Inactive [FUN] Pet v1.1 - A simple and convenient WolfPet plugin [1.4.6-R0.3]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by fyxridd, Jan 1, 2013.

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    This is a pet plugin.The pet can only be wolf.It's easy to use as shown:
    QQ截图20130101205819.jpg QQ截图20130101205832.jpg QQ截图20130101205844.jpg QQ截图20130101205858.jpg QQ截图20130101205914.jpg QQ截图20130101205926.jpg
    QQ截图20130101205935.jpg QQ截图20130101205945.jpg

    • Help attack monsters
    • Pet package
    • Heal(auto & manual)
    Plugin requirement:
    • Vault
    • format(this plugin is contained in the zip file)
    • Notice:Some Permission plugins may not work well with the pet plugin.Try to use GroupManager Or change the permissions in the config file(remove all the dots).
    • You can find all permissions in the config file.
    • Here a conclusion of all permissions:
    • Code:
      #Permission of get a amount of book by using the command(/pet guide <amount>)
      per_pet_getGuideBook: ""
      #Permission of create a wolf
      per_pet_create: ""
      #Permission of rename self's wolf
      per_pet_changeName_self: ""
      #Permission of rename other's wolf
      per_pet_changeName_other: ""
      #Permission of delete self's wolf
      per_pet_del_self: ""
      #Permission of delete other's wolf
      per_pet_del_other: ""
      #Permission of show self's wolf
      per_pet_showInfo_self: ""
      #Permission of show other's wolf
      per_pet_showInfo_other: ""
      #Permission of call back wolf
      per_pet_back: ""
      #Permission of reborn wolf
      per_pet_reborn: ""
      #Permission of auto reborn a wolf in a while
      per_pet_autoReborn: ""
      #Permission of give exp
      per_pet_giveExp: ""
      #Permission of change the mode of self's wolf
      per_pet_mode_self: ""
      #Permission of change the mode of other's wolf
      per_pet_mode_other: ""

