[FUN/MECH] SimpleFly v1.4.7b - Flying The Simple Way! [1.4.7-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Deleted user, May 5, 2012.

  1. Offline


    There are some unused potions we might be able to use... although, that wouldn't work well if minecraft gets an update that uses it :/
    Deleted user likes this.
  2. Offline


    Could you add the ability to prevent players from throwing potions while flying? They're just as powerful - if not more - than regular PvP. Perhaps include "potion throwing" in the pvp flag/permission node.
  3. Offline

    Deleted user

    Is this permissions node okay:
  4. Offline


    Fantastic. Thanks for the prompt response.
  5. Offline

    Deleted user

    That's what tyzoid and I are famous for, sir.
    Expect the update by 1-3 days from now.
  6. Offline


    Can't seem to find the event right now (ProjectileLaunchEvent doesn't give player).
    I'll see what I can do when I get back on Sunday.

    Edit: Found it. Not sure if it will work, but I will do some more testing later.
    Deleted user likes this.
  7. Offline

    Deleted user

    I planned to try and do it myself, but if I did it, there would be a lot of bugs O.O
    Thanks :).
  8. Offline


    It works. Only problem is that you lose the potion. I'm going to try and see if I can give back the potion.
    Deleted user likes this.
  9. Offline


    How can i change it, so everyone can use it on my server. Only op-ed users can use these commands..
  10. Offline


    Sorry for the delay.

    I couldn't figure out how to add back the potion. I'll release it as-is later today.
  11. Offline


    I wouldn't mind the player losing the potion - as long as it prevents them from using potions while flying.
  12. Offline


    Hey! Awesome plugin! Is there a way to add a cooldown time? So players can fly for little bits of time without doing it too much?
  13. Offline


    Anyhow, this does not work for me. I got every Permission and when I type /fly in chat, i get "Flying has been enabled! Use /stopfly to stop flying". But it won't work, when I press double-space noting happens. There are no Consoleerrors.
  14. Offline


    Does this plugin save you in your flight mode when you log off? If not can you implement that?
  15. Offline


    It should.
  16. Offline


    ok so i tested it and it saves your godmode/antipvp but it doesnt let you fly. You have to type /fly again for it to work.
  17. Offline

    Emiya Shirou

    Amazing, can we also get option to add fall dmg when your flying (like you fall you get damage)

    Permissions isn't working (On PEX) tried SimpleFly.fly and says if im not op that i dont have permission to use /fly :/
  18. Offline


    Sorry for the long wait: http://server.tymcs.tk/plugins/SimpleFly/1.4.3/SimpleFly.jar

    Emiya Shirou
    -- SimpleFly 1.4.3 is released --
    New Features:
    • Prevents users from throwing potions without the permission node "SimpleFly.potion"
    • New Configuration property (config-fall-damage). Set to "false" to re-enable fall damage from stopping from flying.


    Are you using any client mods?
    Added the first one, but I don't know what the problem is for the second one.
    Did you double check that you have the capitalization correct (It's case sensitive)?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  19. Offline

    Emiya Shirou

    I've copy paste that permission and checked it if something isn't wrong but it's was fine and the plugin still says that there is no permission.

    Another issue: You are OP, you have /fly enabled, mobs see you but can't hurt you. Players can't hurt you... it loses the point of having flying on survival.
  20. Offline


    No, I even uninstalled Essentials and NoCheatPlus, but it did not help.
  21. Offline


    That's why you negate SimpleFly.nodamage

    Try redownloading your minecraft (Start mincraft, click options, then click force update)
    Log in as usual and it will re-download it.
  22. Offline

    Emiya Shirou

    Like in the new option in config?
  23. Offline


    In your permissions.yml file (or groups.yml)
        - -SimpleFly.nodamage
  24. Offline


    So can you please implement the following features:
    • On relog/server restart the player remains flying
    • warmups/cooldowns that are configurable in the config
    Thanks in advance, theses features would be awesome!
    EDIT: In addition i have an issue you might be able to solve. I have a paintball plugin that detects if your in creative mode and it says you cant play and you need to be in survival mode. Is it possible to make it so when your in /fly it "looks" like you are in creative mode to other plugins?
  25. Offline


    Two out of the three are currently done, but I'm not sure why you need warmup/cooldowns...
    In the configs you can specify a time where players cannot /fly after being hit (aka pvp).

    On restarts, you should keep your flying status, if it does not happen, it is a bug.

    And lastly, tell your developer for the paintball plugin to check
    More info here:
  26. Offline


    Ok the reason I need cooldowns and warmups is because my server is a survival server and only VIP's get simplefly. A warmup will prevent the VIP's from just doing /fly when they are getting pvp'd by another player. So my idea is that when someone moves or receives damage the warmup cancels.

    Also, it is a bug because the player still has godmode but he cant fly.
  27. Offline


    Same thing that the plugin does, except that it will tell you that you can't fly away from pvp.

    Just set the config-pvp-timer to however many seconds after pvp you want them to be able to fly.
  28. Offline

    Emiya Shirou

    OP has all permissions even if you don't have or have permission plugisn you can't mode it.
  29. Offline


    I like the plugin, but it seems to interfere with mobarena.
    When simpleFly is loaded, my players take no damage. If simpleFly is unloaded, all is normal and Players take damage again. Any Ideas why?

    PS: tested with ops as players in the arena, seems as if players.list is not reseted if you type stopfly. The OPs are still marked as true and therefore can take no damage. I have not tested it as normal player.
  30. Offline


    Hmm... I think I may know what is causing this.

    OPs, by default, do not recieve damage while flying.

    I will take a look at the players.list file, and see what is happening.

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