed CheckUpdates command​
    - TemplePlayers are now loaded before Temples (should fix some consol errors)​
    • 0.1 ; Release

    ToDo List:
    • Create a Wiki
    • Migrate to DevBukkit
    • Create a new video
    • Add Comments/ Organize Code more for other Developers
    • Create More GameTypes (CTF, PVP, KOTH, etc.)


    This plugin is based off of @garbagemule's plugin MobArena. Thank you so much for the inspiration and jumping off point! I couldn't have done it without you :)

    Also special thanks to:​

    If you really like the plugin and would like to contribute, feel free to leave a small donation. Anything would be greatly appreciated! Donate here.​
    waythm, Gousby and dark1256 like this.
  2. Offline


    Sorry for the bad organization. I'm still slowly updating things on the DevBukkit page. If you get the latest download (v0.41), you can reward players at the end of temples by placing a ContainerBlock (Chest, Dispenser, Furnace, etc.) on top of the end block and filling it with rewards.
  3. Offline


    You have one of the most organized DevBukkits yet. You're brilliant. And thank you, because someone who loves to be tidy it brings me great joy to see it. If you need any help with that stuff, please feel free to ask.

    Also, are there any plans for or a way to limit the amount of players per instance yet? That is by far my most needed feature. If I might recommend just putting the max number of players allowed on the third line of the dungeon entrance sign? :) Also, in terms of coding up the fix, you might need to tie into permissions with Multiverse or something. I've had problems in the past with my own plugins regarding multiworlding. I just settled on using the good ol' Multiverse. If you have a better way, then by all means. You are, after all, the man. [cake]
  4. Offline


    Thank you for the praising :) I really appreciate it. I'll make sure to add it in the next release.
    Netu likes this.
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    I mean the praises. The way this plugin functions is brilliant and eloquent. My team and I just sit back picking our jaws up off the floor seeing the possibilities of what can be done with this. This can and will revolutionize the way some servers do Minecraft.

    But I digress: My offer to help is serious. If you need anything at all, feel free to ask. I have a development team at my disposal, and we're not the best, but we do a lot of things ourselves (from block protection, group management, and even our databases (that's me! [pig]))...so if you get stumped or something, we'd love to collaborate with you. It's the least I can offer until I get a paycheck and can donate after all. ;)

    Edit: Is there any way to rename a temple? Mostly unnecessary, but earlier I wanted to change the name of one and it was quite difficult. I tried renaming the world file, but that unset it, and that caused a slew of problems, so I just turned it back.
  6. Offline


    Thank you so much! If I ever need any help, I'll keep you and your team in mind :) As for renaming temples. I will be adding a command for that in a future update as well. For now, you can change the name of the world folder in the SavedTemples folder when the server is off. This will make it so the temple.yml file is out of sync, but you can edit it manually as well or just edit, save, and re-add players again (the significant blocks like signs and spawns and stuff won't be effected by the name change).
    Netu likes this.
  7. Offline


    Oh, brilliant! That's simple enough. Thanks a lot.

    In one of my smaller/platforming dungeons I have noticed that when the player starts almost every monster in the dungeon spawns. The dungeon is vertical, so I guess the ten block radius (if that is in fact what it is?) gets hit almost as soon as they spawn. Is there any way, or plans to, control the distance/proximity of monster spawns? Or perhaps making trigger signs/blocks?

    Any thoughts on allowing for rewards to be given via chests within the dungeon not at the end? So that way players could obtain rewards from other paths in the dungeons, etc. Perhaps these "bonuses" could be determined by putting a chest on an iron or gold block, or something.

    And another feature which my team made via our block protection, but it is convoluted and might be nice to be built in: cooldowns on the amount of times a dungeon can be completed? So that way a dungeon could only be done, say, once a day, or once every few hours?

    Thank you very much, Zenith! Have a good one!
  8. Offline


    Those are all very good ideas, but they may take a little while to accomplish. I'll see what I can do XD
    Netu likes this.
  9. Offline


    Well, I don't expect miracles, so please take your time! Thank you sir~ You're great! :D
  10. Offline


    Hmm, sadly I get a problem when using a bukkit 1.9pre5 build. It only saves 1 temple, and every time I creat a new temple, it copy's the previous temple world and overwrites it, leavin me with only 1 temple ;P
  11. Offline


    @_Zenith_ This is a fantastic plugin but alas I am having problems. I currently use Dimension Door for my multiworld plugin, but it doesn't like any uppercase in the world names. This causes duplicate worlds to be made when the server config is reloaded and tc teleports you there. However, if I use Multiverse which allows uppercase in world names, I no longer have that issue but the teleport_player function is not being received by multiverse and the player gets stuck in the temple. Is there another multiworld plugin that compatible, or am I the only one having this issue?

  12. Offline


    I never had any problems working with Multiverse. As long as you're using the /tc commands to teleport people in and out of the temple you should be fine. I don't see why I can't add an option to have lowercase world names but that seems like a very weird restriction for a plugin like that to have. Let me know if you make any further discoveries.
  13. Offline


    I'm thinking it might be related to not being able to talk to my permissions plugin. I use PermissionsEX as it has a really neat feature called modifyworld. I just visited your server and found that you use permissionsbukkit. I also noticed your missing the portecoulissante and minecart mania plugins.
  14. Offline


    Is it possible if i can use "The End"
    As a temple ill assemble the temple inside of "The End"
    But is it possible for me to use the plugin in there like i want to create a quest that brings you
    to "The End" and etc
  15. Offline


    The actual "The End", no. But you can use it to make a replica.
  16. Offline


    How do i make a replica?
  17. Offline


    After thinking about it a little longer, I don't think the option is available yet, but I could add one. We'll see what I can do when bukkit updates.
  18. Offline


    Aight Boss.
  19. Offline


    Hmm this look intressting good job:)
  20. Offline


    Oh is it possible for you to put a boss in this Plugin..?
    Like for my server Once they defeat the Enderdragon I want them to be teleported back to the Lobby.
  21. Offline


    Maybe in the future.
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    Does it work with Minecraft 1.0.0 or bukkit #1529?
  24. Offline


    Not flawlessly, I'd recommend waiting until v0.43.
  25. Offline


    this looks awesome, will it be updated or does it work with 1.0 so far? is signs the only way you can join a temple?
  26. Offline


    Not updated for 1.0 yet. You can use /tc newgame [templename] (gametype) and then /tc join (gamename) but signs are easier.
  27. Offline


    is there the option to disable use of that command? we want it so you have to find the sign to enter the temple only.
  28. Offline


    You can use permissions. (e.g. for PermissionsBukkit templecraft.join: false)
  29. Offline


    awesome :) thanx, so does this break if MA breaks?
  30. Offline


    No, MA isn't required to run this.
  31. Offline


    ok, awesome :) sorry for all the questions. lol

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