[FUN] EggSpawner v0.5a - Spawn mobs from eggs [670-733]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Joey Clover, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Joey Clover

  2. Offline


    I wonder if, despite the fact that it's an Egg SPAWNER, you could add elements, too? :eek:

    Such as fire, water... and EXPLOSIONS? XD

    That would be hilarious - flooding (or burning down, or blowing up >=D) a friend's house from half a mile away. :D
  3. Offline

    Joey Clover

    There is a mod called EggRenade for that. I don't know if it will work with mine :O
  4. Offline


    True, but, I'd rather stick with yours. XD

    Also - I was messing around, today, with the eggs - all eggs change, whenever anyone uses the /eggspawn command. (Anyone with permission to use it, of course.) So you can't have personalised eggs to toss, as everyone will toss whatever egg you, or anyone else, dictates, via the /eggspawn command. XD

    (Note to self, also: Don't throw 200 Creeper Eggs... they make big holes. :|)
  5. Offline

    Joey Clover

    Ahaha!!! Yeah, I figured that afterwards. I could do it so it was personalised, but it would take EPICLY long to rearrange all the code ;P
    May I recommend Permissions. It is a great mod and you can stop people from spawning specific things ;D
  6. Offline


    I have Permissions, or... GroupManager. I forget. XD Needed it so I could set up The Nether on my SMP Server.

    However, that's not really all that important - I only bought the server, so my girlfriend, a friend, and I, could all play in the same Minecraft world. We're all set to OP, and have Admin in Permissions. XD It's not that I can't trust them, it's that it would be more fun if we could each toss different monsters at each other, =P

    (Plus, safer... If someone sets it to CREEPER, then I toss a Cow, randomly, near my house... oh crap. XD)
  7. Offline

    Joey Clover

    XD. That was more of a test (The Commands). I would stick to the EggSpawner.es if you want to be safe ;) Also, I would love to play on your server? :D
  8. Offline


    Yep works perfect! so much fun to make monster horde games now! and with my games room complete! Let the monster invasion games Begin!

    Thanks alot!

    Ps. If i could request a team plugin too that would be awesome!
  9. Offline

    Joey Clover

    More information would be better ;)
  10. Offline


    is it just me or has this stopped working ?
  11. Offline

    Joey Clover

    Whatcha mean?
  12. Offline


    when i throw eggs they just dont spawn anything:eek:
  13. Offline

    Joey Clover

    How long have you been using it, and is all the config set up correctly?

    You can always update to a lower version if the latest don't work for you :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  14. Offline


    only just got it today and its not throwing any errors so i'll try a lower versio
  15. Offline

    Joey Clover

    Well, did you use the 'EggSpawner.es' file?

    EDIT: Look in the same folder that your server file is. It will have a new file, you can set the configuration there. :)
  16. Offline


    im not using permissions and i havn't changed any settings so its running how it was generated

    I'll try running it on its own all my other plugins dissabled

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  17. Offline

    Joey Clover

    Okie dokie. If any other plugins use eggs, then it may conflict.
  18. Offline


    ok thats odd as far as i know none of em use eggs but apparently one of my others breaks it now to find out which one.
  19. Offline

    Joey Clover

    Oh, haha :p
  20. Offline


    ok thats odd it stops working after a reload
    that seems to be a problem too

    doesn't play nice with multi-world

    Its mulitiworld it doesn't like, figures I guess multiworld busts quite a lot of things :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  21. Offline


    Can you upload this to a mirror so I can try it please?
  22. Offline


    so good
  23. Offline


    NOOOOO i love this mod i have it can i send it to you
    e-mail [email protected]
  24. Offline


    @Plague this plugin hasn't been moved to inactive.

    @Joey Clover : Can I re-write this plugin?
  25. Offline


    Well I don't read all threads there are every day, someone has to report them :)

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