Inactive [FUN/PVP] Minecraft Hunger Games - the first Hunger games plugin! [1.2.5 R-4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by acuddlyheadcrab, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Offline

    Merrick King

    Would it not be easier to hook this into a multi-world plugin, so the arenas can be in a separate world. That way they could even be made from super-flat worlds, or people could swap their arenas really easily. Also:
    How about adding a voting system for the next arena to be used?
    Sponsors that can buy gifts that appear in front of the tributs?
    Prize money for the victor!

    I like the idea of using factions for districts.
  2. Offline


    Hrm.. Yes it would have been easier for me to code, but i think it would be the same amount of work for the Administrator of the server. The way it's setup now gives a bit more options to it. Not much, but, meh... a little.

    About the voting system...? I could do that in a separate plugin possibly.

    Oy...The sponsor thing sounds like a good idea but i don't know how i'm gonna do that lol. Hopefully I can add something like that in the future :)
  3. Offline


    Hey guys, I'm still working on this! You can see some updates on the BukkitDev project, and my updates on my profile page :)

    Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to crunch a lot of coding in when i'm not busy!
  4. Offline

    Merrick King

    For sponsors, just get it to run a /give. Maybe the command could be:
    /hg sponsor prices -- Shows current prices of items
    /hg sponsor <player> <item>
  5. Offline


    Ill help you program the plugin if you need me to, we could split the parts of the plugin and and get it done faster and implements and release features faster!
  6. Offline


    Dear lord. This plugin is killing my brain right now. Do you think you join a dev team (well, start, technically) with me? Take a look at the source to see if you can.

    (I know a couple month ago I knew a lot less about java, and would not want to do a plugin like this)
  7. Offline


    I sure can what should i add
  8. Offline


    Well right now, I'm doing kind of a huge overhaul on the plugin. If i get it done tonight (for me), yay, and more testing and features can be added. If I don't the I'll commit what I have to github.
  9. Offline


    im adding the reaping now
  10. Offline


    Not sure if you still need to do this, but do something like this:

    Not sure is PlayerAttack is the right one, just saying, also, it needs to be HIGHEST so it does it after Factions.

    @EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
    public void onPlayerAttack(PlayerAttackEvent e) {
      if (e.isCancelled()) {
  11. Offline


    Thanks! Yeah I've made a lot of edits since the first version of the plugin. The main frame for handling Arenas with commands is finally done, so now it's basically just adding listeners to the plugin.

    And I tried the EventPriority at first, and my events didn't go off for some reason...
  12. Offline


    Well, they should
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    Hey guys the plugin is in beta now! I've added a lot of features that make it basically playable now. You can now make arenas correctly, add some tributes, start a game, watch the countdown and start murdering each other! Yaaaay.

    As always the bukkit dev project is here:
  15. Offline


    NuclearW (sorry you're the only one i've really 'talked' to)

    Could this be moved to Plugin Submissions, please?
  16. Offline


    Done :)
    acuddlyheadcrab likes this.
  17. Offline


    Thanks :D
  18. Nothing personal, but WHY are you using a try in a try in a try in a try in your code???
  19. Offline


    Lol. I use them to handle IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions caus by the length of args[] in onCommand(). I used them instead of args[] length checks because, at the time try-catch blocks seeemed more effficient.

    But recently I looked at how many there were and notice that maybe I didn't really need to do that lol.
  20. Please put the last compatible bukkit build in your threadtitle (I think 1.2.5-R1.0).
  21. Offline


    Ah, I though there was something missing.
  22. I am working on my own Hunger Games Plugin, I can help you out with some parts of you code if you want. I have done a signup, start, stop, chest-save/reset and winner announcement function so far. It also teleports you to different locations. Let me know if I can help you
  23. Offline


    I do need some help on figuring out how I'm going to save snapshots of Arenas.

    The other thing I need help with is getting evenly spaced Locations around the cornucopia. Right now the plugin selects a random location in the same chunk as the cornucopia for each tribute. But I've been trying to find a way to get a varying amount of spawnpoints in a circle that are evenly spaced apart.

    EDIT: Just kidding, I figured it out :) I can explain how, if anyone's curious.
  24. Are you going to add a chestrest function?
  25. Offline


    Chest-rest? Ooh chest-reset - yes I'm going to add that, but right now there are some bugs with chest spawning.
  26. ok. I can help you out with chestreset and chest spawning if you you want me to.

    good luck with the rest of your plugin.

    BTW: I am going to release my own Hunger Game plugin soon. It will be different than your plugin. Mine will not generate worlds ect. It will make it possible for servers to make their own map with ease and make it playable.
  27. Offline


    no prob, i just got the chests to work. And cool! Post the source :D
  28. Offline


    The plugin is getting near full release :D After 1.0 I'll add the hooks into other plugins, but for now finishing touches to Chest, Chat, and Inventory handling.
  29. Offline


    Is that even a plugin category?
  30. Offline


    Ummm... Totalllyyyy

    (I changed it)
    Noppoly likes this.

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