[FUN] RedstonePlugin v2.2 - This plugin adds some new functions to the redstone mechanics! [740]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by robin0van0der0v, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    RedstonePlugin - This plugin adds some new functions to the redstone mechanics!
    Version: v2.2

    • Make sluices with redstone.
    • Spawn a boat with redstone.
    • Spawn a item with redstone.
    • Spawn a minecart with redstone.
    • Spawn a mob with redstone.
    • Change time with redstone.
    • Change weather with redstone.
    • Change wool color with redstone.
    Download RedstonePlugin!
    Source is inside the jar file.

    How to use:
    Place a sign on a wall with this text:
    • [Spawnboat]
    If this sign now receive power from redstone then a boat will be spawned. :)

    Place a sign on a wall with this text:
    • [Sluice]
    • <liquid>
    And change <liquid> into any liquid you like (water or lava).
    If this sign now receive power from redstone the space in above the sign will be changed to the liquid and it will be changed into air if it receives no redstone power. :)

    Place a sign on a wall with this text:
    • [Spawnmob]
    • <mob>
    • <quantity>
    And change <mob> into chicken, cow, creeper, ghast, pigzombie, sheep, skeleton, slime, spider, squid, zombie, giant, monster or wolf.
    And change <mob> into any mob you like.
    If this sign now receive power from redstone the mob you entered will be spawned. :)

    Place a sign on a wall with this text:
    • [Spawnitem]
    • <id>
    • <quantity>
    And change <id> into any item id you like.
    If this sign now receive power from redstone the item you entered will be spawned. :)

    Place a sign on a wall with this text:
    • [Spawnminecart]
    • <type>
    And change <type> into any liquid you like (powered or storage).
    If this sign now receive power from redstone the type minecart you entered will be spawned. :)

    Place a sign on a wall with this text:
    • [Time]
    • <time>
    And change <time> into dawn, day, dusk, night or a number you like.
    If this sign now receive power from redstone the time will be changed to the time you entered. :)

    Place a sign on a wall with this text:
    • [Weather]
    • <weather>
    And change <weather> into sunny, storm or thunder.
    If this sign now receive power from redstone the time will be changed to the time you entered. :)

    Place a sign on a wall with this text:
    • [Wool]
    • <color1>
    • <color2>
    And change <color1> and <color2> into white, orange, magenta, lightblue, yellow, lime, pink, gray, lightgray, cyan, purple, blue, brown, green, red, black or the number of the wool.
    If this sign now receive power from redstone the wool back of the sign will be changed to color 1 and it will be changed into color 2 if it receives no redstone power. :)

    Give the player you want this permissions for making a sluice.
    Give the player you want this permissions for making a spawnboat.
    Give the player you want this permissions for making a spawnitem.
    Give the player you want this permissions for making a spawnminecart.
    Give the player you want this permissions for making a spawnmob.
    Give the player you want this permissions for making a time.
    Give the player you want this permissions for making a weather.
    Give the player you want this permissions for making a wool.
    Known bugs:
    None. :D

    This plugin creates a properties file on Plugins/RedstonePlugin/config.yml. ;)

    Standard properties:
        spawnitem: false
        spawnboat: false
        spawntime: false
        weather: false
        spawnminecart: false
        spawnmob: false
        spawnwool: true
        sluice: true
    Version 1.0
    • Release.
    Version 1.1
    • Removed old constructor.
    • Added Slimes.
    • Fixed a bug.
    Version 1.2
    • Added sluices.
    Version 1.3
    • Permissions added.
    • Spawnitem added.
    Version 1.4
    • Spawnboat added.
    • Spawnminecart added.
    • Tried to fix properties in Linux.
    Version 1.5
    • Tried again to fix properties in Linux.
    Version 1.6
    • Fixed properties in Linux.
    Version 1.7
    • No Permissions? Then everything is only for ops.
    Version 1.8
    • Changed namespace.
    Version 1.9
    • Fixed item/mob-quantity.
    Version 2.0
    • Fixed item/mob-quantity again.
    Version 2.1
    • Works in Beta 1.4.
    Version 2.2
    • Weather added.
    • Properties file is now saved in YAML format.
    MrBob, meitar, Jomann and 1 other person like this.
  2. Offline


    looks nice [​IMG],

    mabye a support for permissions, so you can set that only admins can spawn mobs,set time and can color wool.
  3. Offline


    Nice! Never seen the mob spawn by redstone thing!

    Really like it.
  4. Offline


    I dont know how to check if a redstone is triggered by admin. :p
  5. Offline


    lol, not if redstone is activated by admin, just check on the sign creation, if the guy who wrote [spawnmob] is admin.
  6. Offline


    anyway to get it to change the wool over the sign? Wanna make a disco floor.