    • Pet v1.1:download (1.4.6R0.3/1.4.5R1.0)
    v 1.1:
    - first release

    • The config file is a little complex,but the use of this plugin ingame is simple.
    #Tip1:The permission string you need to add to player is what between the quotes
    #For example, per_pet_getGuideBook: "", you need to add permission "" to player
    #Tip2:Because my english isn't good,so please try to look at the note than the parm name.
    #####    Language File    #####
    language: "language_en.yml"
    guide: "guide_en.yml"
    format: "format_en.yml"
    #####    Pet guide book    #####
    #if all players can get a pet guide book for free once.(/pet guide)
    freeFirst: true
    #>>>>>>Permission of get a amount of book by using the command<<<<<<(/pet guide <amount>)
    per_pet_getGuideBook: ""
    #####  Create and Rename  #####
    #>>>>>>>>>>Permission of create a wolf<<<<<<<<<<
    per_pet_create: ""
    #cost of create a wolf
    petCost: 0
    #the max length of wolf's name(can't be greater than 30)
    maxLength: 10
    #>>>>>>Permission of rename self's wolf<<<<<<
    per_pet_changeName_self: ""
    #>>>>Permission of rename other's wolf<<<<
    per_pet_changeName_other: ""
    #use what item to change wolf's name,the default is 323(Sign)
    changeNameItem: 323
    #####        Delete        #####
    #>>>>>>>>Permission of delete self's wolf<<<<<<<<
    per_pet_del_self: ""
    #>>>>>>Permission of delete other's wolf<<<<<<
    per_pet_del_other: ""
    #####      Show info      #####
    #>>>>>Permission of show self's wolf<<<<<
    per_pet_showInfo_self: ""
    #>>>Permission of show other's wolf<<<
    per_pet_showInfo_other: ""
    #use what item to show wolf's info,the default is 280(Stick)
    showInfoItem: 280
    #####  Recall and Reborn  #####
    #use what item to recall and reborn wolf,the default is 367(rotten meat)
    costItemId: 367
    #>>>>>>>>>>Permission of call back wolf<<<<<<<<<<
    per_pet_back: ""
    #the amount to consume for call back wolf,0 for free
    backCost: 1
    #>>>>>>>>>>Permission of reborn wolf<<<<<<<<<<
    per_pet_reborn: ""
    #the amount to consume for reborn wolf,0 for free
    petRebornCost: 10
    #####      Auto Reborn      #####
    #>>>>>>Permission of auto reborn a wolf in a while<<<<<<
    per_pet_autoReborn: ""
    #auto reborn check interval,unit is millisecond
    autoRebornCheck: 1000
    #auto reborn need how much time,unit is millisecond --will check permission first
    #needed time=baseTime+level*increaseTime  --level is the wolf's level,increaseTime can be postive,0,or negative
    baseTime: 60000
    increaseTime: 3000
    #####      package        #####
    #use what item to open the pet package,0 represents use hand
    openPackItem: 0
    #need hold the shift at the same time to open the package?
    openShift: true
    #####        heal          #####
    #the amount of food to consume for heal 1 point of owner's hp
    healNeedFoodPer: 2
    #the amount of food to consume for heal 1 point of owner's food
    healFoodNeedFoodPer: 3
    #####auto heal#####
    #the cd of auto heal
    autoHealCd: 10000
    #auto heal begin when the owner's hp less or equals than
    minHealHealth: 5
    #####manual heal(heal the owner)#####
    #use what item to manual heal,the default is 280(stick)
    healToolItemId: 280
    #need hold the shift at the same time to manual heal?
    healShift: true
    #############advanced options############
    #max distance of auto heal
    healDistance: 5
    #auto heal check interval,unit is millisecond
    healCheck: 1000
    #####      Give Exp        #####
    #>>>>>>>Permission of give exp<<<<<<<
    per_pet_giveExp: ""
    #####  Attack self's pet  #####
    #if cancel damage when player hurt his wolf
    cancelHurt: true
    #if show message to player when he attack his wolf
    hurtShowMessage: true
    #the message to show(will select a random one)
    - "555~Don't hit at me."
    - "You don't need me anymore?"
    #####        Mode          #####
    #>>>>>>Permission of change the mode of self's wolf<<<<<<
    per_pet_mode_self: ""
    #>>>>Permission of change the mode of other's wolf<<<<
    per_pet_mode_other: ""
    #attack mode:will auto attack the monster
    #defend mode:the game's default setting,will attack the one who attack owner
    #peace mode:don't attack any entity
    #use what item to change mode,the default is 262(arrow)
    changeModeItem: 262
    #attack mode relative
    #############advanced options############
    #attack check interval,unit is millisecond
    checkAttack: 300
    #the check range
    checkRangeX: 10
    checkRangeY: 6
    checkRangeZ: 10
    #the check mode,0:select a random monster in the check-range,1:select the nearest moster in the check-range
    #mode 1 uses more resources
    checkMode: 0
    #the min attack interval of wolf
    attackInterval: 1200
    #the attack range of wolf
    attackRange: 1.20
    #the move speed of wolf
