Inactive [FUN] NightClub v1.2.1 - Unce Unce Unce [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kevin Forte, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    NightClub: Unce Unce Unce
    ~Version: 1.2.1~
    Download: [JAR]

    Need some beats? Need a flashy dance floor? Need some strobing torches? Want them to all be tempo-synchronized? Look no further.

    • Establish clubs for players to teleport to.
    • Place strobing torches, color-changing wool, and club-beat generating note blocks.
    • Configure the tempo at which the floor flashes, the torches pulse, and the beat drops (Yeah, I said that).
    • True-Strobe mode. (Ignores the tempo you have set for torches and flashes them wildly)
    • Select the Note Block instrument for both the Down and Up beats.
    • Turn Strobing on/off from in game.
    • Give other characters milk buckets to make them easier to sleep with. (Just kidding)
    Show Spoiler

    I have no idea why I didn't start with a how to. I'm pretty sure I placed instructions within the plugin, but I apologize for assuming this was really simple to use.

    To get things to strobe, first type /strobe to turn on 'Strobe Placement Mode'. Make sure you have the proper permissions to use the command.

    Once in Strobe Placement Mode, you can place (normal, soon to be redstone as well) torches, wool blocks, and note blocks. Torches placed while in strobe mode will blink on and off, wool blocks will change color, and note blocks will produce an 'un-tiss-un-tiss-un-tiss' style beat.

    At any location, you can use the '/club set [club name]' command, and it will create a club with that name. To teleport to that club at any time, type '/club [club name]'.

    I think it's sort of self explanatory from there, let me know if you need any more help.

    Video thanks to @jaydenbadboii !

    • /club ~ Lists commands.
    • /club list ~ Lists clubs.
    • /club set [club name] ~ Sets a club at your location.
    • /club delete [club name] ~ Deletes a specific club.
    • /club [club name] ~ Teleports you to a club.
    • /strobe ~ Toggles Strobe Placement Mode.
    • /strobe toggle ~ Switches strobe on/off altogether.
    • NightClub.go ~ Allows use of the '/club [club name]' command.
    • ~ Allows use of the '/club set [club name]', '/club delete [club name]', '/strobe', and '/strobe toggle' commands.
    Recognized Note-Block Instruments:
    • Bass Guitar
    • Snare Drum
    • Bass Drum
    • Piano
    • Sticks
    • Clicks
    • True-Strobe Mode (Self-Explanatory)
    • Instrument Selection.
    • Optional Permissions usage.
    • Specific Color Selection for Strobe Blocks.
    • I don't know, make suggestions!
    • NPE Fixes.
    • Minor typo in version on disable.
    • All data is now saved in the config.yml
    • 'Start Server With Strobe On' option added in config.
    • '/strobe toggle' command added.
    • Recognized 'Infinite Torches' bug fixed.
    • Bug that allowed people to delete Beat Blocks even with Strobe Mode off fixed.
    Show Spoiler

    • True-Strobe Mode added to the config.
    • Selectable instruments added to the config.

    • Original Plugin Release.
  2. Ok i will start testing ASAP :) thanks alot :)
  3. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Awesome, and no problem :)
  4. Offline


    in some places the strobe will not work. please fix this.
  5. Offline

    Kevin Forte

  6. Offline


    I'm getting errors when attempting to change the Up-Beat instrument (haven't tested the down beat). I've tried both sticks and bass guitar just to see, and both give errors. It also seems to delete history of all block placement/clubs when the error happens as well (overwriting?). Here's the one I get for sticks:

    Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.3
    2011-08-05 01:01:33 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-08-05 01:01:33 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2011-08-05 01:01:34 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-945-g73697a4-b1000jnks (MC: 1.7.3)
    2011-08-05 01:01:34 [INFO] While loading DrobABrick (plugins\dropabrick.jar) found old-data folder: plugins\dropabrick next to the new one: plugins\DrobABrick
    2011-08-05 01:01:34 [INFO] [Waypoint] Initialising configurations.
    2011-08-05 01:01:35 [INFO] [Permissions] (Yeti) was initialized.
    2011-08-05 01:01:35 [INFO] [Permissions] version [3.1.6] (Yeti)  loaded
    2011-08-05 01:01:35 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    2011-08-05 01:01:35 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -7284814143517526913)
    2011-08-05 01:01:36 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 81%
    2011-08-05 01:01:36 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -3481383201111880822)
    2011-08-05 01:01:37 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 97%
    2011-08-05 01:01:37 [INFO] ChestRestock 1.1 enabled.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.5.9 is enabled!
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is up to Date
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [DropABrick] Permissions 3.1.6 found.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [DropABrick] version 0.1 loaded.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [getID] Permissions System detected. Using Permissions plugin for permissions!
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [getID] getID v0.4 - enabled!
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [HeroChat] HeroChat version 4.10.3 enabled.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [HeroChat] Permissions 3.1.6 found.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [HeroicDeath] enabled.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [iMOTD] iMOTD has been enabled.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [iMOTD] Created by CainFoool
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] Found and will use plugin Permissions v3.1.6
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] mobchange 0.3 by Edfake is enabled
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Mean Admins] is loading settings...
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Mean Admins] version 0.3.2 is enabled
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [NightClub] 1.2 is enabled!
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling NightClub v1.2 (Is it up to date?): null
        at kforte318.NightClub.NightClub.loadLocs(
        at kforte318.NightClub.NightClub.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [nSpleef] Hooked into Permissions 3.1.6
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] nSpleef version 0.4.3 is enabled!
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] Spout 1.0.1 has been initialized
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] StickyHelp v0.3 enabled!
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Waypoint] Reading configurations.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Waypoint] Configuration succesfully loaded.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Waypoint] Set home to bed is enabled.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Waypoint] Permissions plugin detected. Using Permissions v3.1.6
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Waypoint] Enabled version 1.5.0
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Waypoint] Saved all configurations.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Waypoint] Auto-update is disabled.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] [Waypoint] Warps: loaded permission groups: default, admin
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.6 enabled.
    2011-08-05 01:01:38 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [MobDisguise] by desmin88 version 1.31 enabled.
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Plugin Enabled. (version 5.6.23)
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] bal_mute has all his alias already registered. Command deactivated
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] bal_extinguish has all his alias already registered. Command deactivated
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_tpto : tp,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_tphere : tphere,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_setspawn : setspawn,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_spawn : spawn,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_home : home,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_createwarp : wp,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_mute : mute,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_extinguish : ex, extinguish,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Disabled Alias(es) for bal_undo : undo,
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Successfully linked with Yeti's Permissions.
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] Done (0.397s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2011-08-05 01:01:39 [INFO] [nSpleef] Arenas loaded!
    Hope that helps for v1.3, I really like this plugin lol. It makes me laugh pretty hard. It's just a bit buggy, hopefully in time. Until then I'll hold off showing it off on my server... otherwise they'll want to rave all day and it might delete itself XD