    Disco Disco!
  7. Offline


    awesome idea, needs an op only version or something. Cant have noobs running around making it day night day night
  8. Offline


    spawns pigs...
  9. Offline


    Fixed. :)
  10. Offline


    aah.. slimes dont work with me but creepers do :) [​IMG]
  11. Offline


    First get the player who triggered it, then check if, for example he has access to the command: /ban
    That means he's some sort of admin :)
  12. Offline


    :) @robin0van0der0v dit is al de tweede plugin die bijna nergens op slaat en toch handig is :D


    this is the second plugin that almost has no use but is nice
  13. Offline


    What build has this been tested to work with?
  14. Offline


    Added. :)
  15. Offline

    Mmm Octopie

    hey can u add that it can be triggered by redstone from any where because it only works for me when i put a switch right beside the sign
  16. Offline


    I've been playing around with this plug-in. Made a 5-clock based circuit with an auto shut-off RS Nor Latch for Mob Spawning. Could be useful for dungeon crawling. I posted a YouTube video for anyone who is interested.
  17. Offline


    ive been trying to get this plugin to work, but to no avail.

    i have downgraded to 493 and i get "[INFO] RedstonePlugin version 1.2 is enabled!"

    just fine, but neither [Time] nor [Spawnmob] signs work. The plugin did also not create a plugins/RedstonePlugin folder. any directions?
  18. Offline


    Make then the folder and properties file by yourself. ;)
  19. Offline


    got the same problem as zarb
  20. Offline


    Can you make a vid of all the sign redstone thingys?
  21. Offline


    I had the same idea when I saw this plugin too xD I built a zombie arena. I used the same redstone circuit too xD RS NOR and the monostable structure and everything xD I even have a hard mode switch which allows the users to choose if they want to spawn alot or just a few zombies (and a hidden "OMFGWTFBBQ" override switch hidden which makes the zombies spawn indefinitely XD)
  22. Offline


    did that, signs still not working

    maybe some other mod is intervening? im running:

    ~/plugins> ls plugins/*.jar
    ControllerBlock.jar MinecartManiaSpawner.jar RedstonePlugin.jar
    HeroicDeath.jar MobControl.jar SimpleHome.jar
    MinecartManiaCore.jar NetherGate.jar Warp.jar
    MinecartManiaSignCommands.jar Persistence.jar
  23. Offline


    really cool i like it
    I just had an idea. since this can be turned on and off would it be impossible for this to work with snow and rain? assuming bukkit has that of course... not sure that it does but still. could it be done?
  24. Offline


    Added permissions! :D

    I think it is MinecartManiaSignCommands.jar, can you try to disable that plugin and check if it works?
    Here does it works, i only run:
    BedrockControl, bMobs, DeathMessagePlugin, DyeWool, Essentials, EssentialsBan, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGod, EssentialsHelp, EssentialsHome, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsTele, EssentialsWarp, FenceStack, iChat, NoCheatPlugin, NoExplode, NoFire, PaintingSwitch, Permissions, RedstonePlugin.

    How do you mean? :p
  25. Offline


    Mh its not working for me. (i press the button but Nothing doing)
    oh and the Plugin havent Create a Config file XD i most add it manuel on my server.

    my Plugins:

    ok Water / Lava are Working but all what i have make to true from false its not working XD
  26. Offline


    Ah, only sluices and wool works by you. That are the only options features that are enabled by default. :p
    By the way, which operating system do you use? I test it on Windows 7 32bit. ;)
  27. Offline


    i Use a Web server (nitrado.net) xD and they use Linux.

    But Other plugins dont have any problem with creating folders and configs
  28. Offline


    [Sluice] doesnt work for me either. I disabled MC sign commands but that did not help.

    2 questions tho to reduce the amount of testing i have to do:

    - do you have to power the (air)-block with the sign or the block the sign is standing on / is pinned to?
    - does capitalisation matter?
  29. Offline


    Added spawnminecart and spawnboat. :)
    And tried to fix the properties file in Linux, can anybody test?
  30. Offline


    i just did.

    17:08:41 [INFO] RedstonePlugin version 1.4 is enabled without permissions!
    17:09:56 [CRITICAL] Could not pass event SIGN_CHANGE to RedstonePlugin
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijiko/permissions/PermissionHandler
            at com.bukkit.robin0van0der0v.RedstonePlugin.RedstonePluginBlockListener.onSignChange(RedstonePluginBlockListener.java:235)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$26.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:252)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:59)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:225)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:812)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet130UpdateSign.a(SourceFile:39)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:230)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:75)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:357)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:272)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.nijiko.permissions.PermissionHandler
            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:30)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    it still did not create the folder/files after i had manually removed those i created myself. also [Sluice] still didnt work

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