    attackMoveSpeed: 0.35
    #how many times of checkAttack does wolf check-and-move
    attackMoveMulti: 2
    #the max distance of wolf to attack the monster
    attackMaxDistance: 5
    #####        Food          #####
    #food consume
    #when it reachs 100,wolf will decrease 1 food
    #this data won't show in the game
    #how many do wolf consume per 5 seconds when it isn't sitting
    addConsumeWalk: 9
    #how many do wolf consume per 5 seconds when it's sitting
    addConsumeSit: 2
    #how many do wolf consume when it attack once
    addConsumeAttack: 25
    #############advanced options############
    #how many does food change to operate the database once
    #1 is accurate,buy uses more resourses
    saveDataPerFood: 10
    #the interval to save wolf's food data to database
    #cooperate with pre option to save data in a more effecient way
    saveDataPerMills: 100000
    #####        Feed          #####
    #different meats add different food
    #rottern meat
    addFoodZombie: 2
    #fresh chicken meat
    addFoodChicken: 2
    #cooked chicken meat
    addFoodChicken1: 4
    #fresh pork
    addFoodPig: 3
    #cooked pork
    addFoodPig1: 5
    #fresh beef
    addFoodCow: 4
    #cooked beef
    addFoodCow1: 6
    #####    The Exp Gain      #####
    #the exp gained for killing different monsters
    name0: "Blaze"
    exp0: 3
    name1: "CaveSpider"
    exp1: 2
    name2: "Creeper"
    exp2: 2
    name3: "EnderDragon"
    exp3: 10
    name4: "Enderman"
    exp4: 4
    name5: "Ghast"
    exp5: 3
    name6: "Giant"
    exp6: 5
    name7: "VillagerGolem"
    exp7: 4
    #lava slime
    name8: "LavaSlime"
    exp8: 2
    #pig zombie
    name9: "PigZombie"
    exp9: 3
    #silver fish
    name10: "Silverfish"
    exp10: 1
    name11: "Skeleton"
    exp11: 2
    name12: "Slime"
    exp12: 2
    name13: "Spider"
    exp13: 2
    name14: "Wolf"
    exp14: 2
    name15: "Zombie"
    exp15: 2
    #####        Upgrade        #####
    #max level
    maxLevel: 100
    #Once upgrade,the exp will decrease the amount needed to upgrade,for example,100 exp needed to upgrade,wolf get 110 exp once,then there will be 10 exp left after upgraded
    #needed exp to upgrade=initExp+level*addExp --level is the level before upgrade
    #the exp needed for upgrading from 0 to 1
    initExp: 10
    #the increasement of exp needed for upgrade every level --for example,by default,0->1 need 10 exp,1->2 need 15 exp
    addExp: 3
    #if fill the wolf's hp after upgraded
    fullHealthOnUpgrade: true
    #if fill the wolf's food after upgraded
    fullFoodOnUpgrade: true
    #if notice the owner after upgraded
    upgradeTip: true
    #####Property After Upgraded#####
    #for example,the first option means wolf has 15 maxHP at first,when it reached level 3,maxHP will become 25,ever since,for each time level add 1,
    #check will occure.And has the chance of 44% adding 2 maxHP every check.However,no matter how many levels reach,the max maxHP is 100
    #max HP
      init: 15            #init maxHP
      startLevel: 3      #at which level to 'UP'
      start: 25          #the amount it will reach after 'UP'
      max: 100            #max amount it can reach
      level: 1            #check on every x levels added
      chance: 44          #the chance of success per check,0-100,for example,30 represents the chance is 30%
      add: 2              #the amount added when check successfully
      init: 1
      startLevel: 20
      start: 2
      max: 10
      level: 2
      chance: 33
      add : 1
      init: 3
      startLevel: 8
      start: 6
      max: 25
      level: 1
      chance: 32
      add : 1
    #the chance of dodge enermy's attack,0-100,for example,30 represents the chance is 30%
      init: 5
      startLevel: 15
      start: 10
      max: 40
      level: 1
      chance: 55
      add : 1
    #crit chance,0-100
      init: 3
      startLevel: 25
      start: 8
      max: 35
      level: 1
      chance: 45
      add : 1
    #crit times when crit happens
      init: 1.20
      startLevel: 30
      start: 1.40
      max: 2.50
      level: 2
      chance: 40
      add : 0.10
      init: 20
      startLevel: 5
      start: 40
      max: 150
      level: 1
      chance: 80
      add : 2
    #package size
      init: 9    #must be one in 0,9,18,27,36,45,54
      startLevel: 10
      start: 18  #must be one in 0,9,18,27,36,45,54
      max: 54    #must be one in 0,9,18,27,36,45,54
      level: 3
      chance: 35
      add : 9    #must be one in 9,18,27,36,45,54
    #####      clear wolf      #####
    #############advanced option############
    #whether to clear those tamed wolf(not pet) each time server reload completed.(otherwise wolf may be more and more upon every reload,although only one will be the pet)
    clearOnStart: true
    #whether to clear those tamed wolf(not pet) each time player join the game
    clearOnJoin: true

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