    Oh, and it seems if there are strobe torches in certain locations, like on an inside right angled wall or on one side of a 1 wide hallway, they'll jump to favor one location even if you placed them on the other upon the first time they strobe. I'm not sure if anyone has already brought that up, but if it's fixable it'd be a good thing to do so people can get more design heavy on their SWEET RAVE PARTIES!!!
  7. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Bah, that isn't an error with the instrument, that's an error with one of the location types. I'll look into it. Unfortunately, the exact area where the torch spawns isn't fixable /: torches sometimes jump around a bit when they are removed and then recreated.
  8. Code:
    2011-08-05 08:29:14 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling NightClub v1.2 (Is it up to date?): null
            at kforte318.NightClub.NightClub.loadLocs(
            at kforte318.NightClub.NightClub.onEnable(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  9. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    v1.2.1 Released, NPEs solved.
  10. Offline


    Hey! I thought this was a great plugin, so I made a short tutorial on how to work the strobes (even though it's EXTREMELY simple) but at least people can see what they look like before downloading the plugin. :)

  11. Offline


    whenever trying to set a club says internal error
  12. Offline


    D: Is there any way you could make the permissions usage optional?
  13. Offline


    Whenever I try to do any of the commands I get "And Internal Server Error Has Occured." ANd i get this report.

    If I need permissions..I have no idea how to put them in. xD
  14. Offline


    I on the same boat as JayTheManiac. I don't know the directory of my permissions file. I have a bukkitpermissions plugin...and i thought i had to use that....but its not working. I dont get any errors, just when i type in the command it says i dont have permission. Can someone please tell me the directory they use? and what their permissions file looks like. No one usually helps me. Thanks in advnace
  15. Offline


    Is it possible to make it so the wool only changes to specified colors, say i dont want to have brown or black wool in my clubs? And onl ylike red, blie, yellow, etc.
  16. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Those of you getting the internal errors, you're going to need Permissions. I can work on a version that isn't dependent on Permissions, yes, but until then you're going to need Permissions to use this. Blahfish, since you already have Permissions you just need to learn how to set it up :p you need to give the right nodes to the group you're in to be able to use the plugin.

    Working on it xP

    Ah thanks so much man!

    Uhp, almost forgot you; yes, next update.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  17. For future you should add speakers and a box to choose music and let us choose our own music to play it and then just type a command in chat and click the music box to make it play the correct song and have redstone to go to speakers to play sound from them.... If only this was possible XD
  18. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Oh god if only, because that would be so cool.
  19. Offline


    It's a really good plugin :)
    Have you tried somehow connecting it up to Spout (formerly "BukkitContrib") so custom music could be played? That would be just too amazing.
  20. Offline


    add the ablity to make custom songs!!
  21. what about lag and performances ?
  22. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    I don't know how to all of it D: If I could I would, I really intended this just to be for fun but if someone wants to take it over it would be fantastic.
  23. Offline


    Thanks. I guess I should've looked up a tutorial on permissions before complaining haha. You've inspired me to actually do it! MUST HAVE PLUGIN!!!
  24. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Well I am glad to have inspired you and I'm glad you like it :D
  25. Offline


    Hmm...still got a permission problem. I have a new bukkit plugin called bPermissions...and after adding all the nodes for all my plugins...all of my plugins work except this one. its weird.

    Hmmm...after more messing around instead of the permissions error i get an internal error.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  26. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Post the error?
  27. Offline


    It won't work, the whole plugin. No matter where I place the blocks. I followed everything even though it explains itself how to use it.
  28. Im not using permissions and its running fine on my server :) (maybe because BUKKIT has its own permissions now :/)
  29. Offline


    It gives this error when trying /strobe:

    (yes I have the latest Permissions and Essentials, running #1000)

  30. Offline


    How I can change the Instruments of the Note Blocks?
  31. I did some testing and everything worked fine! I did some large scale structures with alot of strobing and note blocking and there was minimal lag and no error logs, Great job, i hope you can keep this up!! [diamond][diamond][diamond][diamond][diamond]


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